Obama’s Great Economic Lie


On Tuesday, April 10, President Obama spoke in Boca Raton at Florida Atlantic University. He promptly showed that he needs a remedial course in basic economics.

The speech covered all the same ground as the rest of his speeches lately: he’s declaring class warfare on the rich. In this speech, though, he went into particular depth on his vision of economics. Or rather, his blindness with regard to economics.

Obama casts his re-election campaign as a debate between becoming a nation “where a shrinking number of people are doing really, really well, but a growing number are struggling to get by,” and a nation where “everybody gets a fair shot … does a fair share … plays by the same set of rules.”

There’s only one problem with this – Obama isn’t on the side he thinks he’s on. According to Robert Reich, Obama’s interim economic advisor, Obama’s supposed economic recovery has gone almost entirely to the top 1%. So his economy is the economy creating unfairness – greater government interventionism does not translate into greater prosperity for those who are not top earners.

But Obama continued. “This is the defining issue of our time,” he said. He admitted that “Government is not the answer to everything.” And he added that the free market “is the greatest force for economic progress in history.” But, he said – and you knew there would be a but – “through our government,we should do together what we cannot do as well for ourselves.”  What kinds of things can’t we do well? Apparently we’re bad at education – although private education routinely outstrips public education in terms of performance. Apparently, we’re bad on our own at health care – even though the most highly-privatized sectors of our health care economy are also the most efficient. And apparently we’re bad at saving our money for the future – even though Social Security is an enormous Ponzi scheme that has essentially gone bankrupt.

No, said Obama, we need government for all of that. “This is not some socialist dream,” he blathered. “They have been made by Democrats and Republicans for generations, because they benefit all of us and they lead to strong and durable economic growth.”

This is nonsense. Worse, it is ahistoric nonsense. Every major government program undertaken by this country has cramped economic growth. Government has exploded over the last decade, but our living standards are essentially the same as they were ten years ago. The programs Obama is so fond of quoting are in dire need of reform – if they’re not reformed, they will be gone within the next two decades. Obama himself is cutting $500 billion from Medicare in order to fund his greater government.

But we still haven’t gotten to the crux of Obama’s vision. Here it is: “When we guarantee basic security for the elderly or the sick or those who are actively looking for work, that doesn’t make us weak.  What makes us weak is when fewer Americans can afford to buy the products that businesses are selling, when fewer people are willing to take risks and start their new business, because if it doesn’t work out they worry about feeding their families …. In this country, prosperity has never trickled down from the wealthy few.  Prosperity has always come from the bottom up, from a strong and growing middle class.”

This is the smartest man ever to occupy the Oval Office?

Let’s analyze. What makes us weak, he explained, is when we can’t afford to buy products. This is idiotic. We can always afford to buy products unless we are completely impoverished. The question is which products we can afford to buy. If we could not afford to buy products, the prices would drop until they reach the level at which we can afford to buy them. This is why when markets go down, deflation occurs.

As for risk-taking, the real problem with risk-taking is not the risk of failure – risk-takers try and fail and try again. The real problem is unpredictability of regulatory regime. Sure, we are more risk averse when times are bad. But that’s not solved by handing out money to poor people. That’s solved by allowing banks the freedom to loan – which requires people to save their money in banks. The market solves these problems if left to its own devices. Obama won’t leave the market to its own devices.

Obama believes that prosperity comes from the bottom up. Have you ever been hired by someone poor? No? Join the other people who have worked for a living. People who hire are people who are successful financially. Those who are poor can’t afford to hire workers. They are trying to live day to day. Taxing a rich man $10,000 to give $2,000 to a poor man, the rest being eaten up by government bureaucracy, is a rotten deal.

This is basic Marxism. It assumes that because people in the lower economic rungs work hard and work long hours, they produce inordinate wealth. They do not. Specialized skill sets produce wealth. Providing goods and services to a willing market, and finding innovative ways to do so – that produces wealth. Wealth is always trickle-down; wealthy people are wealthy because they are good at making money. If poor people were good at making money, they wouldn’t be poor – and that’s why many poor people become wealthy. No poor man becomes wealthy by simply picking up a government paycheck.

NIGERIA VS IRAN friendly called off


A FRIENDLY between Nigeria’s Super Eagles and Iran planned for later this month has been called off, officials have disclosed.

“The match will no longer be played after the match agent could not pull it through,” a top official informed MTNFootball.com Wednesday.

The Iran friendly was to have been played on April 18 soon after the Eagles friendly against Egypt in Dubai on Thursday.

In November 2010, another friendly between the two countries was called off at the instance of Nigeria.

Iran would later claim a breach of contract and demanded a compensation.

Next month, the Eagles made up of players from the domestic league are scheduled to travel to Lima to take on hosts Peru in another friendly.

The co-hosts of the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations Gabon are also set to tackle the Eagles in yet another test game.

Nigeria are getting set for three qualifiers in June.


They host Namibia and then fly out to Malawi in two 2014 World Cup qualifiers in the first two weeks of June.

And then on June 17, they host Rwanda in a return leg match for the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations.

The first match in Kigali finished 0-0 in February.

Nothing is New and Nothing is Changing, Part 1

By Tochukwu Ezukanma

Recently, a minor event took me down memory lane and I felt nostalgic to the point of tears. In that my nostalgic mood, a song from the past came to my mind. It was a song by Candi Staton. I do not remember the title of the song. However, the song sang about, “nothing is new and nothing is changing. All have been the same for memories”. As I snapped out of my nostalgia, I mused. Wow! What an apt summation of the Goodluck Jonathan’s administration?

His administration has not distinguished itself in any way from previous Nigerian governments. As such, it is marked by mediocrity and moral degeneration. On his own, the president does not cut the image of a leader, thoughtless of a transformational leader. He is not known for his brilliance, vision, powerful ego and personal magnetism. He is not an eloquence and versatile public speaker. Therefore, he cannot, like most successful leaders, stir and uplift the public with his speeches.

Interestingly, for his presidential campaign, Goodluck Jonathan cast himself as a transformational figure; he trumpeted his objective to transform Nigeria. Hoping to glean something new or innovative in the style and approach of this self-proclaimed reformer, I scrutinized the candidate and listened closely to his campaign speeches. There was nothing original or trail blazing, in either his message or proposed programs. His speeches were platitudes laced with trite promises on energy, education, health, etc.

Watching his campaigns, you are forced to wonder what is wrong with Nigerian politics and, by extension, the Nigerian society. The campaigns were fanfares – colorful, corybantic fashion shows replete with politicians in party uniforms and swaying to the sound of music. They looked more like socialites decked out in Ashuwebis for an Owambe party than politicians campaigning for the leadership of a country.

A typical People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) presidential campaign involved series of speakers leading up to the presidential candidate. Every speech began with the speaker reeling out the titles of the important party members present at the venue of the event. It generally went: Your Excellency, the President, Your Excellency, the Vice President, Your Excellency, chairman of the party, Your Excellency, the President of the Senate, Your Excellency, and the Speaker of the House, Your Excellency, members of the Working Committee and Board of Trustees, Your Excellency, the State governors, etc.

Each speaker, including the presidential candidate, after recognizing this litany of party and government officials, had little time left for the actual speech. But what could have been expected from the candidate and his political party? After all, they lack both political ideology and explicit political objectives.

Instead of waving his hands as politicians and other celebrities do as they acknowledge cheers from supporters, he clinched his fist and punched the air, as he strode, rhythmically, to the sound of music, to the podium, to deliver his speech. That was different. Punching the air and swaying to the sound of music seemed more like the swagger of a soccer fan, reveling in the victory of his favorite soccer team, or the pre-fight showmanship of a boxer than the deportment of a presidential candidate at a campaign rally.

I wondered what punching the air meant or was to portray. It occurred to me that, may be, it was to indicate youthfulness and vivacity. In that case punching the air was good, even impressive because it was indicative of qualities that are new among the stock of recent Nigerian civilian presidents.

Even, if we accept that Olusegun Obasanjo is only as old as his younger cousin whose date of birth he appropriated, he can not pretend to be either youthful or exceptionally energetic. Umaru Yar’Adua, though not old, was weighed down by illness. He therefore could neither exude youth nor energy. So, a youthful and exuberant presidential candidate punching the air, with his clinched fists, was a refreshing departure from the past. While it seemed comical, it was noteworthy and reassuring. After all, youthfulness and not senility and liveliness and not moribundity are necessary weapons in the arsenal of a transformational leader.

Again, he said that, in the past, he had no shoe. But now, it is obvious that he has many pairs of shoes. That was poignant and encouraging. It encouraged my hope in him and revived my optimism in his promised transformation of Nigeria. I figured that having no shoe, in the past, but now having many pairs of shoes was transformational in itself. It was therefore reasonable to expect that the transformation his own life personified will invariably rub off on Nigeria with him as the president.

Which means that down the road into his presidency or, at the very worst, at the end of his 4 year term, Nigerians, in their glee, will be enthusing that, in the past, power supply was erratic but now it is consistent; we had terribly dangerous roads but now they are fixed up and are in good condition; the academic standards in our school, including the universities were despicable but now they are impeccable; lawlessness reigned supreme but now the rule of law is established; corruption was tearing the social fabric of the country but now, it has been reduced significantly to a manageable level; etc.

But then the characters that propped up his candidacy discouraged me. They are the old guards: Olusegun Obasanjos, Tony Annih and a bunch of terribly corrupt businessmen and financially dishonorable governors. They seemed disconcertingly reminiscent to the cabal that propped up Musa Yar’Adua and made it impossible for him to carry through most of his well intended programs. How can you reform the system whereas your political godfathers and sponsors are those who benefit from the chaos that is rending the country to pieces?

Well, I found solace in the Chris Ngige option. After all, did Chris Ngige not wriggle out of the stranglehold of his unscrupulous and rapacious godfathers? As Goodluck Jonathan has styled himself a transformer, I figured he should be able to, not only break loose of the hold of his godfathers, but also put them in their place as Chris Ngige, an earlier reformer, did.

Tochukwu Ezukanma writes from Lagos, Nigeria.


0803 529 2908

Jonathan Calls For Greater Coopeartion Among The Three Tiers Of Government


President Goodluck Jonathan has called for greater cooperation among the three tiers of government in the country if they must effectively serve the people.

The wake up call came in a message he sent through the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim during the turning of the surd for the construction of the Federal Secretariat complex in Awka, yesterday.

Senator Anyim commended the Government of Anambra State for maintaining excellent relationship with the federal government.

The new secretariat complex is to be located opposite the Anambra State Secretariat complex. It is one of the six new Federal Secretariats approved by the Federal Government nationwide, with one per geopolitical zone.

The Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Miss Amah Pepple, said the project, which was awarded to an indigenous company, Cosco Investments Nig Ltd, would take 36 months to complete.

She said the ministry will work with other relevant agencies to ensure that the project was completed on schedule.

Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State pledged to support in the construction and supervision of the project to ensure speedy and quality job. He also promised to build the link road to the complex

The chairman of the contracting firm, Chief Cosmas Agagbo assured of a quality job and timely delivery of the project, according to the terms. He disclosed that the complex which would cost above Two billion naira, would have modern appurtenances, would also have about 402 offices/rooms-14,600 square metres of office space, banking halls, 4 conference halls, 140 toilets and a parking lot for at least 200 cars.

A Word For Mercy Chinwo


Mercy Chinwo in her brand new SUV

Mercy, good day. Iwhuyiale!

Recall that Mercy Chinwo was the undisputable winner of the just concluded Nigerian Idol 2012 show held in Lagos, Nigeria on the 7th April 2012.

The first time I watched you sing in that show, I knew here was a great talent God had given to mankind to entertain God and us. God had put music in you soul, mouth, voice and lips. Therefore you must think music, write music, eat music, learn music, teach music and God will always love and favour you like He did to King David. Build an institution and the best studio in the World to forever grow and develop music. Please leave the destitute, prostitute, handicapped, motherless babies etc alone: God knows their conditions and He will always take care of them. Society who had forced them to become what they are will be held responsible. Your major concern should be to entertain God and the World through your decent music and appearances. If you succeed in this, you will be a fulfilled woman ready to inherit the Kingdom of God. Worship God with your music always and it surely shall be well with you.

Do not forget where you come from: an Ikwerre woman, be proud of who you are. Sing Ikwerre and swagger it in your songs because God who created you Ikwerre did not make any mistake. You must chop Ikwerre money also.

Remember that it is in this talent that the work God gave to you is domiciled and that work is singing. If you abuse it, God will turn His back against you and you will fall astray. Sex abuse, drugs, unmanageable money, bad relationships etc may come your way. I pray that this will not happen to you so that your Creator and mankind will enjoy your songs even at old age. Save the World from the shock and psychic pains it suffers when it loses young musical talents like Bob Nesta Marley, Boro Egbeda, Jimmy Conter alias Eze Agala 1 of Ikwerre, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Lucky Dube, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, and now my own beloved Whitney Houston. Solution: sing, make money, develop music and live a simply decent life that will always give glory to God who created you.

Mercy, well done. I am very proud of you especially because you are of the same Ikwerre identity with me. You have proved that Ikwerre can rule the World through the talents God had created and deposited in Ikwerre. Mercy, meka.


Okachikwu Dibia


52yr Old Nnewi Man Nabbed with 25.4kg of Drugs In Sandals at Lagos Airport



Philip Anazodo

Officers of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) have foiled attempt by a 52 year old businessman to export powdery substances that tested positive to ephedrine weighing 25.4kg to Mozambique through the Nigeria Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO) area of the Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA) Lagos had been nipped in the bud by anti-drug officials. The suspect Philip Anazodo, an auto parts dealer at Trade Fair Complex, Lagos allegedly packed the drug in sandals meant for export to Mozambique when it was detected during search.

bag of sandals used in concealing 2.4 kg ephedrine

Airport commander of the NDLEA, Mr. Hamza Umar said that the drug was carefully packed to avoid suspicion but it took the extra efforts of officers to uncover the mode of drug concealment. “The plan was to send the drug as unaccompanied cargo to Mozambique. Good enough, we apprehended the consignor. The drug was hidden inside the soles of 11 pairs of sandals. The case is under investigation and the suspect will soon be charged to court” Hamza stated.

the eleven pairs of sandals and the drug found in them

The suspect is married with 4 children and lives at Ajangbadi, Ojo area of Lagos. Philip hails from Ukpo-Umuorobi in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State. He attended Central School Ukpo but could not further his education due to lack of money. In his words, “I am an auto parts dealer. I was recently introduced into the business. What they told me is that it is a profitable chemical in high demand in Mozambique. That was how I ventured into it”.

the eleven pairs of sandals and the drug found in them

Chairman/Chief Executive of the NDLEA, Ahmadu Giade described the seizure as spectacular and warned that unless drug barons quit the criminal act, they should expect more arrests and seizures. “This seizure is spectacular because ordinarily you will not suspect that the sandals contained drugs. The Agency will continue to expose anyone hiding under the cover of legitimate business in smuggling narcotics. This is a clear signal that more arrests and seizures are in the offing” Giade stressed.

the sandals showing the drug

Investigation had been concluded and the suspect will soon be arraigned.

Boko Haram Vows To Intensify Attacks

Murdered in Jos

Information available to 247ureports.com through sources within the ranks of the Islamic terrorist group, the Boko Haram, indicates that the Islamic group has regrouped to launch new attacks against the federal institutions of the federal republic of Nigeria and her affiliates across the Nation and West Africa throughout the ECOWAS community. This is following the aborted attempt at a peace dialogue between the security operatives of the federal government and the agents of the Islamic terrorist group.

As gathered, he Islamic group has beefed up its arsenal through its sponsors from within the country and within the international community. The aim of the coming attacks is reported to be to expose the weaknesses of the Christian leadership of Nigeria to the international community. According to a source who spoke to our correspondent on the telephone, the group was pleased with its success rate with attacks carried out throughout the period covering from November 2011 till date – and has opted to increase the intensity and capacity of the attacks – to catch the attention of the western communities.

In particular, the leadership of Boko Haram was reported to have been angered by the public statements of the Jonathan administration over the containment of the group and the end of Boko Haram come June 2012. The Federal Minister of Defense had on Easter Day stated that the Islamic group has been contained -and has long been rendered too weak to act. This statement was followed by President Jonathan’s statement in Seoul that the group will be history by June 2012.

Angered, the leadership of the Islamic group has activated its sleeper cells – reportedly scattered around the country. Some of the sleeper cells are said to housed within the Nigerian police force throughout the states of the federation, including the federal capital territory.

One of the leaders categorically told 247ureports.com that the new wave of attacks will begin “next week”.

Kogi: Idris pressured PDP NWC to cancel my election – Senator Abatemi-Usman



Vice Chairman of Senate Committee on Niger Delta Affairs, Senator Nurudeen Abatemi-Usman has said that the erstwhile Governor of Kogi State, Ibrahim Idris, mounted pressure on the National Working Committee (NWC) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to annul the primary poll that produced him as Kogi Central Senatorial  candidate of the party in January, 2011.

The Senator, stated this at a press conference, jointly organised by him and Senator Adeyemi Smart from Kogi West to debunk the claim by the former governor that he helped members of the current National Assembly to win election in an interview with a national daily.

A statement signed by Abatemi-Usman’s media assistant, Michael Jegede, quoted the Senator as saying that, “we are cultured people. We are responsible people and by virtue of the office we occupy, we are distinguished gentlemen. We will not want to join issues with such a person (Idris). However, if we let this go without putting the record straight, then, it will be assumed that what he has said about us is true. I sit before you to say very clearly that it was just last month that the Supreme Court finally discharged with the last of the cases against me, instituted by Ibrahim Idris through his sponsored challenger of mine. I have been in court since January 2011 after i won the PDP primaries. Ibrahim Idris as the Governor of Kogi State came to the National Secretariat and caused that an election widely acclaimed by all and sundry to be transparent, free and fair devoid of any form of violence be cancelled. He pressured the National Working Committee to cancel my election alongside the primaries of Kogi West and Kogi East.”

The Niger Delta Committee Vice Chairman, wondered how a man who was busy giving the resources of the government to his opponent, to challenge his victory up to the Supreme Court would come out to say he helped him to get to the National Assembly.

“My victory is of God. The good people of Kogi Central Senatorial District willingly gave me their mandate, which was duly affirmed in the law court despite Idris effort to upturn the will of the people,” he added.

PDP to Aregbesola: Face governance and your health problems


The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Southwest has admonished the Osun State Governor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola to face governance and his obvious health problems, instead of raising false alarm that there are threats to his life.

The PDP said the call became necessary following the governor’s admission in newspaper interviews last year that he was in India to do PET scan, adding that; “If there is any threat to Aregbesola’s life, it must be from the health problems that took him to India last year.”

PDP Zonal Publicity Secretary, Hon Kayode Babade said in a statement issued today that by Aregbesola’s confession in an interview published in the Leadership newspaper of September 11, 2011 that he was in India to do Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan, no should be in doubt as to health challenges facing the governor.

“It is on record that Aregbesola said by himself that; ‘My local medical doctor had insisted that I need Medical check up and I should do PET scan or clinical image and the only place in the world that is good is India.’

“In medicine, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a medical imaging technology that allows physicians to visualize the body’s abnormal cellular activity. PET scans produce digital pictures that can, in many cases, aid the physician in identifying several forms of cancer, damaged heart tissue and brain disorders.

“The reality is that, if Aregbesola was asked by his own personal doctor to examine his body system, especially his brain, no one should be in doubt that something is wrong with him.

“Even his behaviour since he came back needs further analysis especially his utterances, and most importantly the burning of his bedroom in the Govt House with him locking the door and travelling to Lagos as the place was on fire.

“Therefore, the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) should stop making noise about anyone planning to kill Aregbesola. Rather, the party should show love to the governor by advising him to pay more attention to his health, which poses greater challenges to his life, PDP said.

On the alleged ‘intelligence report’ reffered to by the ACN, the PDP said; “Our position is clear, we only called on security agencies in the country to investigate what we viewed as threat to the corporate existence of Nigeria, and we are not the one to teach the security people there job.

“However, from the ACN’s statement, it shows clearly that the party has something to hide and is afraid of the consequences of its sinister plots against Nigeria, which Aregbesola is coordinating.”

Obama conning us on Iran?


The Post recently ran a report in which Obama officials bragged that they have stepped up drone surveillance over Iran and now have the whole thing figured out: “The effort has included ramped-up eavesdropping by the National Security Agency, formation of an Iran task force among satellite-imagery analysts and an expanded network of spies, current and former U.S. officials said. At a time of renewed debate over whether stopping Iran might require military strikes, the expanded intelligence collection has reinforced the view within the White House that it will have early warning of any move by Iran to assemble a nuclear bomb, officials said.” But is this anything more than spin?

Conservative critics are skeptical. Danielle Pletka is less than impressed. She lists some obvious flaws in the intelligence officials’ assertions of omniscience:

1.) Iran’s most important nuclear facilities — or at least the ones we are aware of — are hardened under about meters and meters of concrete. Drones cannot see through concrete, and even infrared sensors that can detect the heat signature of a cascade (used to create highly enriched uranium) can’t see through that much.

2.) Calls and faxes don’t tell us with certainty what decisions are being made in the highest offices in Iran. At best, they give us an inkling of what may be going on, if we’re lucky.

3.) Our covert ops have been going on for years, and while I have enormous admiration for some with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, I’m also aware of their many screw-ups, failures, lost networks, work with double agents etc. And the Iranians are no slouches at running their own agents and giving us false information.

4.) Six months? For real? First, the Iranians won’t need six months to go for a weapon: Read up here to understand why. Second, what kind of intelligence does Obama think he’s gonna get? A timeline? This is almost comical.

5.) Then there’s the question of Iranian facilities outed by others, including Natanz and the heavy water reactor at Arak. The CIA insists they were aware of those programs all along. I’ll try to be diplomatic here: Let’s just say that the CIA sees a lot more in hindsight than it does in real time.

She also reels off the national security developments we’ve missed including India’s 1998 nuclear tests, Syria’s nuclear program, and North Korea’s uranium enrichment program.”

Former national security advisor Elliott Abrams is even more critical.In the middle of the [Post’s] article lies this line: “Officials familiar with the operations, however . . . conceded that aspects of Iran’s nuclear decision-making remain opaque, including the calculations made by the Islamic republic’s senior political and clerical leadership.” In other words, we know almost everything we need to know, except that we haven’t a clue what Iran’s decision makers are thinking, how they think, how they decide — small details like that.

In any event he finds the disclosures, if not cleared for release, would be the sort of “revelations of ‘sources and methods’ of intelligence that might, if unauthorized, be criminal.” So assuming then that this was fully authorized, is there anything more to this than a ham-handed effort to discourage Israel from launching a military strike? Abrams suggest that is precisely what is going on: “The Obama administration appears to regard intelligence leaks and briefings more or less like briefings by the Democratic National Committee or White House flack Jay Carney. You use any information at hand, classified or not, and you spin it any way you like, fairly or not. Information that is unhelpful to your case is denied, dismissed, or denigrated.”

Considering that two informed conservatives without current security clearances can figure this out, won’t the Israelis recognize this is in large part spin? You’d think so. That suggests the leaks are really designed to justify to the American people, who may buy this stuff, why the Obama administration is refusing to consider seriously a military option at this time. More and more foreign policy — like tax or budget policy — is simply an adjunct to the political campaign.