Does Governor Udom Emmanuel Deserve A Second Term? – By Eneh John
“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.”- Thomas Manson.
Governor Udom Emmanuel in his quest for service to Akwa Ibom, has recorded landmark achievements in all facets of the state. From the health, economy, entertainment and other sectors, the Governor has proven that he came to Akwa Ibom to serve, and not to plunder our state resources.
This is a time where we have to gauge the Governor’s performance in the past three years, and re-examine our stance, on who deserves to be at the hilltop mansion in 2019.
The Governor has provided an enabling environment for all to thrive and do businesses in the state. In the pre 2015 era, Akwa Ibom State was renowned for kidnapping, political killings, thuggery, etc. When Governor Udom emerged, the tone for peace was set, where the ugly era had departed.
A peace loving Governor and an astute banker, who has come with the mantra of industrialization, turning Akwa Ibom from a civil service state, to a hub of economic boom.
Recollect that, there were days when people had ran away from the state, due to the high level of insecurity that had bedeviled the state. Today, we sit back to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere, irrespective of political divides.
Governance in the State has been redefined. There were times when Media Practitioners were witch hunted, with an uncomfortable atmosphere. Today, that is history. Most of the Journalists in Akwa Ibom can walk the streets of the state freely without fear of being arrested or hounded.
It is not a question of whether the two former Governors did eight years, it is a question of morality. The Governor should not be re-elected on sentiments, but purely on performance and an improved performance basis.
Do Governor Udom deserve a second term? The response is yes. Why should he be re-elected? The answers are not far fetched. Akwa Ibomites are wiser. They know who they want as Governor. Opinions from the locals points to a clear win for the Governor.
There are roads in communities in Akwa Ibom which were impassable, but today, the Governor has opened up those roads to aid development. The General hospital, Itu Mbang, is one example out of many, where the Governor has brought in state of the arts equipment in the theatre and maternity wards.
There’s really no need to say so much, but we believe that in the coming years, Akwa Ibom people will witness an accelerated performance, better than they have witnessed in Udom’s first term.
Since becoming Governor, Udom Emmanuel has separated politics from development. He understood that when the time for politics comes, we will play politics. When the Governor leaves in 2023, we will all search our conscience, and be our own judge.
We will compare notes to see, which of the Governors who governed the state, was truly selfless and prudent in managing our resources. We will be able to tell ourselves, that the choice of Governor Udom in 2019 was the right choice.
This is the time for Akwa Ibomites to rise and speak in unison, and tell ourselves that the revolutionary development we are witnessing in the State, is worth sustaining with Governor Udom’s return for a second term in 2019.
Only on God we stand.
Eneh John is an Investigative Journalist and Editor, Trail Reporters News.