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ASUU to FG: Met our demand or we shut down varsities indefinitely face indefinite strike



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The Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities, ( ASUU) Federal University Dutse branch has express it’s dismay over the failure of the Federal government to honor and respect all the memoranda of understanding in meeting their demands from 2019 to date.

We have been patience for quite period of times with the FG with regards to the implementation of our numerous agreements over our plights but it keep adamant. Therefore we are given the FG last chance to netting our demands or we shut down the countries universities.

” This government has deliberately refused to meet our Union to flesh out the core issues as contained in the Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU of 2019, Memorandum of Action ( MoU of 2022, and upward review signing the implementation of late Professor Mini Briggs Committee drafting agreement on the Renegotiated FG/ ASUU 2009 agreement, among other subsequents MoU’s”

These are the words of ASUU-FUD Chairman’s remarks while addressing a press conference at the ASUU Secretariat of the Federal University Dutse Comrade Salim Ahmed, who observed that this government has deliberately ignored the leadership of ASUU despite all efforts and pressure put in place to iron out contending issues affecting staff welfare and advancement of the country’s public universities.

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According to Comrade Salim, the union reviewed the deteriorating working and degrading condition of it’s members and continued deplorable condition of Nigerian public universities, and agreement reached in between ASUU/ FG for implementations of it’s plights but to no avail.

ASUU- FUD reviewed the very disappointing reports of both the past regime of president Buhari and the present government failed to honor and respect agreement reached despite all approved and signed MoU’s signed with the union.

“The renegotiation of the FGN/ ASUU 2009 agreement which contains all the core issues of ASUU Member’s welfare, University Autonomy, funding for revitalization of Nigerian Universities, proliferation of public universities has been a continuous and persistent core issues and a bone of contention between ASUU and the FG but to no avail”

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Other demands of the ASUU includes implementations of all the contending issues as contained in the FGN/ ASUU MoU’s of 2012, 2013, and that of 2017, Illegal dissolutions of governing Council’s in both federal.and state’s universities, Release if three and half months of the outstanding three and half months withheld salaries for a work that was already done by our member’s.

ASUU is also demanding for the release of unpaid salaries of our Member’s non subbatical, adjunct, etc due to IPPIS inadequacy and inefficiency, Release if third party deductions by IPPIS, Payment of Earned Academic Allowance, Implementation of the report of the visitation panels as well the adoption of UTAS in place of IPPIS.

Furthermore ASUU call on all well- meaning discerning minds to prevail in Nigerian government to.attend to these outstanding issues and meet with our Union leadership so as to avert avoidable industrial crisis in.our alreadyfrail and weak University system.

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