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New York
Thursday, June 27, 2024

IPOB Uncovers Plot By Security Agents To Attack South East Cities



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The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), wishes to place Ndigbo on alert of a pending genocidal attacks by terrorists in the Nigeria security on different states in the South East.
We gathered through intelligence that these vampires have concluded arrangement to launch attacks on Igbo communities beginning with Anambra State in the days ahead.

We, therefore advise especially Igbo youths who are the target of these evil agenda to be circumspect. They should be careful of their movements and be vigilant.

We also wish to place on record the abominable role of Chief Emeka Offor in the barbaric attack by the security agents against IPOB lawyer, Bar. Ifeanyi Ejiofor, which claimed the life of his Personal Assistant. The Nigerian Army during the Sunday raid of Ejiofor’s home at Oraifite, arrested his PA, killed him and put him inside the car booth, then burnt him with the car.

Bar. Ejiofor committed no crime other than being a counsel to IPOB. He does not deserve being hunted like a wild game. It’s shameful that Emeka Offor, who should be a nearest kinsman, is rather the one conniving with the enemies to eliminate Bar. Ejiofor.

We therefore want to make it clear to Emeka Offor that IPOB will hold him personally responsible should anything untoward happen to Bar. Ejiofor. He will certainly reap the reward of his treachery. It’s only in Southern Nigeria that Efulefus like Emeka Offor collude with the foe against their own. What a shame!

While bandits and terrorists rampaging the North enjoy the tacit support and protection of Northern elite, Southern elite collude with the enemies to betray and kill their peaceful agitators.


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