Plateau State, the home of peace and tourism, is a miniature Nigeria. The convergence of Nigerians from different parts of the country into the state is a clear pronouncement that the state is the bride that every groom dreams of.
Unfortunately, this beauty has been marred by circles of crises among communities that have now been taken over by bandits and “unknown gunmen” who go around attacking Villages. These attackers have sent the tourism nature of the state to the eternal abyss.
While the search for lasting peace is on, we must lay the issues as they are. The quest for possession of resources can be considered as the main factor behind this reoccurring sad tale in the state, religious fanatics have cashed in on this factor to carry out their religious expansionist agenda. Conflict marchants have also capitalized on it to boost their network and those affected by climate change, desertification and the like, have also cashed in to make the state an ever-flowing stream of blood.
Having considered these issues above, we all must know that these factors have a direct or indirect push from religion and ethnicity. Ethnic and religious differences have made it almost impossible to fish out the perpetrators of these killings with every sect defending and justifying the actions of these criminals. In the search for lasting peace, religious and ethnic leaders must be called to order.
Government should come up with policies that will regulate religious activities and sermons that border on extremism by clerics like the ones that dominated the social media recently attributed to a renown Shiek after the Rukuba road incident.
Traditional leaders should also be empowered to sanitize their communities, and fish out the trouble makers. Anything short of that should invoke sanctions. They should also identify militia among them as the MIYETTI Allah did in Taraba state where they handed over kidnappers to the state police after the Emir of Muri gave an ultimatum.
Government should identify areas that are seen as blind spots (areas where silent killings take place). Government should also improve security presence in the areas while leaders in those areas should take charge.
Citizens must have an orientation that allows them to see the problem as one against humanity and not religion or ethnicity.
Religious indoctrination should be banned and substituted with nationalistic ideologies. Though difficult, if done effectively, this will yield palpable results.
Lastly, the number of intakes across all security agencies should be increased yearly to meet up with the gap created by the population explosion.
Governance should be characterized by Justice, Equity and Fairness.
Tok Morgan (BigBlunt)
On -Air Personality and Activist