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Monday, June 24, 2024

Police, CAN Disagree On Casualty Figures Of Christians Factory Workers Killed In Kano



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The Kano State Police Command and the Kano State Chapter of the Nigeria Christian Association in disagreement on the estimated casualty figures, while the police are saying that it was 8 people that were killed, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Kano state chapter insist that the weekend attack took the lives of 13 Christian.

However, responding to Media reports on the incident, Police Commissioner, Kano State, Musa Daura disagreed with CAN as he said that figure was not as high as 13, but eight; he said the publications that gave the figure of 13 victims as, “misleading and unfounded,” even as he denied being contacted, “by any individual or group on the issue.

“I want to make it categorically clear to the Press and the public that on February 23  at about 2200 hours, a distress call was received at the Control Room that unknown gun men attacked and killed innocent people in Shekar Madaiki, a suburb of Kano.Based on that ugly incident, armed security men were deployed to the scene, and search was conducted around the vicinity of the attack,  the security agents discovered eight dead bodies, while a number of arrest were made; and we intend to make the outcome of the investigations public.”

However, Kano CAN chairman, Bishop Bello disputed the position of the CP that eight people instead of the 13 presented by him were affected; “I insist the number of Christians who were shot dead in that raid were 13. We have the record, their names and places of birth, and may be tempted to publish them in full if the argument on this figure continues.”



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