Buhari’s Terrorism and How Kanu Jumped Bail: Setting the Records Straight – By Ndubuisi Anukwuem



The people of Biafra and hitherto entire British-Nigeria have been subjected to the implacable onslaught of the British colonial sadism, neo-colonial tyranny  masquerading as democracy, and Fulani bloodbaths for more than one hundred years, including but not limited to incessant pogroms, genocide, police and army brutality, economic blockade, marginalization, subjugation, ruthless exploitation, extortion, dehumanization, pauperization, deprivation, betrayal, disenfranchisement, extrajudicial killing, enforced disappearances, widespread terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism, and endless hounding of innocent citizens.

The British-Nigerian security forces work in cahoots with various Fulani terrorist organizations whose collective goals are Islamic/territorial conquest, Sharia law, and replacement of indigenous Christians with Fulani nomads.

To this end, the terrorist regime of Mohammadu Buhari has openly adopted the policy of resettling all Fulani peoples in British-Nigeria. Cattle are their primary passport to reach every corner of British-Nigeria.

This is why Buhari is using terrorism to force the thirty-six states of British-Nigeria to surrender their ancestral lands to Fulani nomads to settle (populate) and openly graze cattle (RUGA) instead of modern ranching to effectively infiltrate every community.

Open cattle grazing is simply incidental to the plot. 

Still in doubt? Here is the blueprint laid by the Saduana of Sokoto, leader, and premier of Northern Nigeria from 1954-1966.

“We the people of [Fulani] will continue our stated intentions to conquer the South and to dip the Koran in the Atlantic Ocean after the British leave our shores.” — Ahmadou Bello, 1957.

In the year 2001, while speaking at News24, Buhari said, “I will continue to show openly, and inside me the total commitment to sharia movement all over Nigeria.” 

Accordingly, the Fulani terrorist president usurps the coercive instruments of governance, and the oil revenue from Biafra land to perpetrate genocide and Islamic conquest against Biafrans and until now, the rest of the middle belt, and southwest Nigeria.

The Fulani rogue government of British-Nigeria with the help of Britain suborns every influential entity on earth with the oil revenues from Biafra; hence, bribing and corrupting the international community as it commits genocide against Biafrans and other entrapped ethnicities forcibly agglomerated into British-Nigeria by Britain.

So, today, no matter how many innocent Nigerians are slaughtered in a day, Britain, BBC, CNN, UN, ICC, EU, USA, Russia, AU, ECOWAS, and so on, will remain uncharacteristically silent or pretend that the victims had a “clash” with Fulani herdsmen.

So why are the members of UN afraid of placing sanctions on British-Nigeria?      They’re not.  

The Fulani ethnic group are not indigenous to Nigeria and are therefore desperate to serve or bribe foreign interests in exchange for empowerment, weapons, and protection, especially from Britain and her allies.

The Western imperialists and their African puppets love free cash, ruthless exploitation, and subjugation of Black Africans through the likes of Fulani leaders.

In return for Fulani’s treachery, they supply British-Nigeria military weapons, shut their eyes and ears when such weapons are used for genocide, human rights abuses, and crimes against humanity; and then ignore every avenue to hold British-Nigeria accountable at the behest of Britain.

As part of their shenanigans, a Fulani-British woman is the sole Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. Let that sink in.

No wonder that Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya would illegally kidnap the leader of a worldwide freedom movement who’s also a British citizen, and hand him over to human rights abusers and be greeted with alien silence.

So, for awakening the consciousness of the masses, and resisting the encampment of Fulani killers in indigenous forests, Nnamdi Kanu—not the countless Fulani terrorist organizations and their leaders—is the number one enemy of the state.

Thus, the government of British-Nigeria falsely labels Kanu a terrorist, rebel, traitor, and secessionist for seeking a referendum which is neither unlawful under the Nigerian Constitution, nor the rights and conventions of indigenous peoples as ratified by the United Nations General Assembly.

More so, they claim by their parochial Fulani Attorney General and fake news media that Kanu jumped bail.

They conveniently forget that they were the cheerleaders of “Python Dance one” — the terrorist invasion of Kanu’s Family compound, and members of IPOB by British-Nigerian Army, one month before his court date.


Kanu was first abducted in Ikeja, Lagos State on or about October 14, 2015. He was detained incommunicado for about 5 days and was eventually arraigned one month later on 23rd November.

He was charged with terrorism among other charges.

Thereafter, the Court struck out “terrorism” and five other baseless charges against Kanu, and ordered his release on bail, but the Buhari terrorist regime repeatedly disregarded the court rulings and refused to release him.

Rather than obey court orders, the desperate agents of Buhari quickly brought additional charges chief of which is “treasonable felony.”

During the pre-trial deliberations, Justice Binta Nyako agreed that masked or secret witnesses could be produced in Kanu’s trial.

Bewildered and miffed, Kanu passionately objected to a secret trial. Justice Nyako countered that she had the power under certain circumstances to conduct trials in secret.

Having dragged their feet for almost two years, Nyako and the government unwittingly exhausted every remaining imagination to continue holding Kanu without bail or trial.

By his counsel’s persistent supplications, Kanu’s bail conditions were perfected and he was released on April 25, 2017.

Thereafter, the case was set for October, 14th 2017.

However, exactly one month prior, on September 14, the British-Nigerian army illegally invaded Kanu’s compound with armored tanks and a jet fighter in the above-stated mission code-named “Operation Python Dance.” 

Consequently, twenty-eight of Kanu’s relatives and associates were murdered. His parents later died as a result of the trauma they suffered during the invasion. Kanu narrowly escaped death and went on exile against his wish.

Justice Binta Nyako arbitrarily revoked the bail granted Kanu and issued a bench warrant to arrest Kanu on March 28, 2019.

Binta Nyako appears to be biased. She is Fulani and from Katsina state like the President.

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Under her watch, Kanu was illegally detained without trial for eighteen months.

According to Kanu’s Counsel, Nyako refused to schedule any hearing concerning the circumstances surrounding Python Dance and the claim that Kanu ‘jumped bail.’

Nyako’s lack of curiosity about why the defendant in such a high-profile case ‘jumped bail’ is very telling.

Besides, Justice Nyako has been allowing the rogue state actors to ride roughshod over Kanu in her Courtroom. Two weeks ago, on June 29, 2021, she allowed Kanu to be arbitrarily arraigned without the benefit of his counsel.

Justice Nyako’s bias was further exposed when she asked Kanu why he “jumped bail” knowing fully well that the army attempted to assassinate him, and not considering that he had been illegally kidnapped, tortured, and or ‘extraordinarily renditioned’ by the government of Kenya in collusion with British-Nigeria on June 18, 2021.

Justice Nyako has proven to be controlled and reckless with Kanu’s life by allowing him to be remanded in the custody of DSS who are emblematic of Buhari’s lawlessness and disdain for due process.

Moreover, she ought long to have dismissed all charges against Kanu in the interest of justice because they are baseless; and because of the terrorist acts committed against Kanu and his family by the government; and the collage of illegality surrounding his abduction; and especially because Buhari and his thugs do not obey court orders.  

Further, Kanu’s legal team, especially Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiofor, are hounded and threatened by secret agents of the state. They’ve suffered irreparable damages. They’re not safe, yet people are quiet because if they speak, they could be next.

Buhari is a lawless genocidal buffoon who must be held accountable. He has been killing, hiding, and violating human rights in full view of the Nigerian Judiciary and Legislature who are too bloated to understand the purpose of a three-tier system of government, let alone impeach the real treasonable felon.

The so-called “democratic system” has continually failed to respond in the face of arbitrary use of force and brutality by this terrorist president.

In a real democracy, Buhari would’ve been impeached, arrested, tried, and potentially imprisoned or executed for “treasonable felony,” genocide, pogroms, lawlessness, fraud, forgery, and sponsoring terrorist acts against the people of British-Nigeria:

And, for the senseless massacre of one thousand unarmed Shia protesters in 2015; for the thousands of IPOB and MASSOB protesters and scores of innocent Biafran youths who are daily hunted like game, abducted from their homes, slaughtered, disappeared, and incarcerated without trial;

And, for the Python Dance operations that led to the death of twenty-eight persons; the subsequent death of Kanu’s parents, and the attempted assassination of Kanu by the army;

Also, for the attempted assassination and burning of his lead attorney, Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiofor’s residence; the murder of Ejiofor’s personal assistant; the attempted assassination of a top IPOB lawyer Barrister Richard Okoroafor; the senseless murder of Okoroafor’s mother;

And, for the recent end SARS and Obigbo Massacres by terrorists in uniform; the widespread slaughtering and ethnic cleansing of all non-Fulani by the security forces in collusion with local and imported Fulani “bandits,” and terrorists all over British-Nigeria.

(The list goes on).

The United Nations and the rest of the world governments know that an Islamic terrorist is the president of British-Nigeria. They know that this terrorist is using the instruments of the state to empower his tribesmen to slaughter, pillage, and displace indigenous communities. Yet for the sake of their “interests,” they remained silent. 

Even when they speak, they regurgitate the mendacious “farmer-herder clash” drivel spoon-fed to them by both Nigerian and British lying agents.  

To date, you hear both domestic and international news media claiming that Kanu ‘jumped bail’, thereby insinuating that Kanu intentionally fled for fear that the baseless case against him was too strong that he may be found guilty and, or imprisoned.

Rather than report events honestly, these well-dressed barbarians sing along with the terrorist government that Kanu whom they sent a military battalion to assassinate jumped bail.

How are you ‘world-class’ journalists able to spew this type of garbage repeatedly with a straight face?

By your incessant lies and indifference to the plight of the downtrodden, you aid, abet, and partake in genocidal crimes against humanity.

None of those claiming that Kanu jumped bail are curious to know the crime for which ‘Operation Python Dance’ was unleashed on innocent civilians.

They refuse to ask whether it is the duty of an army battalion to execute arrest or search warrants. They are totally at ease that the army was deployed by Buhari to murder an innocent civilian before his court date.

They have nothing to say about the slaughter of twenty-eight people at Kanu’s compound. They have not even noticed that it was the terrorist president that murdered Kanu’s parents.

When endangered citizens try to defend their communities against Fulani killers, you say they’re causing ‘insecurity.’ You compare them to the terrorists they’re fending off.

You suggest waiting for the police, especially after the well-publicized alarm raised by an ex-defense minister that the armed forces were “colluding” with the terrorists.

When will British-Nigerian “journalists,” tell the world authoritatively that Kanu narrowly escaped assassination by the terrorist army of British-Nigeria?

You know the truth, but you boldly spread lies.

To set the record straight

Nnamdi Kanu is the leader and director of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Radio Biafra, Biafra TV, and all freedom-seeking Biafrans worldwide. Many non-Biafrans equally acknowledge his leadership.

Mr. Kanu travels freely around the world in pursuit of Biafra independence from British-Nigeria. He realizes that British-Nigeria portends existential threats against the indigenous peoples, cultures, languages, traditions, and religions forcibly lumped into a criminal contraption by a British soldier of fortune known as Frederick Lugard.

Through the utility of radio and social media, Kanu educates, interacts, informs, and organizes the beleaguered people of Biafra at home and diaspora—in over 100 countries—about the progressive genocide of Biafrans by British-Nigeria and their partners in crime such as Britain, United Nations, Multinational Oil Cartels, as well as their numerous terrorist organizations which include but not limited to:

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Boko Haram—who nominated Buhari as their representative in 2015; Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP), Al-Qaida of the Maghreb, Fulani Herdsmen, Fulani Nationality Movement (FUNAM), Foreign Fulani Bandits, and Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN)—of which Buhari, a Fulani herdsman, a war criminal, a coup plotter, an ex-soldier, and a terrorist is their Grand Patron.

All the above terrorist organizations are composed exclusively of the Fulani tribe.

Jihadi Buhari is the chief financier of the terrorist operations of MACBAN whom he brazenly awarded N100 Billion Naira from government coffers to drench the landscape with Fulani herdsmen in pretext for paying ransom to plead with MACBAN to restrain their orgy of bloodshed.

Now, contrast that with the “shoot-at-sight” command by the same Buhari to wipe out those resisting Fulani Herdsmen, terrorists in police and army uniforms, and the rest of Fulani terrorist organizations.

Why has terrorism been on the rise since Buhari became president?

Because Buhari is a bloody terrorist. And, because the British-Nigerian Army, Police, Navy, Airforce, Customs, Ports Authority, Senate, EFCC, NNPC, DSS, Chief Justice of Nigeria, Attorney General and minister of justice, and almost, if not all other strategic and security parastatals have been hijacked and now controlled by Buhari and his fellow terrorists.

As a result of this Fulani-laced government, terrorism, and kidnapping are now thriving industries in British-Nigeria. There’s no record of the police intercepting, interrupting, or engaging the Fulani herdsmen as they are slaughtering, pillaging, and setting ablaze entire communities:

Agatu, Enugu, and Nimbo pogroms were executed smoothly without any interference from the supposed security forces;

Also, Onitsha, Aba, Mkpo, Obigbo, Orlu, and Asaba massacres show British-Nigerian police and army behaving exactly like Fulani herdsmen terrorists and Boko Haram.

In most of these, the victims have no recourse to justice: No investigations, no arrests, no explanations, no courts, no justice, and no comments from the terrorist president.

Furthermore, the northern borders are left wide open for foreign Fulani wanderers from across Africa, especially the Sahel region, to troop straight into the local forests from whence they carry out unprovoked pogroms; abducting, raping, kidnapping, and destroying farm crops of indigenous communities.

No wonder there are countless ethnic cleansings happening simultaneously all over the north, especially Southern Kaduna, Jos, Bornu, Niger, and Benue.

Despite all these, there is no attempt by the government to explain how foreigners who shouldn’t be in British-Nigeria are outfitted with sophisticated military rifles and freely cavorting all parts of the colony assisting the army, navy, air force, SARS, and police in the deliberate slaughtering of non-Fulani citizens of British-Nigeria.

There is no record of foreign Fulani terrorists—whom the government fought hard to rename “foreign bandits”—being arrested and deported for acts of terrorism or banditry.

The so-called “captured” Boko Haram terrorists are quickly forgiven, “rehabilitated” and recruited into the army and police to give Fulani terrorists unfettered access and license to commit genocide.

This is the reason that the Nigerian army and police are hitherto full of, and indistinguishable from, Fulani terrorists.

But as soon as the victims take up arms to pursue the killers, the government wakes from slumber and quickly pursues the victims for carrying “illegal arms” and causing “insecurity.”

In other words, those that organize their communities to defend themselves against the marauding Fulani terrorists, such as Kanu and Sunday Igboho—in the absence, complicity, and ineptitude of the security forces—are demonized, shot-at-sight, falsely labeled terrorists, hounded, arrested, and incarcerated without trial.

The widespread killing and absence of security forces led to the establishment of Eastern Security Network (ESN) by Nnamdi Kanu.

ESN was formed out of innate survival instinct because the security forces, Fulani herdsmen, and Fulani forest dwelling savages were on a rampage, spilling blood and terrorizing the eastern region with impunity.  

Therefore, ESN is by no means a terrorist organization as Buhari and British-Nigeria’s lying machine would have you believe. Buhari has deployed the terrorist army to the east to “shoot-at-sight” Biafran youths who may be members of ESN as if they were Boko Haram.

No such order was ever issued to fight Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen recognized by Global Terrorism Index as the second and fourth deadliest terrorist organizations on earth.

In Buhari and British-Nigeria’s warped mind, apparently, Biafrans must either surrender their human rights or be killed since they lost the 1967-70 war.

The attempt by Nnamdi Kanu to expose and resist this legion of blood-sucking forest vampires is what British-Nigeria and its ‘journalists’ call ‘inciting violence’ and ‘stockpiling arms to destabilize their great country.’

Such are the crimes for which Kanu is now accused of treason, terrorism, and jumping bail.

In sum, the leader of IPOB has no legitimate case whatsoever to answer. Kanu is being persecuted because he speaks the truth and does the needful. It is not a crime for indigenous peoples to agitate for a referendum or defend innocent citizens whom the police, army, and Fulani terrorists are collusively slaughtering.

Finally, Kanu must be freed unconditionally without delay, sham trial, or harm because he is perfectly innocent of all the trumped-up charges against him. He has long denounced the hopeless citizenship of Nigeria, and owes absolutely no allegiance to it. The real treasonable felons are the terrorist president and his murderous thugs who are slaughtering innocent citizens instead of protecting them.


So, what do you do when the Fulani-led government of British-Nigeria is secretly flooding your regional forests with Fulani terrorists to occupy, kidnap, kill, rape, pillage, and dislodge you from your ancestral lands with the assistance of the terrorist saturated armed forces?

Twitter handle: @BiafraGenocide

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