Within few days from now, we will enter the actual days of “Nigeria decides 2015”. Our political gladiators will be forced to make their final preparations; crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s. They will be engaged in the fierce effort to woo and convince the electorates on the reason why they should be returned or why they should voted in. These are last minutes rush hours and they are always critical. Those moments are always interesting. That is the only moment; we see most of our politicians speak affectionately to us the electorate. Though flowery as their speeches always seen to be, they tell us that power belongs to us (and truly in a democratic setting power belongs to us) because they are after our votes. Our politicians talk of the people’s mandate. Effortlessly, they tell how power truly belongs to the people and how they are out to serve. It is important to note that the campaigns are all part of the election processes.
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.Just like in the final match of any football competition, the last minutes or few added time can make or mar one’s success in the game. So many things can just happen especially when only a point is needed to carry the day. It is an intense moment of surprises. The comeback spirit is always feared at this moment. One thing that is sure is that one team will get the upper hand at the end of the day.
One interesting thing about this election is that it has divided us all into GEJITES and GMBITES. The very few undecided fellows are either just buying time or wishes to play safe. As for being GEJITES or GMBITES, that is the Presidential candidates we know. Others are hardly heard or seen. But their names occupy spaces in INEC office. Perhaps, it is either they and their parties suffer from pauperism of fund to campaign or they are declaring interest to feature at the election and not to contest in the real sense of it.
That notwithstanding, my interest at the moment is on the electorates who have polarized into different camps. This is normal in any human society. We are not meant to agree on certain issues. We will not be fixed up in one particular idea. We will always see the solution to our common problems from different solvable prisms. In fact, in my opinion, this is the joy of living in a human society; the diversity of opinions makes a good society because none has monopoly of knowledge. It is this that marked us out from being ‘one dimensional man’.
Equally, it is the different opinions that make the case for the origin and existence of different political parties. Those who are swaged by a particular ideology flock together to pursue it. Our current Nigerian politicians lacked this understanding. They see political parties only as a vehicle to convey them to their political ambition. This is why cross carpeting from one party to the other is easy and fashionable here. It has now become a common malady. But this simply bespeaks the level of the integrity and moral character of our politicians.
The above notwithstanding, we shall vote according to the our different opinions, we are expected to cast a vote for the man who from own judgment will effectively execute our ideas. This call to vote is inalienable right of every adult of this country. To cast your vote is one of the great responsibilities every eligible person owes to his/ her country. In fact it is a solemn and sacred duty that any eligible person must fulfill. This is sacred because your vote embodies the values and aspirations that you as individual or a group wish your country. These desires and values are also a collective one. It is shared by people of diverse ethnic groups and religions of this country. We are all moved by the love for our country Nigeria. We will like to be always proud of it. This is why we will love to see a country that have adequate security for her citizens, a country that will provide the basic amenities to her citizens without discrimination, a country that will provide quality education and jobs for her teeming population, a country where justice and love will be entrenched. It is only with our votes that we can make or effect the change or transformation that we desire. Everybody’s vote counts. This is why to cast a vote for any man is one that should be born out of critical judgment, scrutiny and love for the generation yet unborn. It is not one moved by sentiment, regional or tribal interest. It is simply motivated and propelled by the passion of love for the good of the country.
However, elections in our country are marred by indifference and callousness on the part of some eligible electorates. During the campaigns, they engage in different debates on how best this country should be moved forward. Forcefully, they defend or propose their ideal man for the job. Sadly, on the Election Day, they stay in the confines of their rooms leaving the duty to those who cares. They may even have registered for the election. They may (or may not) have their permanent voters card. But just decide to shy away from their sacred duty. They could be likened to a soldier who all through his life has always desire to fight and win for his country in a battle. Behold! Seeing himself in the battle decides to hide his gun at the advance of the enemy. He has longed for this day and has every arsenal at his disposal. But he is so shy to engage the enemy. These kinds of electorates are the “GUN-SHY SOLDIERS”.
By Kevin chukwuka (kevinokewax@yahoo.com)