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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wings of Anarchy in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria



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Ime T. Mbatessien, Uyo

The oxford English Dictionary describes Anarchy as a complete disorder due to lack of Government and Control. A situation that shatters hope and aspirations of citizenry and automatically creates loss of confidence over any administration that may exist in such an environment.
Akwa Ibom State was created on the 23rd of September 1987 as the 21st State of Nigeria by General Ibrahim Babaginda. It was an irony of history that the people who started agitation for separate political existence for the people of the minorities of the former Eastern Nigeria in particular, and the country as a whole, came to realized their own aspiration after sixty (60) years.
Col Tunde Ogbeha, was posted as the first Military Governor to the baby state, and he rule for less than two years. It was he who started the infrastructural development of the young state by way of planning and designing what was going to emerge as a model in the Nation’s Committee of States. He was later replaced by Col. Godwin Abbey who ruled from 1988 to 1990 and actually built on that foundation until Group Captain Idongesit Nkanga, the first indigenous Military Governor of the State was brought in. There is no doubt that he fully enjoyed the support and loyalty of the people of the State. He ruled for a period of 9 months and left an indelible mark on the sands of time. He built the State Secretariat Complex, Ibom Hall and did several State roads across the State and the first Government House occupied by Obong Akpan Isemin the first Civilian Governor in 1990. Obong Akpan Isemin did not accomplish much due to the fact that the Federal Government rendered them financially impotent through in-adequate funding.
The Military returned after the annulment of June 12th 1993 election. The regimes between Col. Yakubu Bako, Navy Capt. Joseph Adewusi and Group Capt. John Ebiye existed during Sani Abacha’s interregnum which recorded disasters upon disasters on Nigeria as a nation and Akwa Ibom was not an exception till May 29th 1999 when Obong Victor Attah, an Architect was elected under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and ruled the state for 8 years between 1999 and 2007.
There is no doubt that the state experienced an unprecedented growth and development, apart from the physical infrastructures he waged an indefatigable and unrelentive war with the Federal Government over the onshore / offshore oil dichotomy which had humiliated and impoverished Akwa Ibom State and the rest of the Niger Delta as a whole. Arc (Obong) Victor Attah made good his professional prowess by transforming the state to an enviable status. Today, Akwa Ibom enjoys a status of a mega economy as a result of the abrogation of the onshore / offshore oil dichotomy which drew the wrath of the then president General Olusegun Obasanjo who saw and took the actions of the former governor as a personal affront. This is how and why he used his position as the president and leader of the party to impose Godswill Akpabio on our dear state, which we cherishly call “The Land of Promise”. Akpabio did not have the pedigree admirable to the extent of being trusted, and as such met a lot of resistance even at the polls in 2007. Since his assumption of office, the only thing we have to show has been woes after woes punctuated by the most licking lips in our contemporary world. Corruption has reached the highest level in the history of Nigeria from the 1st Republic to date.
In Akwa Ibom State, the amount of money collected from the Federation Account has been in the region of N1.3 Trillion Naira. The Governor has a standard personal mark up of 30 percent in addition to the fact that all the building material needs in all government building contracts are obtained from a personal outfit. The first family is stupendously rich and the Governor has become the greatest financier in the Nigeria corruption industry making nonsense of all the corruption persons put together in the Murtala Mohammed revolution of 1976. As far as financial recklessness with corruption is concerned Akpabio has amended the Guinness book of records. Properties acquired include several mansions across the globe, through one Sylvester Okonkwo he has chains of companies such as Prod Global a Sub Conglomerate in the Empire. They run a 400 ton per hour quarry in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State to feed construction industries in Akwa Ibom State as well as a Bureau de Change. Akwa Savings & Loans apart from being the State fraud and corruption clearing house was used to purchased 17 hectares of land from the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) Abuja, but has since been converted to be part of the afore mentioned Conglomerate at the expense of Akwa Ibom State.
Mr. Don Etim, the Hon. Commissioner for Works and Transports is leaving a record that will be impossible to surpass. He is the closest ally to the Governor and can award contracts directly to himself and such awards have been traced to bank accounts and their operators, but regrettably no action has been taken. For example how can a 20 kilometer road gulp N56 Billion Naira on behalf of the Federal government? How much did the Federal Government vote for the construction of the 238 kilometer Benin-Shagamu dualised Federal road? I remember Prof. Dora Akunyinli, the former Minister of Information saying that the contract had been awarded for N47.2 Billion Naira. We were told that an underground drainage system which was first of its kind in African Continent (Courtesy of President Goodluck Jonathan) was a part of the 20kilometre Federal road. The project has now failed. Who pays for such a drain?
Mr. Don Etim is the person charged with the responsibility for defense activities. Arms and ammunitions are imported into the state, all the cults groups are amalgamated into an amalgam called “Peace House” which killer squads emerged to chop lives out of their victims, always perceive to be enemy of the Governor and Government. Early this year in Ikot Ekpene, the niece to Mr. Don Etim, the Hon. Commissioner for Works during her traditional marriage in their family compound when they suitor was brought out for presentation by his people kidnappers took away the suitor and shot randomly in to the air scaring away the huge gathering.
Recently two High Court Judgments exposed their position. Don Etim is the principal agent of the government in arrangement to buy the security community against the Nigerian citizens. They shamelessly are the coordinators of the terrorist activities going on in the state. That is why the cultist are incontrollable. Don Etim is working in tandem with Umana O. Umana the Secretary to the State Government, a man greatly gifted in the art of forgery. His original portfolio was budgeting where he retired as a permanent secretary in 2003 under the Attah’s administration. He became Commissioner for Finance in 2003-2007 when he was appointed to the present position. The budget section of the Ministry of Finance was transferred to form a part of the Office of Secretary to the State Government. Some of his intellectual prowesses have been proven in a number of estimates and procurement. In the contract analysis between 2008 and 2009 taken as a case study it is interesting to find items repetition at an alarming rate.
For example a situation where the Government House built at a cost of N7.4 billion Naira had in the following year budget attracted additional N10 billion Naira to provide what they call The Banquet Hall of the Government House. It is not imaginable that this is an event in human society. In the contracts to purchase motor vehicles, something that has never happened were noticed, vehicles are not purchased in terms of cost per unit rather we saw how companies were merely ordered to supply vehicles worth a certain amount. Specifically Prod Global mentioned above was given purchasing order to supply vehicles for N99 Million Naira in two slots and N66 Million Naira to Chinto Technologies. Both companies belong to Governor Akpabio and his wife respectively.
There is no need to mention other duplicating and bogus procurement, such as contract awarded to Messrs AEC owned by the brother of the Secretary to the State Government through which state funds are known to have been looted.
Another strong member of the cartel, Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan, the Hon. Commissioner for Finance, a member of the KKK Cult fraternity. He plays an important role in the state fraud activities as the Chairman of Inter Ministerial Direct Labour Committee. He enjoys a reasonable share in the looting spree and almost brought the state to a stalemate when the Governor attempted to replaced him with his new Deputy as Chairman of Inter Ministerial Direct Labour Committee. He threatened to open the Pandora Box of the Government in the public and Akpabio had no alternative than to reverse himself and he maintained the Status quo.  Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan runs a killer squad in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area known as Ibiono Ibom United Movement.
This group is a conglomerate of various groups with leadership drawn from some cult groups. Identifiable component groups are Ibiono Ibom Youth for Democracy headed by Moses Essien, PA to Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan, the Hon. Commissioner for Finance Akwa Ibom State, Ibiono Ibom Supreme Council of Youths led by Ndueso Akpan, Ibiono Ibom Grand Alliance Youth Wing headed by Etebong Ndarake Odiong.
On inauguration, the aim of these groups was primarily to serve as opposition to the third term bid of the former Speaker and then member representing Ibiono Ibom Local Government at the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Engr. Ignatius Edet. The groups also serve as antagonist to Engr. Edet’s arrow head position in Ibiono Ibom politics. Financing of these groups and other unnamed groups came from the Hon. Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan.
Results started trickling in when Engr Ignatius Edet was removed as the Speaker of Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, which in turn force him to abandon his third term aspiration to the State House of Assembly. When opportunity came, the ACN came in rapidly as a viable alternative to the ruling PDP. Meanwhile it was apparent that political leadership had moved from Rt. Hon. Ignatius Edet to Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan. It became necessary that each of the groups wanted to assume not only relevance but also supremacy at public functions / rallies.
To assume leadership positions in any of the groups, there must be proof of one’s membership of secret cults like VIKINGS, MAF, KKK, BUCHANEERS, AXE, etc. This was to ensure that the larger membership of the cult groups would be drafted effectively for electioneering and elections proper, thuggery and procurement of arm, ammunitions and other offensive weapons. After each campaign rally, money for the boys were always routed through a leader of one of the known groups and they arose struggle for supremacy.
A meeting to settle the differences was summoned and it took place at Toyo ID’s country home off Calabar Itu Highway, owned by Barrister Bassey Ekerete, former State Secretary of the ruling PDP. At the meeting, the host, Barr. Bassey Ekerete, appealed to the various cult/interest groups for cooperation and doled out N3 Million Naira ostensibly from Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan, Hon. Commissioner for Finance. Non-initiates of cult groups from Ibiono Ibom Grand Alliance were banned from attending the Toyo ID country home meeting. The leadership of the cult groups was to later arrange the initiation for those willing to join. All these later formed the Vanguard which executed thuggery, rigging, impersonation, shooting and killings which characterized the 2011 elections in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area.
Recently the Chairman of Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area Hon. Godwin Ekpo was kidnapped in a Commando manner at a football field where he was special guest, a serving Councilor representing Ibiono Ibom Ward 9 of the Local Government was apprehended by the Police and he made a confessional statement mentioning Mr. Bassey Albert Akpan, The Hon. Commissioner for Finance among other dignitaries in the Local Government as their sponsors, the Hon Commissioner instructed the immediate past Commissioner of Police Mr. Felix Uyana to ensure that the Councilor was eliminated in other to stop the implication of important personalities in the area and that order was judiciously implemented.  The Commissioner is the sponsor of the terrorist organization known as Ibiono Ibom United Movement. It can be recalled that the posting of Police Commissioner Mr. Felix Uyana to Akwa Ibom State in March 2011 was purchased by Gov. Godswill Akpabio to co-ordinate pre-election terrorism and ultimate rigging of 2011 polls in the States, an assignments which was creditably accomplished. It is difficult to know where things fell apart for the State House of Assembly to remove the Commissioner by the House resolution which indicted him on the state of insecurity in the State. This was done in defiance to the Governor’s position and the Governor could not reverse the situation.
There has been no other time in our history that media sycophancy reached the present level. History of Nigerian Media before and after Independence shows that our battle have always been won by our vibrant press. The greatest war Nigeria faces today as a nation is corruption and the press who are supposed to do what they are noted for have simply made themselves available for the highest bidder.
The word PLC has come to assume a good measure of popularity. It ordinarily means Public Liability Company, but Akwa Ibom PLC referred to here means Painting, Labeling and Commissioning. This was simply the hall mark of Akwa Ibom State Government. For the first 2 years or so all that we witness was repainting, labeling and commissioning of projects already completed by the Attah’s administration. Health Care Facilities, Electricity Projects, Water projects as well as Road Projects. We recall one incident in Etinan urban where they went to commission an electrical project which had laid valor for more than 4 years. They did not succeed in fooling themselves due to the onslaught of stones, broken bottles and even human waste which rained and made that environment unendurable.
They fled for the safety of their lives. Then came the celebrated major schemes such as the flyover bridges at the entrance to the city of Uyo that had no traffic problem, since Uyo had been well designed to accommodate traffic. If all the five ring roads were constructed, Uyo City would not only expand in terms of physical development, but would make traffic congestion a non issue on our traffic situation in the city. What has now come to past for the flyover bridges constitutes complete confusion as the contour of Itam Junction has been eroded, making a distance around it and the motor park including the model market shows that the project had little proximity to Civil Engineering. Nobody has ever been told the cost of the project which we learnt was paid upfront. At the last count an estimated amount of N20 Billion Naira had been expended.
We were also bombarded with story of the Tropicana Garden and the Galleria which was going to attract tourism and render Akwa Ibom, Africa’s tourist destination. The project which was originally put at N33 Billion Naira has since been raised to N70 Billion Naira and yet has not reached any appreciable stage apart from the facility for 1,200 cinema watchers. An important trade point that would be favorable with New York and Paris to mention just two. Adverts by way of branding on the property would attract an annual earning of $100,000,000. But today instead of the envisaged mention above the only commodities displayed for sale are Donuts, Popcorns, Groundnuts and Ice cream. So far, no human being has come from beyond the state capital for shopping as we were told.
There is something called e-library, first of its kind in Nigeria that would attract patrons from all over the world. When President Jonathan visited the state he saw books hired from private bookshops for decoration to impress the number one citizen who was apparently excited. But Mr. President does not know that those books develop wings as soon as the show was over. In the first place what is e-library? Is it supposed to be a building rather than the provisions of computer programs browse able for dissemination of information to educate, inform and entertain human race. Again this is a clear case of intellectual illiteracy in high places. In a our society where reading habit has died among school children, the proper thing for a conscious leader should be to commence massive library at the grass root level (i.e.) primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Any person who initiates the vital facility at the international level must be an Ex-asylum mate and should be re-examined.
Akwa Ibom International Airport was conceived and built by the Attah administration up to 80% in terms of physical development, commitments of funds for engineering components such as the MRO facilities as well as payment of compensation to land owners over the project site. When Akpabio could not influence Dyncorp for kick-back he bastardized the project and went to re-award the contract for $150,000,000 to Messer Alcon Construction Company Ltd for the same job that have been paid for up to 80%. He then went to town with press hipe and massive propaganda to portray his achievements. Major media organizations such as the famous CNN, African Magic, AIT and the print media were not spared.
All the engineering components of the Airport project had arrived in crates and have been stored at the site. The franchise of the designs of the components originally belonged to the project managers, Dyncorp, and as such the Airport cannot proceed beyond one runway in spite of the $150,000,000 that was added to the original cost. The truth is that since they do not have the franchise to install the MRO equipments, the are stocked, and recently in an efforts to pass a negative buck and cover themselves, the Federal Government has been requested by Mr. Godswill Akpabio to take over the Akwa Ibom International Airport and complete the second runway and the MRO facilities. Can somebody ask Gov. Akpabio what he actually has done on that project? Nigerians can not afford to be kept in the dark on this issue. Where are the investigative journalist we used to have?
President Goodluck Jonathan was told that Akwa Ibom State has spent 280 Billion Naira on Federal roads in the state. Does this not amount to miss-application of public fund? Recently Akwa Ibom Government put up an advertisement inviting tenders for the construction of Uyo-Aba Federal High Way. There is no doubt that the State House of Assembly is a mere rubber stamp.
During the second republic, it can be recalled that there was a scuffle between the then Vice President, Dr. Alex Ekwueme and Gov. Jim Nwobodo over who should construct a Federal road in the former Anambra State.
Recently another scuffle was reported over a portion of Lagos/Ibadan High Way within Ogun State between Ogun State Government and the Federal Government. Does it mean that Godswill Akpabio has been baptized by the Federal Government to perform the role of Raymond-de-Maxican in Nigerian Politics. All the film acting in the name of infrastructural development and giant strides that we are bombarded with is a mere smoke screen for our hard earned money to be siphoned in several banks in Europe, America and Dubai. This is where resources fly into the pockets of corrupt judges who sell judgment to the highest bidder. Today our judiciary is on trial as a result of criminal adulteration meted to it by people like Godswill O. Akpabio. The reliable information at our disposal has it that the recent judgment form the court of appeal in Calabar was given in exchange for N6 Billion Naira of Akwa Ibom State money, hence they saw nothing wrong in a judgment delivered by the election tribunal in Uyo against the petition of the ACN candidate. Nothing can be more laughable that Judges could be so intrigued by credit alert grinned into their bank account, to the extent that they forgot to append their signatures on a judgment written from the bench possibly, by Mr. Asam A.. Asam (SAN) the Attorney General of Akwa Ibom State, Bar. Ekpeyong Ntekim, Commissioner for Transport and Emmanuel Enoidem (All members of Ogboni Fratanity)
The Court of Appeal has insulted the intelligence of Nigerians and abused our Constitution by asserting that manuscript of a judgment had been signed. May the learned Justices please give us the dictionary meaning of the word “manuscript”? Let us thank God that both the Chief Justice of Nigeria and the Nigerian Bar Association have given indication of a remedy.
Another way our hard earned resources are wasted in the drains is through purchase of Awards, Titles and Doctorate Degrees. Recently a solid and well respected institution, the Nigeria Defence Academy conferred Obong ,Dr., Engr. Goswill O. Akpabio with a Doctorate Degree. Why not a full General or even Field Marshal? What he has meted to Akwa Ibom in areas of cultism, assassinations, terrorisms and kidnappings support nothing less. This was not a surprise noting the fact that the Governor won the hosting right of the last edition of the Nigerian Army Remembrance Day. Each award attracts a minimum of N100 Million.
Our indefatigable Governor graciously without the consent of the State of House of Assembly built Police Secondary School in Ukana Ikot Ntuen, Mobile Police Base Ukana, Nigerian Prisons has been moved from Ikot Ekpene to Ukana, all in Essien Udim Loal Government Area. One project at the Nigerian Institute of Security Studies (SSS) at Usman Dam Abuja, has been sponsored by Governor Akpabio. He is also building an Army Barracks between Obot Akara and Abia State and another one at Ikot Umoessien.
Regarding the recent congressional award said to have been accorded him in the USA through Hon. Sam Ikon’s sycophancy for his ambition to become the speaker in the State House of Assembly, America the citadel of  democracy who had to remove a Governor for attempting to influence electoral process over Barrack Obama’s replacement in the Senate, can not be part of any coloration of a mandate thief. That trip which had a strong contingent of 100 Government officials and some other elements dogged from Museum and Archives in the name of cultural exposition to advertise their permittivity in God’s own country. At this point we can only appreciate the patience of God. If this was not the case, there was no reason why the iron bird did not empty its cargo of squanderers and looters of public funds into the Atlantic to end this nuisance and nightmare.
This write up represents an open letter to the Nigerian people who must be placed on notice that their brothers and sister are under siege in the hands of the cultist and former member of the Late Sani Ababcha despotic regime that was removed by divine intervention on 6th of May 1998.
Resources from the Federation account has been diverted to personal use by this ruler of evil, darkness and mediocrity. Today, Akwa Ibom Economy has been totally bastardized and crumbled, our civil servants have not been paid for months. Information from the enclave of absurdity is that Governor Akpabio recently summoned his Commissioner for Finance, The Accountant General of the State and Local Government Chairmen to mobilize all available funds for the purpose of procurement of Judgments at the Federal High Court over pre-election cases pending there. This is being planned at the expense of Engr. Frank Okon whose Lawyer is also penciled down to be settled out at all cost. This is a confirmation to what an aid of the Governor told a Judge a short while ago, to the effect that the Governor has no burden in paying anything between One and Three Billion Naira, rather it was the learned Judge that had the burden of choosing within the scope.
Commercial motorcyclist also known as Okada have been banned from existence. This service itself shows the level of poverty we are passing through in Akwa Ibom State. The government claims that their existence created nuisance and promoted crimes in the Capital City. This is not true, it is difficult to find the relationship between Okada People and Peace House, an Amalgam of all cult groups working for the State Government.
Kidnapping people, assassinations and robbing banks are parts of their operations as a terrorist organization. The people involved actually go about in tinted jeeps and used sophisticated weapons in their nefarious activities. We see it as a punitive measure for their disenchantment against the State Government for ruining the economy at the expense of the masses, promoting corruption and nepotism at the highest level in Nigeria. The market traders, church goers who pray for God intervention on our plight. The State embraced the ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA and gave their support whole heartedly to Senator J J. Akpan Udoedeghe for the last Gubernatorial election in the State. It will be recalled that Godswill Akpabio is the only civilian Governor to enact an emergency law to arrest and detain people who are oppose to his position even on public issues in what is supposed to be a democracy. The picture in Uyo today is a chaotic situation which now constitutes the real nuisance. The crimes have continued unabated.
We challenge, Godswill Akpabio to emulate Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State for parading kidnappers, robbers and assassins on the occasion of the Independence Day celebration. He is not likely to be predisposed to such a progressive exposition. Rather he would use the Police to discharge them as was the case when Mr. Walter Rugbere was the Commissioner of the Police during which 25 kidnappers and arm robbers were set free. In addition he would lavish them with heavy money and jeeps, including inter-ministerial direct labour jobs. 
Recently, the Chairman of Uyo Capital City Development Authority, Mr. Charles Umana, a close aid of the Governor was mentioned as the sponsor of a kidnap attempt on a popular Architect and Publisher, Arc. Ubokutom Nyah, by kidnappers after being apprehended in Ekot Ekpene. As this piece is written now, a prominent medical practitioner, Dr. Ime I. J Usanga, a native of Obong Itam in Itu Local Government Area and Medical Director of Ekemini Medical Centre at F Line Ewet Housing Extension Four Lane has been kidnapped in his hospital and his abductors are demanding for N100 Million Naira ransom. Akwa Ibom records averagely 10 deaths per village monthly due to hunger and starvation even though the state collects the highest revenue from the Federation Account.
Few weeks ago, three armed robbery incidents occurred in Uyo the State Capital, the first was recorded at the Junction of Barracks road and Brooks street a distance of 500 yards to (A) Division of the Nigerian Police Force, three Police men were killed and the Bank PHB Manager was arrested at the instant of the State Government and detained, blamed for not using a bullion van. The second robbery took place at the State House of Assembly Complex where money brought in a bullion van from Zenith Bank was robbed off and two Mobile Police men were killed while others escaped with bullet wounds and the Zenith Bank Manager was arrested and detained. The third occurred along Aba road where the ETB Bank was attacked and four people including a Policeman were killed in the vehicle conveying the money.
Let me insert Judgments from two separate Courts in a case of frame-up by the State Government against Dr. Chris Ekong, a lecturer at the Department of Economics, University of Uyo and former Dean of Commissioners in Akwa Ibom State Government.
1.     (a) Judgment by His Lordship, Justice Edemekong Edemekong, page 17
PW5 was Kemsy William Ekanem, who hails from Ikot Adaidem in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. He said he was a member of the Akwa Ibom Youth Forum and the immediate past Secretary General. He said this was a group of Youths from Akwa Ibom State and that they held their meetings on the last Sundays of every month. He said the name of the group was a cover-up as most members of the group were militants and kidnappers. He said they were into gun running, oil bunkering and kidnappings.
(b) DW1, Barrister Ackere Agbor said PW2 alias Dagogo Minanyo confided in him that all the evidence he gave in Court pertaining to the fact that he was a militant was all lies, and that he had been paid money to come and testify in Court. He said it was the State that paid him to come and give the evidence he gave in Court.
DW1 said the PW2 was charged to Court a day after his interaction with him with murder, at High Court No5 Uyo. He said on the same day the information was filed, the Hon. Attorney General enter nulle prosequi and terminated the proceeding. After the termination of the proceeding against him the witness entered the same vehicle with the Hon. Attorney General Bar. Ekpeyong Ntekim and drove out of the court premises together.
2.     Judgment by His Lordship, Hon. Justice Andrew Okon, Page 13
The mobile phone analysis report dated 19th May 2010 and voice calls / SMS messages report which he tendered as exhibits B & C.
He testified further that in exhibit B there are three phones, two of which belong to Dr. Chris Nyong and one to an unknown Assassin that he analyzed the phone numbers and 38 other phone numbers belonging to different persons including the State Governor, Don Etim, Dr. Chris
Ekong and a member of the State House of Assembly, that his analysis showed that the unknown Assassin’s phone number had communication with the Governor, Don Etim (PW6), Gift Jackson, Dr Chris Ekong and Dr. Chris Nyong.
This document is place on the door step of Nigerian conscience in general and the civil society groups in particular. Akwa Ibom State the Land of Promise must not die. This position has by way of petition been made available to the Presidency and relevant agencies of Government as well as the international community and the all seem to be looking the other way.
Nigerians must arise and protect our collective destiny with all the boldness necessary. We can do it before a Jerry Rawling emerges to take us by surprise. We cannot afford to fold our hands watching corruption swallow our entire system including the Federal Government and its institutions.
Godswill O. Akpabio like Raymon de Maxican is truly on Rampage. A man who has never experienced paternal love as he is traceable to four fathers and certainly has no love to give to Akwa Ibom people. A sadist who could shade crocodile tears at the burial of our Late Lady of song Mrs. Christy Essien Igbokwe, shortly after he mocked her, is the height of what we are talking about. As fellow citizens, please Save Our Soul in Akwa Ibom State.
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