Speaking during the presentation of the intervention Sunday in Darazo, the lawmaker alongside Caretaker Committee Chairman of Darazo LGC Alh. Samaila Yau Sade, charged the students and pupils to make judicious use of the learning materials, “We have decided to establish these four special secondary schools not only to train you academically but to prepare you for the task of tomorrow’s leadership.”
“Perhaps among you, there would be future Governors of Bauchi State, Senators, medical doctors and captains of Industry,” he said
Manu Soro said “Education remains the greatest means through which societies emancipate themselves from the shackles of slavery, poverty and diseases hence our resolve to intervene in this most pivotal sector.”
Also presented are 56 numbers of computer tablets, 20 computer laptops to support the schools transition to digital learning methods and prepare the students for current-day CBT examinations.
Similarly, 171 sets of complete school-kits comprising of uniform, sandal, 10 number of exercise books, bags and socks were also presented to new students for free, ditto experience of the previous years of 2021, 2022 & 2023.
Meanwhile 700 Quranic books, hundreds of ablution kettles and praying mats were also donated to the schools to support Quranic learning and observance of Zuhr prayers.
It will be recalled that Rep Mansur Manu Soro has, during his first tenure as HMHR, established 4 tuition-free secondary schools for the Gifted (1 per district) and 1 special primary school for vulnerable children in Lanzai town – a border town between Bauchi and Yone states – to cater for IDPs children displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency.