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Friday, June 21, 2024

Niger Delta group gives FG 14-day ultimatum to release Kanu



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A Niger Delta-based group, the Association of Niger Delta Upland Communities (ANDUC), has given the Federal Government a 14-day ultimatum to release detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu.

In a statement signed by Isa Obiri, president and Wisdom Oteyi, secretary, the group threatened that failure by the Federal Government to heed to its call would exacerbate tension in the land and lead to unrest and public demonstrations.

The letter, addressed to President Bola Tinubu, read in par: “We are writing to you on behalf of the Association of Niger Delta Upland Communities and concerned citizens to urgently the release of our Igbo/Biafra brother and activist, Nnamdi Kanu, who is presently detained for peacefully advocating for the just distribution of natural resources in our regions.

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“This man has not violated any laws and he’s simply exercising his rights to demand what rightly belongs to us.

“We urged the government to release this activist and engage in a dialogue to address his concerns, which are shared by many of us.

“Falling to release him may only exacerbate tension, potentially leading to unrest and public demonstrations. We sincerely believe that through dialogue and mutual understanding, a resolution can be achieved that benefits all parts involved.

“We respectfully urge the government to take the necessary steps to release Kanu within the next 14 days for the betterment of our regions and the nation as a whole.

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“But your inability to release our leader, Kanu, will unravel what will shock the whole world. We the ANDUC will expose the high and the mighty.”

The group said it has faith in the leadership of President Tinubu, believing he would do the needful by releasing Kanu and by so doing, upholding justice and fairness.

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