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Forgery: Gombe State University Caught In A Lie Over Student Expulsion



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Not Zarah...
Not Zarah…

Information available to 247ureports.com obtained from concerned students at Gombe State University indicate that the University administrators may have been caught in an embarrassing lie and/or forgery over the illegal expulsion of a female student by the name Zarah Usman Ahmed.

According to the information received, a female student of 400L from Geography department, Gombe State University in person of Usman Zarah Ahmed was handed an expulsion letter dated November 13, 2015 – of which came as a result of exchange of words with a lecturer by the name Malam Nasiru Modibbo during a class quiz. The exchange of words occurred when Malam Modibbo requested for Zarah’s scripts – and Zarah hesitated – being that she had not completed the quiz. The hesitation angered the lecturer and he responded with anger in his tone – resulting in Zarah responding in kind. The exchange quickly grew into a shouting match. Malam Modibbo then promised to get her expelled from the institution. The course was GENS201 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship Skills.

A few months following the altercation, Zarah received an expulsion letter from the University. The was signed by the Registrar, M. A. Yuguda. The letter indicated that the student was being expelled because she was caught in an exam malpractice on 8th March, 2015. Interesting enough, March 8, 2015 happens to be a Sunday. No classes or exams were given on the said date.

According to the group of concerned students who spoke to 247ureports.com, “expelling a 400L student is considered to be an inhuman and waste of human resources not only to her parents, but to the community and the entire country in general. This is because there is a an adage that says if you educate a man, you just educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you have educated the whole community at large“.

Another added dimension to Zarah’s expulsion is intimidation from the lecturer.  According to a source close to Zarah, the lecturer has began to use intimidation through her family members. In the words of the source, “the girl was threatened by her brother in-law, a husband to her Sister. This is because he is together with the lecturer, so the lecturer would not get sacked. That is why he is trying not to allow anybody to intervene on her behave because if the issue becomes resolved, the lecturer will get sacked, because this is the second the lecturer has done such thing“.

When 247ureports.com placed a call to Zarah, she confirmed that the school had framed her up – to expel her. But she added that the school had also told her that the matter had been resolved – and that a letter of resolution will be issued to her. But the school has yet to issue her the letter for over one month. The school authority has not provide reasons to the continued delay in issuing the letter.

Zarah and her parents have been frequenting the various offices of the school authorities in search for answers. Till date, no response.

See letter below


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