The fact of the matter remains. After my writing the open email to the Governor of Akwa Abasi Ibom State that revealed the problems we see such as intellectual theft in the ranks of the Commissioners and government officials . There has been a secret and concerted effort to have me (secretly)ejected from all forums in which I communicate my views from AkwaIbomglobal to Ibom-Chronicle.
I speak with great risk to the safety of my family in Akwa Ibom State and even there is speculation of me being sought out in the USA.
I have also been told that a large campaign is being unleashed to completely destroy my reputation and with me ejected out of the forums I will not be able to address my accusers thus making the false allegations that will be brought forward seemingly “true”.
It doesn’t matter because the truth must be told from now until further out.
With the kind of resources that Akwa Abasi Ibom State has,the kind of revenue that is generated from oil allocations, people in this state should not be living in abject poverty in the midst of fine buildings and roads.
The oga of the society should not be the person with the only borehole for water in the neighborhood with the noisy generator for electrical power that is ejecting air pollutants into the atmosphere.
The few states in the South-South axis of Nigeria are seeing in a few months financial revenue that translates as budgets of other countries and yet the people have nothing to show for it.
As one famous psychologist remarked,” It is a deep case study that Africans flock around leaders that contribute to their financial demise as a people!” Yes and it seems sometimes the average African subconsciously welcomes abuse from their leaders and people that they vote into power that should rather defer to them.
I condemn in the strongest terms “bigmanism” created by the political “few” through the inception of artificial scarcity based on a monopoly of projects and ideas and financial revenue to continue the status quo. Wealth in a sea of abject poverty and the pride that comes from possessing such wealth is an indicator of a very sick mind overwhelmed by megalomaniac tendencies
Especially when there is the perception created that none in Diaspora or Locally can execute any projects except the Governor of the State. For two consecutive terms of this administration in Akwa Abasi Ibom State every project in the state has the name of just the Governor appended to it. Logically this means that either all of us in Diaspora and locally in Akwa Abasi Ibom State are too daft to figure out anything to bring in development to the state or we have a genius of a Governor.
Yes and anybody can make their own deductions from my accusations but I am so sorry for the people and they deserve better.
I will be writing another letter to the Governor that will be more comprehensive than this to appeal for the solution to more problems I see in the system.
But the President of Ibom People’s Congress, Dr Tom Mbeke- Ekanem Made a summary advice :
Let me share a piece by then Gen. Obasanjo as reproduced in Beyond the Execution. In his “State of the Nation” address delivered on February 2, 1994, Obasanjo when chastising Gen. Babangida said in part: “…When some of us saw the light or is it the darkness, if some half-dozen serious, responsible, principled and respected voices all over the country had joined to raise an alarm publicly, we would not be in the situation we are today. The alarm might have been heeded, and a harrowing experience avoided.”
OBJ did not spare Gen. Abacha either. Referring to Abacha’s takeover of power from Ernest Shonekan and not handing over to Abiola he added, “General Abacha reminds one of a man who with the other do-gooders prepared a meal for a blind man. As soon as others turned their backs, this seeming good Samaritan, who was supposed to assist the blind man, went back to snatch the pot of soup and spoon from the blind man for himself.”
Is this not what is going on in Akwa Ibom State today? The “little” rogues who are supposed to represent the people now join the “biggest” rogue, supposedly a governor and wantonly killing the very people by subjecting them to undue economic hardship, hunger and outright deprivation. Go to villages and take stock!
Welcome to the club. Aren’t you lucky Commissioner Aniekan Umanah’s brats have not come out to accuse you of stealing $250,000,000!
Idiongo Clayton-Thomas Udoh
Mesa ,Arizona