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New York
Friday, June 28, 2024

Nomads / herders feud now a crime in Jigawa – Gov. Namadi



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Governor  Umar Namadi of jigawa state has warn Normad/ harders in Kabak town in Kirikasamma Local Government Area of the state to report  troublemakers in their community, warning anyone caught in trying to foment crisis from either side of the two parties will face the wrath of the law.
Speaking on the occasion of a brokered peace reconciliation between farmers and herders in the area, thanked everyone who contributed in little way in bringing peace in the area after experiencing series of untold hardship as a result of communal disturbances .
Nomads/ herders feud now a crime in Jigawa - Gov. Namadi
Nomads/ herders feud now a crime in Jigawa – Gov. Namadi
He express his happiness about the abundant harvest this year, as a result of the restoration of peace in the region. Also disclosed that he received a reports of numerous young people in the area achieving financial stability, to a point that many have acquired cars and motorcycles and constructed new homes.

Recall that the Kabak peace brocade has brought a joyful and camaraderie-filled manner, where members of both the farmers’ and herders’ communities embraced each other, symbolizes  full reconciliation of peace and harmony in the richly agrarian community.
As a mark of appreciation, members of both communities took turns to narrate their individual success stories relating to gains as a result of the reconciliation and ended up showering Governor Namadi with gifts; the farmers gave him sacks of grains (rice, maize, etc.) as well as onions, while the herders presented the governor with a big cow, all to the applause of the crowd that gathered.
Speaker after speaker, the people of this remote yet beautiful wetland praised the governor for his persistent efforts in restoring peace to their hitherto crisis-ravaged community.
Other dignitaries who graced the event include the Deputy Governor, Engr. Aminu Usman; the Speaker of the Jigawa State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Haruna Aliyu Dangyatin; the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Sen. Mustapha Makam Kiyawa; and scores of commissioners, advisers and special assistants.
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