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In Anambra, Police Foil Another Attack on Divisional Headquarters



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By Izunna Okafor, Awka

It was an unsuccessful outing for Gunmen in Anambra State, as Police repelled another attempted attack on another divisional police headquarters in the state in the early hours of Wednesday, April 20.

The gunmen, according to reports, invaded and attempted to attack the Ayamelum Divisional Police Station, Anaku, in the early hours of Wednesday but were resisted by the gallant men of the Force. It was gathered that fierce resistance from the officers forced the gunmen to flee.

They, however, threw some of the locally-made inflammable substances they came with into the compound, making some operational vehicles in the premises to go up in flames.

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About three vehicles were destroyed as a result of the fire but the building was not affected, neither was any casualty recorded on the part of the police.

DSP Toochukwu Ikenga, the spokesperson of the state’s police command has confirmed the incident to newsmen and revealed that police in state are more determined now than ever, to protect lives and properties, as well as secure all their facilities from hoodlums

He said: “The Anambra police operatives are more firm and courageous, following the successful repel of an attack in the early hours of today 20/4/2022 at Anaku divisional headquarters.

“The operatives stood firm and engaged the hoodlums which made them flee the scene. Also, the miscreants in a bid to escape threw bon fires inside the station and it affected three of police operational vehicles. No casualty on part of police and all police arms are intact

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“Meanwhile, police reinforcement is already there, operation is still ongoing and further details shall be communicated.”

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