The film stars Tosan Dudun, Richard Emeruwa, Pearl Ogbulu and Chioma Amaryllis Ahaghotu
Onyeka Nwelue has released a short film, The Great Masturbator, inspired by the painting of Salvador Dali.
It is the story of Stan (played by Tosan Dudun) who was molested as a young boy by his aunt. He becomes obsessed with older women.
Nwelue, whose debut feature documentary on Africa’s first female novelist, The House of Nwapa, premiered at Harvard University, was nominated for Best Documentary Award at the 2017 Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) and was screened at over 12 film festivals in the US, Zimbabwe, Trinidad & Tobago and Cuba will be attending the Canada premiere of The Great Masturbator in Calgary on Saturday, 30th of September at Sheraton in Calgary.