The police on Tuesday arraigned four men at a Badagry Magistrates’ Court, Lagos State, for allegedly beating up a Badagry monarch, Oba Adewale Okoya, the Onibereko of Ibereko-land.
The defendants – John Olaitan,62; Adebayo Olaitan, 49; Liadi Adesina,50; and Lukuman Ogunyemi,45 – are facing a two-count charge of assualt and breach of public peace.
The Prosecutor, Insp. Ayodele Adeosun, told the court that the defendants on Feb. 8 exchanged blows with the monarch during a scuffle over a piece of land at Ibereko New Site area of Badagry, Lagos State.
“The defendants unlawfully assaulted the monarch by hitting him with fist blows and caused him bodily harm.
“Also, they assaulted him by tearing his cloth and broke his royal staff.
“The defendants conducted themselves in a manner likely to cause breach of peace by attacking, Oba Adewale Okoya,” said the prosecutor.
The prosecutor said the offences contravened Sections 314 and 287 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.
The defendants, however, pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
The Magistrate, Mr Lazarus Hotepo, granted the defendants N100,000 bail each with two sureties in like sum.
Hotepo adjourned the case until March 5, for mention.