It’s unbelievable that Nigerians would allow a foreigner an impostor in the person of Jubril Al-Sudani to come here and encourage all wandering Fulanis from across West Africa and the wider Sahel to regard Nigeria as Allah’s gift to their race. This carefully crafted Fulanisation agenda instituted by the late Buhari and now executed by Abba Kyari led Cabal have decided that this mission can only be fulfilled if backed up with terror. Innocent citizens are being shot and hacked to death at will, villages razed to the ground, industrial scale kidnapping, banditry and wholesale ethnic cleansing is going on with the tacit suppport of the Fulani controlled security apparatus of Nigeria. This level of government impunity is unprecedented in the history of post-colonial governance in Africa.
What this deadly Fulani cabal have succeeded in doing is stiffling debate and criticisms by their subtle but effective control of the Nigerian media space. In Tinubu they have found an influential willing tool that will ensure that Yoruba remain fixated on the unrealistic and unobtainable carrot of 2023 presidency as they mop up hapless village and surplant them with Fulani invaders from the Sahel.
They, the Fulani feudal lords, have perfected the art of news deflection with the help of some sections of the print media who unfortunately bought into the idea that self preservation or survival in the jungle that Nigeria has become is only possible for those that slavishly serve the interest of the Fulani oligachy. That is why whenever a gruesome Fulani herdsmen attack is reported, you see their sycophants and quislings from the south rush to their defence. You even get the occassional MACBAN apologist tell you that Fulani people are in danger of becoming victims of Rwanda style genocide when they themselves are the ones carrying out the genocide on defenceless populations.
The truth is that Fulani have not only take over Nigeria with the help of some misguided Yoruba elite and Igbo lickspittle, they have gone on to skew the structure of governace to perperually serve their intetest. We in IPOB are not happy with the level of killings, massacre, intimidation, humiliation and illegal arrest that is going on in every part of Nigeria particularly the ones in Biafraland since this murderous and Islamic APC party headed by Fulani terrorist Miyetti Allah or herdsmen took power in 2015. We are totally convinced that these killings will continue until all regions are culturally and religiously subdued. This is their plan for which Britain is providing them maximum support.
Therefore its quite clear that Nigeria and her toxic leadership cannot come out from this in one piece no matter how hard they try. The wrath of God is upon the wickedness and evil that this Fulanised Nigeria has come to represent and the popular revolution that will bring judgement upon it is coming.
We continue to call on Biafrans to remain strong, resolute and determined as ever because Biafra sovereignty is nearer than we can imagine.