One hundred and seventy-eight farmers were arrested within a week under an operation by Police National Anti-Stocktheft Unit code-named “No to livestock on the roads/Kwete Mombe Mumigwagwa.”
Cattle were found on major roads exposing motorists to accidents.
The farmers were fined.
Police Anti-Stock Theft Unit national co-ordinator, Senior Assistant Commissioner Bernard Dumbura, confirmed the arrests on Thursday.
“A total of 178 farmers were arrested countrywide and we also carried out 464 awareness campaigns, reaching 13 721 farmers and 9 823 motorists,” he said.
“We would want to urge farmers to look after their livestock and not to leave them to stray or graze along the roads. The operation is still on-going.”
Under the operation, it is an offence to leave cattle grazing along the roads.
Snr Asst Comm Dumbura warned that second-time offenders would be prosecuted. At least 167 farmers were arrested in August after their cattle were found on the roads.