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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Give out charity not to only Muslims – Gov Bala Mohammed



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From Mohammed Nasir Shuaibu BAUCHI

Bauchi state governor, Bala Mohammed has urged Muslims ummah to gives out charity to everyone but not to consider either religions, ethnic and political differences.

He equally appealed them to use the Eld-el Kabir occasion to strengthen the existing interpersonal relationships and create new ones.

The governor made the appealed in his Sallah goodwill message on the occasion of 2024 Eid-el-Kabir celebration, said “the Holy Qur’an has also commanded all Muslims to give something (in charity) to the less privileged ones among them out of the treasure which Allah has bestowed on them”,.

He said the occasion of the Eid-el-Kabir should be used to reflect on how we have fared morally and spiritually during the last one year so as to take corrective measures, where necessary, for us to be amongst the believers who will enjoy the mercies of Allah (SWT) in the hereafter.

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Adding that Islam as a religion propagates total submission to the will of Allah (SWT) and peaceful co-existence amongst the Muslim Ummah and with adherents of other faiths.

The governor used the medium to emphasis the need to imbibe the spirit of forgiveness, humility and respect for one another. And pray for the prevailing peace in the State to be sustained and for adequate rainfall for us to have a bumper harvest during this farming season.

He reiterate the irrevocable commitment of my Government to serve the good people of Bauchi State better than it did during our first term. As you have seen for yourselves, we have continued the aggressive execution of programmes and projects that have direct bearing on your lives, especially infrastructural development.

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He explained that the government is not unmindful of the economic hardship being experienced by the generality of the people. Saying “this is a national problem which is being jointly addressed by the Federal and State Governments”,

While appealing over the situation which is temporary. Mohammed as a responsive responsible Government, we will render palliative measures with a view to cushioning the effects of the hardship. I will however appeal to you to make some sacrifices to ensure that we overcome the hardship.

The governor however, appeal to all motorists to observe traffic regulations so as to minimize accidents on our highways throughout the period of Eid-el-Kabir celebration and beyond. I appeal to parents to monitor the movement of their children and wards in order to reduce the incidents of missing children during this festivity.

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