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Has Democracy Returned to the Grassroots? – By Matthew Ma


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The election victory of these men and women marks a significant turning point for local governance in Nigeria and heralds a new era for all Nigerians. With the mandate that local government areas must now receive their allocations directly from the Federation Account, this election represents a seismic shift with the potential to significantly strengthen democracy at the grassroots level.”

The recent local government elections held across several states in Nigeria have sparked optimism for establishing grassroots democracy after almost a decade. These elections, conducted in states such as Lagos, Kano, and Rivers, saw the appointment of chairpersons for the local government areas, signifying a significant milestone in the country’s democratic advancement. Despite challenges such as low voter turnout, the electorate had a noticeable optimism and enthusiasm. This indicates an increasing commitment to participatory democracy in Nigeria and reflects citizens’ growing interest in shaping local governance. The positive sentiment surrounding the elections suggests a growing recognition of the importance of local governance and the potential for positive change at the grassroots level. This bodes well for the future of democratic participation in Nigeria.

My last experience of a local government election occurred in 1992 during Ibrahim Babangida’s tenure, a period marked by significant political transitions in Nigeria. Following the June 12, 1993, election, the Babangida regime introduced a two-party system, allowing only the National Republican Convention Party (NRC) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) to participate. These two parties represented a pivotal moment in Nigeria’s political history, as they were tasked with shaping the country’s democratic future. Additionally, at that time, an open ballot system was utilized, and the winner was announced immediately after the votes were counted, reflecting the transparency of the process. Despite international observers hailing it as the freest and fairest election in Nigerian democratic history, the election was ultimately annulled, leading to widespread disappointment and frustration among the Nigerian populace. Critics have suggested that the Babangida regime engineered the election to maintain control over Nigeria’s democratic transition, raising concerns about the integrity of the country’s political processes.

Following the Babangida era, which lasted from 1985 to 1993, local government bodies in Nigeria faced significant challenges asserting their autonomy. They often operated as mere extensions of state governments, lacking the independence to govern their respective regions effectively. This lack of autonomy was primarily due to a system that granted state governors substantial control over the allocation of funds earmarked for regional development. Due to this centralized control, local governance experienced a virtual standstill, leading to a decline in essential services such as primary education, healthcare, and infrastructure. The neglect of these crucial areas profoundly impacted local communities, hindering their development and well-being. However, a recent landmark ruling by the Supreme Court brought a significant shift in Nigeria’s local governance landscape. This ruling granted local governments the long-awaited autonomy and authority to oversee their own funds and resources. This pivotal change signifies the end of an era in which state governors held unchecked power over local government funds, marking the beginning of a new era characterized by empowerment and self-governance for local communities. The newfound autonomy for local governments represents a crucial step towards addressing the historical challenges they have faced. It is expected to lead to more responsive governance at the grassroots level, ultimately benefiting the citizens and fostering development across the country.

We warmly congratulate the newly elected local government chairmen for their well-deserved victories. Their success signifies a significant milestone, and as leaders, they are poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of our community. Local government chairmen hold a diverse range of responsibilities, from making pivotal decisions that directly impact the lives of our citizens to overseeing the effective functioning of local government services. The newly elected officials are responsible for fulfilling their promises during their campaigns, as this will directly influence public satisfaction. By honoring their commitments, they will better serve the community and enhance their prospects for re-election, thus furthering their political careers. Embarking on their roles as newly elected local officials may initially appear overwhelming as they confront a wealth of information to absorb, constituent expectations to meet, and challenges to surmount. They rightfully deserve to commence their city leadership journey on a firm foundation, armed with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance government services and streamline processes for the benefit of our citizens.

The election victory of these men and women marks a significant turning point for local governance in Nigeria and heralds a new era for all Nigerians. With the mandate that local government areas must now receive their allocations directly from the Federation Account, this election represents a seismic shift with the potential to significantly strengthen democracy at the grassroots level. This decision to allocate funds directly from the Federation Account to the local government areas aims to enhance transparency and accountability in the distribution of resources, ensuring that the funds reach the intended beneficiaries more efficiently. This development raises pertinent questions about the potential impact on the average citizen, such as improved access to local services and infrastructure, as well as what we can anticipate from our local government chairmen in the aftermath of this historic election, including their plans for utilizing these direct allocations to address local needs and drive development initiatives.

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The revival of democracy at the local level is not just about managing budgets and resources; it’s about empowerment – striving to restore power to its rightful place: the hands of the people. By actively engaging citizens in decision-making processes, local democracy can ensure that the community’s diverse voices are heard and represented. Empowering individuals to shape their own governance fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, ultimately strengthening the fabric of society and promoting inclusive and sustainable development. Local democracy involves creating platforms for citizen participation, such as town hall meetings, public hearings, and community forums where individuals can voice their opinions and contribute to shaping policies. It also encompasses transparency in government operations, providing access to information, and ensuring that decision-making processes are accessible and understandable to all community members. Furthermore, local democracy includes mechanisms for holding elected officials accountable through regular elections, public scrutiny, and feedback mechanisms. This ensures that representatives are responsive to the needs and concerns of the people they serve, fostering trust and legitimacy in the governance process. In addition, local democracy involves promoting civic education and awareness to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate meaningfully in decision-making processes. This can include initiatives to educate citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and the functioning of local government, as well as programs to enhance civic engagement and leadership within the community. By equipping individuals with the tools to engage in civic life, local democracy cultivates an informed and active citizenry, contributing to a vibrant and resilient society. Overall, the revival of local democracy is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses participation in decision-making, transparency, accountability, civic education, and the promotion of inclusive and sustainable development. By embracing these principles, communities can create a democratic governance system that empowers citizens and advances the common good.

The local government elections have brought a renewed sense of hope and optimism to citizens across Nigeria. With the election of new local government officials, there is a growing anticipation that essential resources for infrastructural development, such as roads, schools, and health facilities, will now be more readily available. These resources are expected to be utilized more efficiently locally, improving service delivery and overall community infrastructure development. One fundamental change from the elections is the increased financial autonomy granted to local governments. This newfound autonomy is anticipated to empower local authorities to more effectively address pressing local issues. Additionally, it is expected to encourage greater citizen engagement in local governance and decision-making processes, thereby fostering a stronger sense of community involvement. Furthermore, the direct link between revenue allocation and local development is projected to bring about tangible improvements in the quality of services and projects undertaken by local government authorities. This shift in resource allocation has the potential to reshape the relationship between citizens and their local government, ultimately fostering increased trust and participation in local governance. Overall, the impact of the local government elections is poised to be far-reaching and promises to affect the lives of citizens across Nigeria positively. This pivotal moment could set the stage for more inclusive and responsive governance at the grassroots level, marking a significant step forward in the country’s governance and development.

Local government chairmen should be genuinely accountable to their constituents, which should inspire every citizen. Just picture a scenario where every voter is familiar with their local government chairperson and has access to regular town hall meetings and open forums where they can ask questions and provide input on local issues. Now, envision accessing an online platform that offers a comprehensive breakdown of how our community’s funds are used for road maintenance, waste management, and education projects and provides real-time updates on ongoing and upcoming initiatives. This platform may feature interactive maps displaying the locations of infrastructure projects, expenditure reports outlining the allocation of every penny, and regular updates on the progress of various community programs. It will provide comprehensive breakdowns showing how our money is being used, allowing us to track the tangible outcomes of democratic decision-making and ensuring transparency in government spending. We will have the opportunity to see firsthand how public funds are allocated and their impact on our communities, enabling us to witness the dividends of democracy in action.

It is essential to actively engage with the individuals in charge of our local governments. Gone are the days when leaders could deflect responsibility by blaming the state government for not releasing funds. As the funds are available, we have every right to scrutinize their utilization. This directive empowers you to pose challenging questions: What is the current condition of our roads, and how do they compare to the state’s infrastructure standards? Are any ongoing maintenance or improvement projects in place to address deficiencies? How are our schools faring regarding student performance? What specific metrics are used to measure academic achievement, and how do they compare to state or national standards? What steps are being taken to improve teacher-student ratios and enhance extracurricular activities for a more holistic educational experience? Are our health centers adequately prepared for emergencies? Do they have sufficient medical personnel, equipment, and resources to handle potential crises effectively? Are there any plans to upgrade facilities or expand services to serve the community better? Above all, where is the money being allocated, and what specific projects or initiatives are being funded to benefit the community? Transparency regarding how taxpayer funds are utilized is essential to ensure they are being allocated in ways that directly benefit the public.

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The recently concluded local government election brings opportunities and challenges for the local government chairmen. While it grants them greater financial autonomy, it also subjects them to increased scrutiny. Unlike governors and the president, the chairman is not immune from prosecution, leaving them vulnerable to investigation by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) if there is any misuse of funds. Therefore, the chairmen must exercise caution, as they are now under the watchful eyes of the EFCC and, more significantly, their constituents. Citizens must hold their local government elected officials accountable by staying informed about important issues affecting their communities. The restoration of democracy at the grassroots level is a triumph for democracy, but its success depends on the active participation of the people in local governance. It is time to initiate regular town hall meetings where community members can engage with elected officials, express their concerns, and demand transparency in local government expenditures. By attending these meetings and actively participating in discussions, citizens can play a crucial role in promoting accountability and ensuring that public funds are used responsibly for the betterment of their communities. Let us not hesitate to voice our concerns and ask pertinent questions, as our finances, communities, and future are at stake.

Despite the successful conduct of the elections, they were not without challenges. In River State, widespread post-election violence erupted in several local government areas, preventing newly sworn-in council chairmen from accessing their offices. This violence led to property damage and posed a threat to the overall stability of the region. Voter turnout varied widely across different states, with some recording high participation due to effective voter education and mobilization efforts. In contrast, others experienced low turnout, possibly due to voter apathy or logistical challenges. In many states, the election results predominantly favored one political party, raising concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of the electoral process. For instance, in states with an APC (All Progressives Congress) governor, all local government chairmen were from the APC, indicating a need for more diversity in political representation. Similarly, in states with a PDP (People’s Democratic Party) governor, all elected members were from the PDP, highlighting the partisan nature of the electoral outcomes. These trends have sparked debates about the need for electoral reforms to ensure equal opportunities for all political parties and candidates. Despite this, the local government election holds a significant meaning beyond a routine electoral process. It served as a platform for citizens to actively reassert their influence in governance, effectively reminding elected officials of their crucial responsibility to uphold their commitments to the community. Furthermore, the election was a clear signal that unrestrained authority is no longer acceptable in our society, underscoring the importance of transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in local governance. Overall, the election demonstrated the community’s strong desire for inclusive and participatory governance, setting the stage for continued citizen involvement in local decision-making processes.

With the elections concluded, the newly elected officials must promptly commence their work by establishing transition teams, holding meetings with outgoing officials, and creating detailed plans for addressing the pressing issues highlighted during their campaigns. They should collaborate with the existing administrative bodies to ensure a smooth transition of power, including understanding current policies and programs in place. Additionally, they must engage with their constituents through town hall meetings and community events to understand their needs and concerns. This will enable them to develop effective strategies to fulfill their promises and serve the public interest while maintaining open lines of communication with the public throughout their term. The active engagement of citizens in the electoral process signifies a collective yearning for positive change and a more inclusive and responsive government that genuinely reflects the people’s will. This heightened involvement indicates a growing demand for policies and decisions that resonate with the genuine needs and aspirations of the community. It underscores a longing for a government deeply connected to its constituents and dedicated to serving their best interests, including healthcare, education, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. This level of engagement also indicates a desire for transparency, accountability, ethical governance, and acknowledgment of the significance of diversity and equality in shaping policies and initiatives. Therefore, let us to unite and emphasize the importance of productivity and teamwork. Let us avoid engaging in political activities or conversations that may distract us from reaching our objectives.

Rev. Ma, S.J., is a Jesuit Catholic priest of the North West Africa Province of the Society of Jesus. He writes from Abuja, FCT.


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