Maitama Sule, Fomer Nigerian Ambassador, a USA spy?



Below is a report released recently by Wikileaks concerningย United States of America [USA]’s data gathering operations in Nigeria through itsย local spies planted/stationedย around the Nigerian presidency.
The report exposes, the former Nigerian Ambassador to the United Nations, Maitama Sule as a USA spy.
Read the secret wire report to the USAย – of Maitama Sule’s supplied information.
Maitama Sule (strictly protect), formerย Nigerian ambassador to the United Nations (1979-1983) andย confidant of President Umaru Yar’Adua, averred that theย northern political elite is increasingly apprehensive aboutย Yar’Adua’s health and his capacity to continue to govern, andย 
is fearful the North may lose the presidency to the South ifย Yar’Adua dies, although we note that there are other factorsย at play on this issue besides Yar’Adua’s health, particularlyย if the Supreme Court calls for a new election. ย 
While Suleย believes that President’s performance during his first yearย in office has suffered due to his ailing health, he assessedย Yar’Adua has succeeded in disentangling and distancingย himself from former President Obasanjo. ย Sule informed thatย Yar’Adua wants to further reduce Obasanjo’s influence bothย within the Villa and the National Assembly. ย Consequently,ย Sule remarked, Yar’Adua intends to replace current Chief ofย Staff, and Obasanjo-loyalist, Abdullahi Mohammed. ย (Nigerianย press reported May 30 that Mohammed has resigned, and willย officially vacate office June 2.) ย 
Sule confided that someย influential northerners are currently pressuring formerย National Security Adviser, Aliyu Muhammad Gusau, to considerย taking over as Chief of Staff. ย 
Also, Sule alleged thatย Obasanjo is working to bribe the Supreme Court to overturnย President Yar’Adua’s April 2007 election. ย While claimingย 
that First Lady Turai Yar’Adua is heavily involved in corruptย activities, Sule insisted that President Yar’Adua isย committed to remaining personally untainted by corruption.ย 
To that end, Sule asserted, President Yar’Adua recentlyย turned down $60 million, which had been offered to him as theย President’s personal “share” of Nigeria’s monthly oilย earnings. ย Although Yar’Adua, according to Sule, allegedlyย ordered his “share” to be deposited into the nation’sย treasury, Sule also said First Lady Turai pocketed $60ย million while Senate President David Mark and House Speakerย Dimeji Bankole each pocketed $30 million. ย We still contendย however, that it is impossible for Yar’Adua not to know aboutย his wife’s illicit activity even if he is not personallyย accepting bribes or engaging in such activity. ย END SUMMARY.ย 
ยถ2. (S//NF) Maitama Sule (strictly protect), former Nigerianย ambassador to the United Nations (1979-1983) and well-knownย confidant of President Umaru Yar’Adua spoke with PolOff atย his Kano residence May 15 (see Ref A for Sule biographicalย information). ย Sule lamented the northern political eliteย remains increasingly apprehensive about Yar’Adua’s health.ย 
Whereas earlier health-related predictions of Yar’Adua’sย prognosis had been relatively positive, current estimates,ย Sule observed, paint a somber picture of the President’sย strength, and consequently, his capacity to continue toย govern. ย With the prospect of Yar’Adua’s death while still inย 
office figuring prominently in the minds of many in theย North, Sule remarked that the North fears it mayย inadvertently forfeit its turn to hold the presidency. ย Suchย an eventuality, Sule bemoaned, would impair the North’sย ability to retain influence and help chart a more positiveย course for northerners, especially after eight years of whatย northerners deem Obasanjo’s injurious influence on the North.ย 
ยถ3. (S//NF) Sule believes that Yar’Adua has succeeded inย distancing himself from Obasanjo, and appears more committedย to attenuating Obasanjo’s influence within the Villa. ย Toย that end, Sule said, Yar’Adua plans to reshuffle the cabinetย to replace Obasanjo-loyalists within the Villa. ย Inย particular, Sule noted that the northern political elite isย working to convince former National Security Adviser Aliyuย Muhammad Gusau to rebuff entreaties by Ibrahim Babangida toย aid him in a return to power, and instead, accede to theย position of Yar’Adua’s Chief of Staff, which is currentlyย held by Obasanjo-loyalist Abdullahi Mohammed. ย (Nigerianย press reported May 30 that Mohammed resigned with effect fromย June 2. ย Gbolade Osinowo, Senior Special Assistant toย President Yar’Adua will act as Chief of Staff until aย replacement is announced.) ย 
Sule said that Gusau has beenย reluctant to accept anything less than the presidency, givenย that he too wanted to be the People’s Democratic Party (PDP)ย candidate in the April 2007 presidential elections (Ref B).ย 
Sule admitted that Obasanjo’s influence within the PDP hasย not been as circumscribed as Yar’Adua had hoped. ย However, byย limiting Chief of Staff Mohammed’s (and potentially, otherย Obasanjo-loyalists’) access to the President, Sule argued,ย Obasanjo would be left in the dark since he would neither beย able to influence Yar’Adua nor be privy to the ins and outsย of the Villa. ย Sule reasoned, as well, that a powerful Chiefย of Staff loyal to Yar’Adua would ensure not only thatย Obasanjo’s power within the Villa would be diminished, butย also that the influence of the ambitious (though certainlyย not tied to Obasanjo) Secretary to the Government Babaganaย Kingibe would be reduced.ย 
ยถ4. (S//NF) Sule also intimated that Obasanjo, in concert withย Senate President David Mark, is working to bribe the Supremeย Court to overturn President Yar’Adua’s April 2007 electionย (see Ref C). ย (In the event that the Supreme Court annuls theย President’s election, the Constitution stipulates that theย Senate President administers an interim government for aย period of up to 90 days pending fresh elections. ย However,ย 
Mark has his own political troubles as his election too hadย been overturned in late February 2008.) ย 
Moreover, Suleย stated that in his judgment, the President’s lacklusterย performance over this past year should be viewed in light ofย his ailing health. ย Despite his shortcomings, Sule said, someย of the northern elite continue to politically supportย Yar’Adua not least because he is viewed as committed toย preserving northern interests.ย 
ยถ5. (S//NF) While claiming that First Lady Turai Yar’Adua isย heavily involved in corrupt practices, and especially realย estate fraud, Sule insisted that President Yar’Adua isย committed to remaining personally untainted by corruption.ย 
To that end, Sule asserted, President Yar’Adua recentlyย turned down approximately $60 million, which had been offeredย to him by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)ย as the President’s personal “share” of Nigeria’s monthly oilย earnings (Nigeria has produced around 2 million bpd, thoughย production has dropped recently to 1.8 million bpd).ย 
Allegedly, Sule said, the NNPC (beginning under formerย President Obasanjo’s administration) allocated USD 1.00 perย barrel of Nigerian oil sold as a type of personal payment orย “kickback” to the President. ย While Yar’Adua reportedlyย ordered his “share” to be deposited into the nation’sย treasury, Sule claimed that the First Lady pocketed herย husband’s reported share, while Senate President David Markย and House Speaker Dimeji Bankole pocketed USD 0.50/barrelย (e.g., $30 million). ย 
In light of the possibility thatย Obasanjo could have stolen billions of dollars under thisย arrangement, Sule told PolOff that Yar’Adua told him that heย 
may use this information, perhaps one day in the near future,ย 
to indict Obasanjo for corruption. ย The problem however,ย 
according to Sule, rested in the fact that Yar’Aduaย 
recognized that if he were to pursue Obasanjo, he mayย 
unwittingly subject his wife and close advisers to greaterย 
scrutiny, and risk his own political survival.ย 
ยถ6. (S//NF) Sule said that Yar’Adua had effectively quashedย 
efforts by Obasanjo to direct Senate President David Mark, etย 
al. to inflate allocation requests for the 2008 budget inย 
order to funnel a substantial portion of those extra funds toย 
Obasanjo (Ref E). ย Sule told PolOff that the various chairsย 
of the budget committees in both the House of Representativesย 
and Senate were Obasanjo-loyalists. ย The disagreementsย 
between the National Assembly (NASS) and President Yar’Aduaย 
over the passage of the budget resulted from Yar’Adua’sย 
desire to limit Obasanjo’s influence over the NASS, and toย 
assert his own authority, Sule opined. ย Furthermore, Suleย 
said the Senate and House had unsuccessfully attempted toย 
extort money from the Presidency in order to pass the budget.ย 
ยถ7. (C//NF) Retired Major General, and current chair of theย 
northern interest group the Arewa Consultative Forum, Ibrahimย 
Haruna (strictly protect) told PolOff May 29 that althoughย 
President Yar’Adua is a fellow northerner, he has been aย 
“disaster” for Nigeria since his inauguration May 2007.ย 
ABUJA 00001018 ย 003 OF 003ย 
Haruna opined that Yar’Adua, in one year, has not deliveredย 
on any of the promises he had made to the North. ย To theย 
contrary, Haruna asserted, Yar’Adua has been “reaping theย 
rewards” of the presidency without having to “lift a finger.”ย 
ย Haruna alleged that Yar’Adua has demonstrated during hisย 
first year in office that he is more interested in “owningย 
oil wells” in the Delta than in conducting Nigeria’sย 
political affairs.ย 
ยถ8. (S//NF) We believe Sule’s assessment that Yar’Adua isย 
successfully (albeit slowly) disengaging himself fromย 
Obasanjo is valid, and his information on the First Lady’sย 
alleged illicit enrichment activities tracks with otherย 
reporting. ย However, Sule may be exaggerating the politicalย 
support Yar’Adua has in the North. ย Or, at the least, Suleย 
may be conflating the North’s support for Yar’Adua with theย 
North’s desire to hold onto its turn for the presidency.ย 
Over the course of Yar’Adua’s first year in office and slowย 
pace of reform, northern elite opinions of the President seemย 
to have gradually shifted (see also Ref D), as they worry notย 
only about his health but also forfeiting the presidency toย 
the South. ย While some have argued that Yar’Adua is committedย 
to safeguarding northern interests, others have maintainedย 
that the President has proven to be both incapable andย 
unwilling to do anything positive for the North (and the restย 
of Nigeria). ย Certainly, several northern contacts with whomย 
we have spoken have said, time and again, that the Northย 
fears it may lose the helm of political affairs shouldย 
President Yar’Adua die in office or fail to return as theย 
PDP’s candidate in any re-run of last year’s presidentialย 
race (in the event the Supreme Court overturns his April 2007ย 
election). ย After one year in office, many northernersย 
consider Yar’Adua equally as complicit as Obasanjo in theย 
North’s underdevelopment, and accuse the President of turningย 
a blind eye to his own region. ย After all, one of theย 
principal grievances of the North during Obasanjo’s pastย 
administration was not simply that Obasanjo was from theย 
South and ignored Northern interests, but that Obasanjoย 
successfully thwarted efforts by the North to exert itsย 
relevance in his administration.ย 
ยถ9. (S//NF) Additionally, many prominent northerners haveย 
spoken out against not only Obasanjo’s mismanagement of theย 
Nigerian government’s vast resources, but also Presidentย 
Yar’Adua’s unimpressive record of performance over this pastย 
year. ย It appears that the northern political elite’s desireย 
to retain the presidency is separate, to a degree, from itsย 
support for this particular northern president, or even forย 
concerns that Yar’Adua may be ineffectual or corrupt. ย In theย 
short term, desire for a Northern president may temperย 
criticism for Yar’Adua in certain circles. ย However, withย 
time, it is difficult to surmise how the desire for the Northย 
to retain the presidency can sustain support for Yar’Aduaย 
unless he begins to pick up the pace. END COMMENT.ย 
REF: A. 07 ABUJA 2616ย 
ย  ย  ย ยถB. 07 ABUJA 47ย 
ย  ย  ย ยถC. ABUJA 799ย 
ย  ย  ย ยถD. 07 ABUJA 1671ย 
ย  ย  ย ยถE. ABUJA 643ย 
Classified By: A/Pol/C Heather Merritt, reasons 1.4 (b, c & d).ย ย 

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