By Uche Mefor Deputy Leader of IPOB
Whether Catolonia, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Hamas, used election and control their territories or not, that is their business, their examples are incongruent and serves no purpose in our circumstance as it stands. On our part, IPOB has taken a decision to use civil disobedience manifesting in so many ways including election boycott and that we must do.
We do not believe in the recalibration nor extinguishing of our avered principles on the alter of political expediency and certainly don’t need any lectures on what or how to go about the path we have chosen.
Hamas started by fighting wars, IRA started by fighting wars and same with Catalonia and even Scotland and these violences gave rise to their attaining political statuses they have today, why then are those who claim to be Biafra freedom fighters not fighting like HAMAS, IRA etc if citing them is a standard?
You don’t have military advantage and neither do you have the numerical advantage to outwit your enemies in the zoo called Nigeria in their lopsided political structure and fraudulent , electoral process.
You cry everyday that the constitution is a fraud, the election rigged, INC used as electoral tool to manipulate results and yet you senselessly or naively continued and want people to vote and yet you are a freedom fighter?
Look, IPOB cannot mutate and certanly don’t change course midflight , IPOB remains ideologically consistent. Do your own and we do our own and in the end we take stock. IPOB refuses to betray the trust of her followers or
sell them by joining Nigerian politics.
Our demands must be met or we apply another sophisticated strategy if the anomaly subsists. In the final analysis , it is my considered opinion that those who are suggesting that we change course are at best insincere.
They know right from the beginning that the end result in joining Nigerian politics is total failure with respect to BIAFRA .
Bewarned, be focused, be vigilant for wolves are the rampade. Rally round our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and together, we shall eventually prevail.