From Mba Nnenna- Abakaliki
In order to reduce the burden of Malaria in the state, the Ebonyi State Government in collaboration with the National Malaria Elimination Programme(NMEP) and the US-PMI have embarked on Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Mass Campaign in Ebonyi state.
The State Roll Back Malaria Manager, Mr Lawrence Nwankwo, disclosed this Tuesday during a Media Parley, at IHP Conference Room SMoH Secretariat- Abakaliki, Ebonyi state.
Nwankwo in his address stated that “Malaria is the commonest cause of absenteeism from schools, offices, farms, markets, etc resulting in lower productivity. Malaria exerts a huge social and economic burden on our communities and country, billions of Naira are lost to malaria annually in form of treatment cost, prevention, and loss of man hours.”
Nwankwo while advocating sleeping inside an Insecticide Treated Net as one of the best ways for Malaria prevention, said “they form a physical and chemical barrier against mosquitoes.
In a bid to reduce the scourge of Malaria in the state, Ebonyi State Government through the State Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and the United States President’s Malaria Initiative (US-PMI) is currently implementing a Net distribution campaign to distribute 2,083,683 Â Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) to every household in Ebonyi state.
Additionally, “the Campaign process involves Household mobilization exercise, during which persons wearing uniforms with malaria logo will visit different homes from 11th to 17th December 2022 to register all households in 10 LGAs and the use of digital technology called ICT4D to mobilize households will be deployed in 3 LGAs (Ohaozara, Ebonyi & Ezza North LGAs),” Nwankwo stated.
“Net cards that will entitle each households for a free net will be given upon registration of households. Distribution of the free nets will commence from 27th January to 3rd February 2023. All registered households will go to the distribution centers written on their net cards to collect a free net,” he added.