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EXCLUSIVE: Governor Sullivan Chime speaks to SouthEastNigeria.com – January 27th,2013



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SouthEastNigeria.com can authoritatively confirm that Enugu State Governor, Sullivan Chime is alive and well.

In a phone conversation with SouthEastNigeria.com on Sunday January 27th, 2013,  Mr. Chime addressed issues surrounding his ill-heath. He said that during a medical check up in London, a tumour was discovered behind his nose. Treatment commenced immediately and today he has been declared Cancer free.

As you read this, Gov.Chime is out of hospital and has been declared fit to return to Nigeria.

 It will be recalled that on December 15th, 2012,  the internet was agog with death rumours. It was reported that the Governor had joined his ancestors from a hospital in India. Responding to the death rumours, Governor Chime went on record to state that he had never visited India before neither did he have a visa to the country.

Southeastnigeria.com hereby tenders our unreserved apologies to His Excellency and the good people of Enugu State for providing any misleading information on his health.

Source: SouthEastNigeria.com

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