Information reaching indicates that the goings on within the office of the Bauchi State Police Commissioner may not be as cozy as it once was prior to their ordering for the arrest of the social critic and online commentator on Bauchi political affairs, Musa Azare. Available information indicates that immediately following the arrest, the social media circle became heated up against perceived intimidation and possible injustice against an innocent citizen of the country.
The Governor of Bauchi State who had personally ordered for his arrest was reported to bowed under the immense pressure resulting from the social media outcry over the arrest – which was termed abduction because the Bauchi police had come to Wuse residence in Abuja to forcefully ‘arrest’ the social activists. Musa Azare was taken by the rogue police officers from Bauchi back to Bauchi State – with a stopover Keffi – where they passed the night. On their approach to Bauchi State, the governor was reported to place a call to the police to release Musa Azare immediately – that he should not be brought into Bauchi. The Bauchi rogue police attempted to dump Musa Azare along the expressway leading into Bauchi State – but Musa resisted and insisted he either be brought back to Abuja or be taken to Bauchi. After exchanging banters with the rogue officers, the officers agreed to sneak into Bauchi to drop him inside Bauchi town.
However following the release, the Inspector General of Police [IGP], took immediate interest in the said arrest. The IGP was said to have placed a call to the Governor to inquire if the order came from him. The Governor denied it. The question was posed to the police commissioner, he denied it also. The then ordered the police commissioner to report to the force headquarters with the arresting officers. As gathered, the rogues have reported to the force headquarters and are undergoing interrogation.
Independent investigation reveals that the Governor who had ordered the arrest a few days before the actual arrest – coiled away from the arrest as stakeholders in the Bauchi political structure reached out to the presidency causing the matter to be placed on the table of Mr. President. The Governor, being fully aware of his thorny relationship with the President acted quickly to halt all actions against Musa Azare.
Musa Azare, on his part is said to have returned to Abuja safely unharmed and in a happy mood. He told that the desperate efforts of the Bauchi state governor to intimidate him and other social activists have backfired. “The Governor has made a bad mistake”.