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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

In 1-hour: Gov Uba Grants Sen Katung’s Request To Reconstruct 18.5-kilometer road



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By Israel Bulus, Kaduna


The Kaduna State Governor, Mal. Uba Sani has granted a special request made by the Kaduna-South Senator, Bar. Sunday Katung’s to reconstruct the 18.5 Madauchi-Madakiya-Kafanchan road
Katung, who disclosed this on his Facebook page on Monday, said the Governor granted the appeal at his instance.

Recalled that PUNCH reports that gully erosion had cut off the Tsoriang bridge posing a serious challenge for commuters along the Madauchi-Madakiya road linking several communities and Kafanchan town, the headquarters of Jema’a Local Government Area of the State.

According to him, following my conversation earlier Monday morning concerning the dilapidated Madauchi – Madakiya – Kafanchan road and the plight of motorists along the road, I am happy to report that the Governor of Kaduna State, H.E Sen.Uba Sani has graciously approved the reconstruction of the road.

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“The Governor also directed the Kaduna State Roads Agency (KADRA) to construct an alternative bridge to allow people access their communities, following the collapse of the TSORIYANG bridge along the road.

” The 18.5KM road connects many communities across three Local Government Areas in Southern Kaduna.

” I thank His Excellency for putting the people first and for his quick response to our request for the reconstruction of the road, and many others in Kaduna South Senatorial District.

” I will continue to partner with the Government at all levels for the growth and development of our Senatorial District.

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