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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

In Bauchi PDP Presidential Candidate Pledges To Explore Oil Reserves In The North, Tackle Poverty, Unemployment



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From Ahmad SAKA, Bauchi

The People’s Democratic Party PDP presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar has explained that said if elected, he would ensure the full exploration of the oil in the north for the benefit of humanity, development of the North and Nigeria as a whole.

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Atiku promised to set aside huge amount of money to tackle women and youth unemployment when he becomes president.

He made the pledges in Bauchi State while canvassing for votes, at the Presidential Campaign rally of PDP, He said APC in “2019 came and lie to you with change, you have seen their kind of change.

Presidential candidate assured that he has the capacity and experience to tackle Nigeria’s problems and assured that PDP will restore the economy.
“I urge you to vote for the PDP candidates from the presidential , National Assembly, Governorship to state Assembly.

“We have been going round the country come to return Bauchi, I have never seen the mammoth crowd that comes out supporting PDP like Bauchi, this is tobshow you that your Governor has worked fie you , he built roads, Hospitals, schools and many more , he has rebuild the party, we are very grateful .

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The Bauchi State Governor Senator Bala Mohammed Abdulkadir who is the governorship candidate of the party in the state, was presented with the party flag by the National chairman.
In his speech Governor Bala said over 100,000 people decamped to PDP from other Political Parties and pledged that the People of Bauchi will vote for Atiku unconditionally.

Governor Bala beg the electorate to vote for Atiku and other PDP candidates In the forthcoming elections.

He asked Atiku to unite all their supporters who were saying they will vote for one candidate and left others, “PDP is a one big family, that we want all voters to vote for our candidates from top to bottom, we are campaigning for all PDP candidates, they should return follow the leadership, in Bauchi PDP is united no division, no rancor of any kind we have one campaign structure”

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The National Chairman of PDP Senator Iyorchia Ayu, reiterate the commitment of the party to take over power from APC come 2023 general election.

Ayu Said with the mammoth of crowd that gave us the rousing welcome we know Bauchi is a home of PDP and we are expecting more than two million votes from the State in the forthcoming general election.

He Said “PDP, is one big family, I can assure you that we are on our way to victory. We’ll put the country back to path of prosperity. Don’t allow them to deceive you again, vote for our candidates, you need PDP as president for the betterment of the country”
Ayu who received thousands of defectors led by Senator Adamu Muhammad Bulkachuwa, congratulated them for joining the PDP and assured them.that they will be carried along.


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