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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Bauchi Poly Students Protest Against incessant Robberies, Rape



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Student’s of Federal Polytechnic Bauchi residing in Gwallameji, an off-campus community near the school, took to the streets on Tuesday to protest the alarming surge of armed robberies and rape cases in the area.

The students during the protest blocked the federal highway along Bauchi-Dass Road.

According to a press release by the Bauchi State Police Command, the protest was sparked by an incident where a group of hoodlums trespassed into student housing and robbed one Cletus Chomo, a 50-year-old resident of Sarauniya Lodge. The statement noted that Chomo was reportedly injured during the incident.

In response, a team of police officers from the ā€˜Eā€™ Division and tactical units were quickly deployed to the area and managed to bring the situation under control.

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ā€œIt is important to clarify that one of the victims who was stabbed was promptly taken to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital for medical attention and is currently responding to treatment, contrary to unsubstantiated reports suggesting otherwise,ā€ the statement read.

The police urged parents and guardians to play a more active role in guiding their children and wards, warning that the command would not tolerate any attempts to disrupt public peace and safety in the state.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police in Bauchi State, Auwal Mohammed, has directed all relevant area commanders and divisional police officers to enhance security measures and apprehend anyone involved in criminal activities.

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The police reiterated their commitment to fighting crime and called on citizens to continue supporting their efforts by reporting any suspicious movements to the nearest police station.

The protest by the Gwallameji students highlights the growing concerns over the rise in criminal activities in the area, which have left many residents, particularly the student population, feeling increasingly vulnerable.

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