Nnamdi Azikiwe University VC, Prof. Boniface Egboka in Monumental Corruption Scandal


The vice chancellor, VC, of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, is being investigated by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for the mismanagement of billions of naira meant for development in the institution. Boniface Egboka, the VC, allegedly misappropriated funds allocated to the university through award of bogus and inflated contracts to fronts and cronies through selective bidding and fraudulent contract cost variations.

Egboka was recently arrested and questioned by the commission and has made statements about his involvement in the alleged fraud. He was thereafter released on administrative bail.

A group of lecturers of the university in March this year petitioned the EFCC slamming a litany of allegations against Egboka including fraud, abuse of office, inflation of contract, using fronts to get contracts and high handedness.

Our reporter confirmed from the EFCC that it was investigating a petition against the VC. Wilson Uwujaren, the commission’s spokesman, said that the petition was already being investigated by its Enugu office, adding that the Egboka has already been invited for interrogation and had made statements to investigators. Independent investigations of the allegations by icirnigeria.org indicate that Egboka might be in deep trouble except he can explain many actions he took which bother on misappropriation of funds.

Our investigations revealed that the vice chancellor spends university funds like his own personal resources without recourse to rules and regulations, awarded contracts without due process and without open tenders, an infraction that earned him a query from the Bureau for Public Procurement, BPP in April.

For example, in October, 2011on a trip to America with other officials, Egboka ordered for two 2011 Toyota 4 Runner jeeps worth N27 million for himself and the pro – chancellor of the university who was also on the delegation.

He made the order without any bidding and without the approval of the tender’s board and in spite of the fact that he already had a Prado jeep as official car while the pro – chancellor used a Toyota Avensis. He also claimed to have committed the institution by making a deposit from his own pocket.

Upon returning to Nigeria, Egboka tried to perfect the purchase by causing the registrar of the institution to award the contract for the purchase of the vehicles. But the contract could not be awarded to a foreign company so, the VC directed that it be awarded to a local firm, Grech Resources Limited.

Going through the motions of a contract award, the bursar wrote an award letter to the company claiming that the tenders’ board at its 30th meeting held on Wednesday, 12th October, 2011, approved the award for the supply of the two vehicles.

However, the bursar refused to release funds for the purchase because there was no proof of tender, forcing the V.C. to write an undertaking where he explained the irregularity attending the purchase.

Investigations also showed that the vice chancellor, without due process and against regulations, selectively awarded contracts or just merely invited whosoever he wanted and handed contracts out to them.

In many of these cases, the contracts were awarded to family members. Apart from that, variations were illegally granted to the companies, raising costs outrageously.

For example, in August 2011, Porras and Oliva, a company allegedly owned by Egboka’s son – in – law, got a contract for the renovation and furnishing of the university auditorium for N20, 264,685.00.

The contract was awarded through selective tendering and given to Porras and Oliva which quoted N21, 229,670.00 in spite of the facts that there were lower bids.

However, halfway into the job’s execution, the company requested for a variation of N80, 536,788.00 in the contract sum which was granted at the sum of N58, 190,469.00.

In a letter written to the company on December 5, 2011, the registrar of the university stated that the tenders board at its 35th meeting of three days earlier approved the sum as “completion sum” for the project, thereby granting more than hundred percent variation cost.

Porras and Oliva got several other contracts without going through due process. These include an N8, 455,145.00 contract for the reticulation of the university foundry; N5, 167,000.00 for furnishing of the VC’s office and a N5, 887,436.50 contract for the fencing of the university auditorium.

Another questionable contract was the one awarded to Regibel Limited, another company which is alleged to be a front for the VC. The company was awarded the contract for the construction of a 676 metre road for N92, 630,453.78.

Apart from the suspected inflated contract sum, subsequently the VC developed a relationship with the company whereby he just gives directives to it to execute projects running into several millions.

For these projects, there was no tender or agreement between the parties. Acting on the VC’s directive Regibel executed the project and sent a bill to the management which is rubber stamped, approved and paid.

On December 14, 2011, the university management got such a bill for the sum of N122, 141,500.85 for the construction of a 7.1 kilometre walkway. No details were provided about the exact location of the walkway.There was never any tender process, agreement or any other document concerning this walkway contract. But the university approved and paid the company the money it asked for.

In the same manner, on December 16, 2011, Regibel sent another bill of engineering measurements and evaluation for N78, 450,062.36 for the construction of a 412 metre road – JoyEmordi Road – which it built based on a directive from the VC. There was no bidding or agreement before it got the contract. Again, it was paid the full sum it demanded.

Unilateral variations in contract costs appear to have become the hallmark of project execution in Nnamdi Azikiwe University.  There is virtually no contract that does not suffer an upward review in costs.

The contract for the construction of the Art Faculty complex is a good example of this. Initially awarded to Chyfon Limited for N558, 980,341.76, the cost was later adjusted to N624, 831,489.81. But other variations to the contract sum were to follow.

On December, 22, 2011, N7, 581,849.73 was granted to the contractor, being variation resulting from “relocation of library”.

The same day, another N9 603,239.30 variation was granted for the use of vitrified tiles instead of terrazzo in the construction work.

Yet again, on February 27, 2012 another N72, 966,890.70 variation was granted the contractor for “evaluation and assessment fluctuations”.

The petitioners allege that the amounts approved for variation were siphoned by officials of the university administration. In fact, it is alleged that all kinds of disingenuous methods are employed by the administration in December of every year in order to mop up unspent funds so that money is not returned back into the treasury. Interestingly, as if to prove the petitioners right, many of the approved variations came in December.

Another contract unconventionally awarded by the vice chancellor is the public private partnership, PPP, students’ hostel project.

In January 2010, Egboka committed the university to a memorandum of understanding, MOU, with Elmada Consulting Inc., a company purported to be based in Canada, for the building of hostels on the main campus.

The MOU which was signed on behalf of the university by the VC and a Nigerian representative for the company, states that the institution’s equity to the project would be 40 per cent while the company would contribute the remaining 60 percent.

With a total cost of N239, 400,000.00, the institution was expected to contribute N97, 760,000.00. There are several curious and suspicious developments about this PPP arrangement which has sent tongues wagging. First, the Nigerian representative of Elmada who signed the MOU on behalf of the company is alleged to be another of Egboka’s sons – in – law.

The alleged son – in – law is the sole project manager of the project which is being executed through a joint account managed only by him. The VC never disclosed his relationship or any conflict of interest that might arise to the university Senate.

What is more, the only document binding the two parties together is the MOU. No binding agreement spelling out details of contractual and legal commitments has been signed.

Besides, the cost has been reviewed upwards to N400 million and there are allegations that the university has solely funded the two – phased project. When our reporter visited the school’s main campus in Awka, it was observed that the project had been nearly completed.

However, the project that has gotten Egboka into real trouble is the contract for the construction of the bio sciences and physical sciences faculty complex. In fact Egboka has already been queried by the BPP over the manner the contract was awarded.

The contract for the construction of the twin identical complex housing the faculties of biosciences and physical sciences was awarded by selective bidding to Bechtel Nig. Limited on December 22, 2011 for the sum of 993,906,690.00.

In a similar fashion, without following due process, on February 27, 2012 the contract for the construction of the central facility linking the two structures was also awarded to the same company for N288, 307,464.27.

For the N1.2 billion project, the VC abandoned all due process such as open bidding and just called on a contractor of his choice to execute the project.

This jettisoning of due process irked some members of the institution’s management who petitioned the BPP, which on April 4, 2012, wrote to the VC demanding that he furnish the bureau with all the original bid documents in respect of the contract.

The letter signed by Emeka Ezeh, the bureau’s director general specifically asked for:

“a. Copies of the advertisement of this procurement.

b. Technical and financial tenders of all bidders.

C. Bid return sheet.

d. Evaluation report of the bid.

e. Scope of work and all other documents relating to this procurement.”

Sources in the university and at the BPP confided that no such documents exist and the VC has been unable to provide them to the bureau.

Consequent upon this, the school administration has been forced to cancel the previous contract and it has now advertised the contract in the newspapers asking for bids from interested companies. Our reporter observed that the structures which were still in foundation level had since been abandoned by the contractor. But Egboka’s sins are not limited to financial mismanagement of the university’s resources as he has also been accused of administrative recklessness, abuse of office and not following due process in appointments which he allegedly dishes out to family and friends as he wishes.

Two of the VC’s children, Nkechi Egboka and Dr. Egboka Chioma Mmazulu, were employed by the university since last year and their names have been on the payroll since then.  While Nkechi was employed as an assistant lecturer in the department of geological sciences, Chioma was appointed medical director of the institution’s medical centre. However, none of them had resumed work when our reporter conducted checks in their departments about two weeks ago.

Also, Uchenna Okeke, wife of the deputy vice chancellor, DVC, administration and Godwin Orji, alleged to be a friend of the DVC, academics were employed against laid down rules.

Okeke appeared before the governing council’s appointments and promotions committee, A&PC, and found unqualified for the position of assistant lecturer for which she applied. However, she was still offered an appointment as an assistant lecturer after the council was dissolved.

Orji was interviewed for and appointed to the position of technologist however, although he never appeared before the A&PC, as is required in the appointment of all academic staff, his employment was unilaterally converted to lecturer by the VC.

When our reporter visited the main campus of the university and requested to speak to the VC, he was said to be out of station. And when he was reached on the phone to answer questions relating to the petition, Egboka declined, saying that “the matter is under investigation and I cannot make any comment”.

The VC dropped the line and subsequently refused to take calls from our reporter.

No other official of the university was ready to speak on the matter. The office of the registrar referred our reporter to the VC’s office. The couple of lecturers who spoke to our reporter on the corruption allegations against the VC did soon the strictest assurances of confidentiality as Egboka is said to be very vindictive.

Several academic and non – academic staff of the institution have been who oppose the VC have been allegedly victimised since the investigations into his management of the school’s resources commenced.

For example, a source told icirnigeria.org of the story of a professor friend of the VC who had written him warning him of the consequences of some high handed actions he took.

The professor had questioned why Egboka employed six consultants for the medical centre when requests for needed staff such as doctors, nurses and pharmacists had been repeatedly denied.

The friend also warned that the lack of due process in the employment of the consultant could land the VC in trouble as it had sent tongues wagging on the campus. Rather than listen to his friend, the VC transferred him to the Nnewi campus where he has been rendered virtually redundant. Sources in the EFCC said that investigations have reached advanced stage on the corruption charges against Egboka and that enough evidence might have been obtained to institute a case against him in court soon.

Source(International center for investigative reporting. icirnigeria.org)


  1. that is Nigeria for you. Is like he did not settle the so called petition ‘writers’. When will due process become our bench mark in whatever little assignment we are given. The question is can EFCC do a thorough job, or will they also be bribed. We are watching to see and hear the out come of their investigations.

  2. It is dishearting to know that even people we thought had brain are worst of them all.The story of Prof Egboka in Nnamdi Azikiwe University is patetic. How I wish EFCC will live up to the expectation in prosecuting this matter

  3. This is very disheartening. I used to know this family when i was still a student in Awka. Is that what he went there to do? Taking public funds and settling his family and friends? A big shame if i must say. EFCC should not let this one be swept under the carpet like the rest. We are watching!!!

  4. It is quite disheartening,nauseating and condemnable that when ppl pursue personal and selfish interests, they first of all turn it into public interests. Egboka’s traducers want him dead or alive because of selfish reasons. That is why they contrived and concocted all kinds of lies and tissues of falsehood and half truths and wrote to EFCC, yet they have failed to substantiate their allegations. Also the writer of this jaundiced story ought to have also crosschecked facts. History and posterity will vindicate the just. A word of caution- let commentators not rush into condemning Egboka first. let us allow the anti graft agency to conclude their investigations.

  5. UNIZIK is my alma mater….im a graduate of Geological sciences, so Prof. Egboka was my lecturer. i remember him fondly as a man who fought for the rights of the students. He was kind of our Baba Aluta..He was so popular then that shouts of “Profffff!! Profffff!! rent the air weneva he is in our midst-which isn’t very often. I must say i’m totally surprised at dis news and i sincerely hope it’s not true, cos i know him as a man of integrity.

  6. prof has writing his name with Gold in many peoples heat, don;t believe this rubbish. Time shall tell.we on ground know the truth.

  7. I am an alumnus of UNIZIK, Department of Geological Sciences precisely. This can’t be true! The prof I known definitely would not be the man they are referring to. Nigeria is a funny country. I think he has done better than his predecessor judging from my observation last few months when I visited UNIZIK last. As you will agree with me, must Nigerian leaders are never comfortable to have their successor out-perform them in office. They would do everything possible to undermine those who succeed them in office especially when they refuse to place them on regular settlements. Prof. Egboka can be that stubborn when it comes to such issues. One won’t be surprise if this sort of blackmail is resulting from such misgivings. Egboka was a commissioner for works in the old Anambra state, Director NELDA and Member of Federal Constituent Assembly and in all these periods, he hadn’t a plot of land either in Anambra State or Abuja. The man is been blackmailed.
    Good enough you said this is still an allegation. Let’s wait to know the outcome before shouting crucify him! crucify him! crucify him!

  8. A lot has happened and more are yet to happen.if this men and women at the helm of affairs don’t discipline theirselves, they will live to face the rot of God.am ashamed for my VC egboka, he has turned to a financial rascal and a tool in the hands of the devil. Tufiakwa

  9. When a person bends down to view somboby’s anus, people will not bend before they see his or hers. Nigerians don’t ever like to see people do more than they have done while in office. I am very suprise to see this kind of write up notwithstanding the tremendious physical and other changes going on in Unizik. Why were there no petitions during the administration before Egboka’s? Where were these petitioners then, or were there no missdeeds or even greater then? I rest my case here. Igbos rise up and stop distroying yourselves.

  10. There are a lot for which a VC can be evaluated. In all Prof. Egboka remains the most progressive, academic and humane of all three VC’s before him. Professors should face the business of research, teaching and tutelage. Prof. Egboka in spite of his administrative commitments does not fall short of these. UNIZIK ranked 2nd of the most sought after institutions in Nigeria after UNILAG. IGR is being employed for the development of infrastructure in the university like never before. Those who write this thrash are either cowards for circulating anonymous reports or enemies of Nigeria and Igbo people for not acknowledging the good works going on in this institution. The so-called petitions circulating was signed “CONCERNED STAFF”. How can faceless individuals be honoured by Nigerian legal system? Members of the academy who has forgotten their mission in the school and are ravaged by the desire to accumulate wealth like average politicians are at the same time consumed by unjustified anger that they cannot get contracts. Personal cravings and individual inordinate deisres should not fire the demise of an emerging university that greatness as its target.

  11. There are a lot for which a VC can be evaluated. In all Prof. Egboka remains the most progressive, academic and humane of all three VC’s before him. Professors should face the business of research, teaching and tutelage. Prof. Egboka in spite of his administrative commitments does not fall short of these. UNIZIK ranked 2nd of the most sought after institutions in Nigeria after UNILAG. IGR is being employed for the development of infrastructure in the university like never before. Those who write this thrash are either cowards for circulating anonymous reports or enemies of Nigeria and Igbo people for not acknowledging the good works going on in this institution. The so-called petitions circulating was signed “CONCERNED STAFF”. How can faceless individuals be honoured by Nigerian legal system? Members of the academy who has forgotten their mission in the school and are ravaged by the desire to accumulate wealth like average politicians are at the same time consumed by unjustified anger that they cannot get contracts. Personal cravings and individual inordinate desires should not fire the demise of an emerging university that has greatness as its target.

  12. Hmmm, what can I say? I’ll keep mum till the truth unfolds. Prof. Egboka, I hope what they say about you ain’t true. But if it is, …………. We are waiting; all eyes are on you now!

    • Uzoh, you’ll see nothing more than a man smiling and dancing his way through all he does, unscathed, unassuming and unperturbed. Stop waiting here. Change position and do things that will profit you.

  13. Lets leave sentiments out of dis and let d EFCC carry out dia investigations.. If he is innocent he will b set free… Lets not try 2 start pointin fingers or sayin tinz abt oda people dt may not b true… Ilochi Okafor was a great leader and a good man.. No one shld try callin his name for any reason in dis case bcos he may unizik wt it is 2day… We shld all rembr dia is never any smoke witout a fire.. Is he d first VC unizik has had? Y wld any1 try 2 smear his reputation? In evry rumor dia is an atom of truth… I rest my case..

    • The atom of truth is not enough elements to compose the whole substance of bad will, hatred and wickedness glaring in this thrash. Calling names will not help us I agree. But you speak like you know something. Like Ilochi is the only VC UNIZIK have ever had and the substance of his character without an atom of daint. Gosh! Let’s face it. It’s our future and children who we are placing clog on the wheel of their progress. This is not an Egboka-issue. Egboka is the target but the retrogress and ultimate destruction of UNIZIK is destination. I have no doubt Egboka is off the hook of anybody otherwise he would have been behind bars. Think, this is mere blabs.


    The attention of concerned staff of Nnamdi Azikiwe University has been drawn to an internet posting by a little known source which calls itself International Center for Investigative Reporting (www.icirnigeria.org). The posting which has been widely shared on the net contained a lot of lies and half truths which we suspect were intended to hurt our University’s image and rubbish the massive efforts and successes we have achieved in the last couple of years especially since Prof. Boniface Egboka became Vice-Chancellor. We are therefore to answer to the various allegations against our University and the active Vice-Chancellor Prof. Boniface C. E. Egboka.

    1. It is well-known within and around the University community that there are some reactionary people, still working as staff or who are retired, that want to remote-control the active Vice-Chancellor of this great University to do their evil-intentioned demonic and pecuniary biddings: they believe that the Vice-Chancellor must stop his method of governance of goodwill and the rule of truth/law; he must stop his avowed insistence of a Students-first Philosophy of governance whereby problems and welfare of students are given the highest priority treatment; the VC must be maligned/blackmailed for solving the problems of overstayed students who were driven away from the University just like that to roam about wild in the streets; the VC must misuse funds to wet their financial appetites; he must dole out injustice to staff and students to maintain the status quo ante bellum; he must allow the injustices of the past on staff and students to remain; he must be punished for legally- and justifiably-recalling maltreated staff and students who were unjustly-expelled or suspended from the University; he must take excuses from such demons-incarnate before he made/makes any progressive moves of development in running the University; he must be stopped from his present massive achievements on the ground that can be seen by anyone who visits the University today; the present Vice-Chancellor must be well-intimidated to play dumb for vampires to incapacitate the system etc. Professor Boniface Egboka, the Owelle of Umuchu has said NO to all these sheghanigans!

    2. A faceless group that calls itself concerned staff of Nnamdi Azikiwe University wrote an unsigned petition to the EFCC alleging several wrongdoings which are currently under investigation by the EFCC that must be allowed to do its work. The allegations are heavily-false and largely unfounded. We acknowledge that the University is a public Institution, which can be investigated if there is need for such. Therefore, the University recognizes the fact that the EFCC is carrying out its statutory duties under the law and there are also other organisations and individuals who are currently being investigated by the EFCC. That a petition is being investigated by the EFCC does not confer a verdict of guilt on those being investigated. Therefore the case of UNIZIK is peculiar in view of the actions of a misguided few whose selfish interests are the major driving force for these petitions.

    3. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Boniface C. E. Egboka, did not order for the vehicles (two 2011 Toyota 4 Runner Jeeps worth N27m) as alleged. They are not used or refurbished vehicles as petitioned; they are new 2011 models. The truth is that due to the need to acquire some vehicles for the University, three companies’ submitted bids and finally Grech Resources Ltd. was authorized to supply the vehicles. Prof. Egboka never made any deposit for the vehicles as alleged. The normal process of doing business in a public institution was fully-met.

    4. It is an insult on the University to write that the Vice-Chancellor without due process and against regulations, selectively awarded contracts or just merely invited whosoever he wanted. This notion is totally wrong. The University is properly staffed by competent officers who do not in any circumstance circumvent the due process or the regulations. The fact is that these petitioners have ulterior selfish motives which they placed above UNIZIK community interests. Their former contractor mentors and sponsors may not have had their ways of perfidy to ‘share out’ in their usual manner and, hence, their angst.

    5. In the case of Porras and Oliva, this properly-registered company whose one of the Directors is an alumnus of this great University, competitively bided for and won the contract for the renovation of the University Auditorium at a little over N20M. The scope of the work was to be later reviewed by the Physical Planning Unit and approved by the appropriate authority with the introduction of the following changes as the work went on and when it was imperative to do so, namely:
    (a) Ventrified floor tiles;
    (b) Suspended ceiling;
    (c) Package air conditioners;
    (d) Burglary proofing;
    (e) External works with interlocking tiles;
    (f) Rear entrance staircase; and
    (g) Customized auditorium seats.
    Because of these additional works, our external consultants worked out the cost which corresponded with the University’s internal costing mechanism, hence, the upward review and the said variation. All contracts awarded to Porras and Oliva followed due processes.

    6. Regibel, an active construction Company that is executing projects in parts of this country and whose one of the young Directors is an alumnus of this University, was mentioned as being awarded contracts without proper tendering. This allegation is baseless and false. Quotations for the construction of Senator Dr. Joy Emodi Road were received from three companies as follows:
    (1) Regibel Ltd. – N78,450,062.32
    (2) Cotabs Engineering Ltd. – N86,532,041.08
    (3) Adama Benjo Nig Ltd. – N84, 532, 041.08
    Based on the above, Messrs. Regibel Ltd. had the least and most responsive tender and the Procurement Planning Committee recommended the award of the contract to the firm at the quoted sum N78,450,062.32.
    The evil detractors of Professor Egboka would prefer the old contractors rather than younger and new ones, some of whom may be alumni/alumnae of the University who do in addition, offer some free services to their alma mater.

    Equally three firms submitted bids for the construction of walkway within the school premises. They are as follows:
    (a) Cotabs Engineering Ltd. – N130,672,968.75
    (b) Adama Banjo Ltd. – N138,651,271.88
    (c) Regibel Ltd. – N122,144,500.85
    The Procurement Planning Committee recommended the award of the contract to Regibel at the quoted sum of N122,144,500.88. This was approved by the University’s Tenders Board. So the allegation that there was no tender process, agreement or any document is totally false and a calculated attempt to ridicule the University Administration.

    7. There have been cases of collapsing of buildings in this University because of poor foundational structure. Four of such buildings were rehabilitated and recovered by the present Administration that carried out a detailed Hydrological/Hydrogeological/Geophysical/Pedological Surveys of the University environment to find out why earlier constructed buildings were cracking helplessly and collapsing! This Administration has ensured that no civil works/buildings are to be built, now, in the University without proper civil/structural foundation including those structures that were started before the studies as given below.

    8. The University Administration was also accused of unilateral variations in contract costs and again this is not true. The Faculty of Arts building was awarded initially but had to be reviewed upwards because of changes in the structural foundation and scope of the work in order to prevent possible-eventual failure in the future. Also it must be stated that the variation cost was as a result of fluctuations and increases in the prices of materials from the inception of the project to date. The assessments were first carried out independently by an external consultant and secondly by the Physical Planning Unit of the University before arriving at that amount due to the contractor. Therefore the allegation that officials of the University Administration siphoned the variation costs is not true in its entirety. Again this is the figment of imagination of these evil-minded petitioners.

    9. Currently over 80 percent of UNIZIK student population live outside the University due to shortage of accommodation on campus. The University is currently developing hostel complex inside the University in partnership with Elmada Consulting Inc. (a Canadian Company). The Vice- Chancellor’s Son-in-law is the representative of Elmada in Nigeria. Already the first phase of the hostel project has been completed and commissioned by the Hon. Minister of Education who praised the University Administration for achieving the feat. Understandably and as a result of the success of the UNIZIK hostel project, some other universities have visited the University to see such a successful experience in a BOT/PPP hostel project and are, now also, in partnership with Elmada for similar projects in their universities. The partnership agreement was scrutinized and approved by the University Governing Council. No wrong doing is involved in this project.

    10. The bone of contention is that Prof. Boniface Egboka is clearly outworking outperforming some of the past leaders of the University who are not happy that their much talked-about high achievements are gradually being eclipsed and they are growing restless and reactionary by the day.

    11. The Faculties of Biosciences and Physical Sciences were intended to be built through the Development Levy paid by students (Internally Generated Revenue). The contract was initially awarded to Messrs Bechtel Nig. Ltd. Based on the earlier good performance of this contractor in the successful completion of the gigantic Faculty of Law building, the University administration awarded this contract to the company based on its track record. Based on a petition by the faceless group to the Bureau of Public Procurement, the University was advised to initiate a fresh process. The University has since advertised the job which signaled the commencement of fresh bidding process. The University is grateful to the BPP for the advice which the University has accepted and is implementing, due largely to inter-agency cooperation in the interest of our people.

    12. It must be emphasized that the due process of handling funds generated from the Development Levy from students were followed by the earlier Administration that handed over to Professor Egboka’s in the building of all projects at the Science Village, the gigantic Aghagbo Nwakor Library, the Faculty of Law and the present ongoing Faculty of Arts etc. For some reasons best known to these website-hacker-petitioners, they left out these many buildings and mentioned only the ones now being handled by the present Administration. Their missions are obvious: to distract, malign, blackmail and impugn an innocent man’s integrity but unfortunately for them, the reading public is wise!

    13. Dr. Mrs. Chioma Emelumadu (nee Egboka) and Ms. Nkechi Egboka are fellow Nigerians who are well-qualified and were employed like others. It is saddening to note that the petitioners have concocted some falsehood over this for their selfish reasons. The University records can show that they are qualified and they were employed just as others. Dr. Chioma Emelumadu was employed as a medical officer with the Medical Centre and not as Medical Director as the merchants of falsehood insinuated. Also the other daughter has BSc. 2nd Class Hons. Degree Upper Division from this University and a Masters degree from the University of Aberdeen in Petroleum Geosciences in 2006 and 2010 respectively and was working in Total-elf “an Oil Company” at PortHarcourt before she was interviewed and subsequently appointed as Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Geological Sciences and Sub-Department of Applied Geophysics. Incidentally some of these petitioners also have close family members who are working in the University. Why the Vice-Chancellor’s case has found the headlines is this same pull-him-down syndrome.

    14. Mrs. Uchenna Okeke is the wife of Ven. Prof. Ben Chuks Okeke the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration). She has a first degree in Business Administration (Cooperative), Second Class Hons. Upper division, Masters’ degree in Management and presently a PhD student. The complication in her appointment started when the Registry omitted including her first degree in her papers as submitted to it. This flaw was later corrected and she was appointed as Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Cooperative Economics and Management. Ever since her appointment, she has been discharging her duties satisfactorily.

    15. Engr. Godwin Orji has a Masters degree in Polymer Science from the United Kingdom. He was to be employed as Technologist but when it was discovered that he had a Masters degree, he was interviewed and appointed as an Assistant Lecturer in Polymer Science. The sad story, however, is that two months after assuming this position, he passed away. So for, now, Engr. Orji is no more with us but we plead with these petitioners to allow the dead have an eternal rest. May the gentle soul of Engr. Orji and the Faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

    16. At no time did the University employ any six Consultants in the University Medical Centre. These are senior Consultants who are lecturers in the University Medical School at Nnewi and Consultants at the Teaching Hospital Nnewi. The University Administration approached them to assist the University Medical Centre free of charge with their expertise once a week. Since they are already staff of the University, they would render their consulting services free. They agreed to work free in the interest of the University staff and students. For anyone to now say that they were employed and paid salary is mischief and a major dis-service to this University and humanity.

    17. A Deputy-Director of the University Medical Centre who ignorantly thought that the helpful Consultants would be paid salaries and that they were placed to displace him accused the Administration falsely. He is not a Professor as falsely-stated by the avid petitioners. He was posted to Nnewi as routine tour of duty and not punitive as the petitioners falsely-painted.

    18. We reiterate that these petitioners are only interested in stalling development in the University. In the last few years, the University has continued to witness enormous growth. For instance all previous efforts to solve the problem of water in the University in the last 30 years had failed; the University was served with water supplied by few water tankers from Oji River about 35kms away until Prof. Egboka became Vice-Chancellor. He deployed his world-acclaimed skill as a Professor of Environmental Hydrogeology and hit artesian aquifer within the University lands with water gushing out eternally to the ground surface and which is currently being reticulated across the University. This means a good bye to the water tankers which the University had depended upon for water supplies of doubtful quality for over thirty years.

    19. It must be stated to the world that our University under Prof. Egboka has recorded tremendous successes for the University in various ways as may be summarized thus:

    • Just recently our University has passed the 2011 Institutional Accreditation by the NUC with at a Grade A Level that will last her for the next five years;
    • Under Prof. Egboka, the University is the second most highly-sought after by candidates who seek admission with over 82,000. This shows the level of acceptability by parents, guardians, stakeholders and the candidates;
    • Successful graduation and induction of the first set of graduates of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences within their five years of existence;
    • Take off of the Faculty of Agriculture;
    • Linkages and collaborations with Universities across the world for exchange of staff and students; and
    • many other achievements too numerous to mention here such as infrastructural development, road network, construction of ramps in all buildings to enable the disabled move conveniently about, rehabilitation of hostels etc. that may be found in the University website.

    20. Finally, the administration of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Boniface C. E. Egboka is staff and students friendly. No one has been maltreated for his/her views. Infact the VC received the newly elected executive of the Academic Staff Union of the University (ASUU) few days back where he restated his resolve to work selflessly to make the University a model in the comity of universities in Nigeria and beyond. We, therefore, express our disapproval of the determination of these faceless and evil petitioners to drag the image of the University to the mud. We recognize that the Vice-Chancellor is human and can make mistakes in the course of selflessly working to better the life and development of the University community and her members but such negligible mistakes cannot be used as basis to malign an innocent person and paint the University black.

    21. We hope and pray to God Almighty, the Defender of both the strong and the weak, that at the end of the EFCC investigations as well as the organizations where copies of the petitions were copiously-distributed, these false allegations can be shown for what they are – TRASH-IN-THE-CAN of perfidy.

  15. You simply can’t trust anybody not even yourself, Cos with money and power a lot can change..There is no smoke without fire,, fingers crossed

  16. When some people talk they show that either they do not know the facts or that they are part of the problem here.Chika I am sure that you are probably one of those who have enjoyed the fruit of the rife corruption that Prof Boniface Egboka represents.In fact you should be thanking God that the litanies of the atrocities of your beloved egboka was not fully mentioned.You better keep your mouth shut before other facts about his escapades with women and even underage girls are published and may be with pictures too as supporting evidence.You know nothing at all.This your friend is corrupt to the bones.Its just the ones you are hearing.In fact I believe that you are one of the people on his paid role to protect his interest.You should know that corruption can never win over the truth;it may for some time but eventually the truth will prevail.If you actually know this man you will know that he is never meant to be in that position in the first time.He actually got there through long legs,you know what they call the Nigerian way and that why he thinks he is invincible and nothing can happen to him.well not to spend time on you chika,I know your sort;you know nothing at all or you are just pretending.You may be the next on the watch list because I am sure you as corrupt as him.

  17. And to you livinus I will like you to be careful when you talk because there are people that have the facts.You are just blaring out of sentiment either because you know your Egboka one way or the other.You should understand that Okeke came into the university with HND not BSC.University Academic Rules and Regulations stipulates that you can not be be given a lecturing job with HND.The said Okeke was employed 2009 from Nipost as a security officer and in 2010 she was given promotion.Where has this ever happen;promotion without regularization and confirmation of appointment.You should know that that was a veritable sign of corruption.The same Okeke was given another appointment as a lecturer in 2011.You see you guys are just talking like people who do not know anything.I am sure that you are also part of the corrupt administrative set up of Boniface Egboka.You had better keep your mouth shut on these issues because you know nothing at all.If you are actually aquinted with what is happening inn Unizik you will know that these people are almost like demigods running the university like their personal property without recourse to due process.Women are intimidated not sex for promotion and other things due them.You better keep your mouth shut because its either you do not know what is happening in the school or you are part of it and just pretending.Do you know how many weeks your Egboka travels out of the university for his oversea trips in the name of going to get linkages for the university only to go wasting university funds.The EFCC should do a proper investigation and let the hammer fall.Your Egboka has been wasting university funds in settling out of trouble.We hope it does not happen again this time around.Please do go and check the facts and stop saying what you don’t know

    • I know your type Nicane(why don’t you post with your real name? LOL I know why cos you are simply a coward who can only feel powerful while sitting facelessly behind a PC and under the command of certain people type what you are asked to type, you have no mind of your own simply put), in your convoluted twisted hatred for Prof Egboka you are sputing factless lies against him.. Calling other people names who have come out to defend him. But that okay… Let’s wait for EFCC to do their job. I’m hoping that you are not so dumb to understand that any person in power have enemies who wish him nothing but failure, so sad you fell under their spell. I hope the cronies paying you to write for them pa

  18. @ijeoma and chika, allegation involving hundreds of millions is not what you can dismiss through senseless rantings. I agree that leaders often meet opposition but no sane person would agree that a GROUP of lectures will petition the efcc against an innocent vc. Without even the petitions an average unizik student will confirm such allegations from the arbitrary increase of school fees, additional charges of10000 for accreditation ( even when the exercise was not conducted in most departments including mine) ,the every year increase of the so-called acceptance fee. All these and more can generate billions of naira considering the number of students that write post utme in Unizik. Yet there is nothing to show for the huge income save the roads being tarred by chief arthur eze who is also responsible for the water project near social sciences. Now i have always known that prof ilochi okafor is responsible for the building of the law faculty, engineering, management,the library(the largest in sub-saharan africa), the admin. block, most hostel blocks, and even the road leading to the admin. He even attracted the banks, mass com. Dept to mention but a few . This he did in a period of about four years with the little that came from the then ‘dead Unizik’. Can we safely say that for another period of four years with the following billions, the arts faculty building and the foundation at the physical sciences and few hostels including many other but minor buildings are commensurate with the billions? These are verifiable facts not propaganda or ethnic sentiment (as so many dumb commentators are already terming it). Let the efcc do their work if innocent then he will be set free if guilty he will face the law like so many students do after signing exam malpractice form.

  19. The truth is that egboka has some weaknesses but lets not talk about him like that, he’s stil the v.c,lets wait for EFCC to finish their investigation. If you feel he’s not doing well why not pray for him?

  20. Change is inevitable.don’t say you are sure of what ebgoka can do.An igbo adage says that monkey said she cannot swear for the kid she is carrying at her back because it can pluck a fruit while they are climbing the tree.The truth must surely be revealed

  21. I just want what is best for my Alma Mata and for the growing generations. if at all the V.C is guilty of these charges, then he should be prosecuted and the law brought into full effect. but if not, then lets leave him be.


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