Kaduna Church Bombings Instigated By Buhari’s Comments


>> Christian Awareness Initiative of Nigeria (CHAIN) is very concerned that Muhammadu Buhari, a resident of Kaduna city in Kaduna state has kept a loud silence in view of the series of bloody suicide attacks that greeted five churches in Kaduna this past weekend. Our concern is all the more heightened given the fact that Muhammadu Buhari was very vociferous in calling for bloodshed only a few weeks ago and when bloodshed arrived at his door steps he has chosen to keep quiet.


>> It would be recalled that when Buhari made his call for bloodshed between “dogs” and “baboons”, Christian Awareness Initiative of Nigeria (CHAIN) warned that his comments were capable of inciting violence from sleeper cells who were waiting for his commands to strike.


>> At that time we had warned  in a widely publicized statement carried in most Nigerian papers that “Buhari should not turn the current war on terror to a North versus South affair. When Buhari says that “Since the leaders now don’t listen to anybody but do whatever they wish, there is nothing the north can do”


>> We call on Nigerians to recall those words of Buhari and note how those words have incited the recent events in Kaduna. But perhaps more damning is Buhari’s loud silence when all around him in Kaduna extremists are fulfilling his prophecy. Does Buhari’s silence mean consent?

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>> We wish to state that we believe that there is a direct link between the inciting  rhetoric of Buhari and the recent unpsurge of violence. Furthermore, we call on Nigerians to ask themselves the following questions;


>> When was the last time that Buhari condemned Boko Haram or any of their attacks?


>> Who are those calling for the Federal Government to dialogue with Boko Haram?


>> When Nigerians have objectively answered the above questions,they will find that Buhari and his political party and close associates habitually keep a loud silence when it comes to condemning Boko Haram, but are most vociferous when it comes to calling for dialogue with Boko Haram. Need we say more? Nigerians should read between the lines.


>> Nigerians may want to cast their minds back to only a week ago when Buhari who only a few days before was using the Dana Crash to score political points travelled to Kano to celebrate and felicitate with the CBN governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on his turbanning as Dan Majen Kano, just five days after the crash which threw the whole nation into mourning.

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>> Buhari’s comments on Shari’a just before the Shari’a riots in Kaduna in 2000 stoked the flames that ended up claiming over 2000 lives, his comments to Muslims to vote only Muslim candidates in 2003 polarized Nigeria and led to mutual distrust during the 2003 elections, his comments on lynching people stoked the post election violence that swept Northern Nigeria after the 2011 elections and finally his “dog” and “baboon….soaked in blood” rhetoric incited the recent violence in Kaduna just as the comments of Hutu politicians calling Tutsis “cockroaches” led to the ethnic cleansing that claimed 2 Million lives in Rwanda.


>> A slave who sees his fellow slave being buried in a shallow grave should know that he will be so buried when his own time comes if he does not escape. If Nigerians think Buhari’s comments cannot lead to ethnic cleansing then they should be reminded of the recent statement by an Italian minister that what is happening in Northern Nigeria is ethnic and religious cleansing.



>> Pastor Caleb Ma’aji

>> National Coodinator,

>> Christian Awareness Initiative of Nigeria (CHAIN)kaduna.


  1. Can leaders are very stupit in this cauntry they don’t want anything pataining to islam but islam is far away from them there’s nothing they can. Do

  2. fatima and danjuma are the most stupid moslems that have ever come to this forum, are u saying that buhari ‘s statements never incited those boko haram’s actions. are boko haram right by blowing churches? have u both forgotten that nigeria is a secular state? do u and ur islamic leaders want christians in ur area. anybody who kills shall be killed. mind u, whether u like it or not, ur religious and ethnic cleansing will fall back to u and ur likes because christians are the most tolerative people

  3. This fanatics called muslim or Islam must be wipe out bcos dey r frm d bond woman do they hv god so to say its unfortunat to hv dem around bcos dey r a disgrace to humanity God punish islam n d follower togeda wit buhari d devil

  4. For Gog sake, when shall we in Nigeria learn to look at issues sincerely and objectively? Like it or not, it is the elites vs we the commoners. We are just playing into the hands of the so-called leaders. I mean political leaders, community, traditional, and even religious leaders. Lets close our eyes to all the non sence that they come to preach to us and learn to look at things as they are. The easiest way to win an average Nigerian today is when you hypocritically use religion, tribe or ethnicity, region etc. May Allah SWT save us from the cloches of these evils.

  5. Most Nigerians are hypocrites of the highest order. We need honest and fearless people like Gen. Buhari who will call a spate a spate any time, any day and anywhere, no matter whose ox is gored. Lets face facts and stop deceiving ourselves pls


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