Everything in life is transient. More is political power but the holders seldom realise this. Even life itself is transient. And the ephemeral nature of life is aptly in James 14:4″ Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away”.
Succeeding verses of the above text reeled our stern warnings to those overambitious elements who nurse bogus future ambitions of travelling far distances to conduct one business transaction of the other without having recourse to the will of God for guidance to always align with the will of God.
At the dawn of the present political dispensation in 2015, many political office holders held high hopes of doing this or that. But like a twinkle, eight years is winding up, and in question of months, the political dispensation will expire. Those who had occupied two terms will vacate offices, and seek higher or elevated offices. Those who are not that fortunate will retire, and worst still some will go into political oblivion. The only benefit is that”Former” this or that will be appended to their names.
This is a great lesson: when we are occupying any exalted office, let us conduct ourselves as if we have completed our terms of office. Power comes and goes but change remains constant!