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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

DG, BASEPA tasks worker’s on work plan guidelines, synergy



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Mohammed Nasir Shuaibu, BAUCHI

In its efforts to achieve the desired result and project objectives, the Bauchi State Environmental Protection Agency (BASEPA) have charged its various sectional heads and Desk Officers in the Agency to come up with a work plan that will serve as a guiding document towards achieving sustainable results.

Beside, they should also pave way for all the staff to know much about their responsibilities and the need for synergy between the different units of the Agency.

This was contained in a statement by Isyaka Laminu Badamasi, SA Media to DG BASEPA and made available to journalists, the Director General of BASEPA, Dr Ibrahim Kabir gave the charged during an interactive session he had with all Directors, Sectional Heads and Desk Officers of the Agency on Wednesday.

He said that the aim of the interaction was to stress on the need to operate optimally and to achieve results based on the mandate of the Agency.

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He also explained that the meeting was organized to discuss among other things, the two years anniversary of the Director General and how the Agency will carry out its mandates of keeping the environment clean and protected.

The Director General thanked the management and staff for all the support and encouragement throughout his two years in office imploring them to continue for him to effectively handle the two responsibilities of being the Director General of the Agency, at the same time the State Project Coordinator of Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi Arid Landscape (ACReSAL), a world Bank intervention project targeting to resolve lingering issues in the Agricultural, Environment and Water Sectors.

While calling on them to handle their responsibilities with all seriousness and passion, the Director General charged all the Directors, Sectional heads and Desk Officers to take their duties seriously and perform it diligently.

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The meeting agreed for an in-house training for all the schedule and Desk officers in order to build their capacity and to also serve as guidance on how to come up with a workable document.

Other issues discussed during the interaction were all geared towards achieving sustainable results and development in the Agency.

Directors, Sectional Heads and Desk Officers who spoke during the interaction congratulated the Director General for what he was able to achieve within his two years as the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency.

They also applauded him for coming up with a number of initiatives and programs that put the Agency, tall above it peers in the country and promised to continue supporting him on that direction.

They however, reassured him of their support and cooperation in order to achieve his mandate and that of the Agency.

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