Chief Justice of Malaysia Md Raus Sharif has informed that the Malaysian Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the UAE government and asked for a meeting between Malaysian judicial investigators with UAE ambassador to the United States Yousef al-Otaiba.
Chief Justice of Malaysia addressed the complicated aspects of the allegations against the billionaire Malaysian businessman Joe Lu who is accused of corruption of $4.5 billion dollars and stated that: “In connection with this case, the Malaysian judicial system has achieved some new pieces of evidence that causes ambiguities regarding the true nature of the relationship between Joe Lu and Youssef al-Otaiba.”
“As UAE officials denied to hand in Shaher Awartani, the business partner of Yousef al-Otaiba, the Malaysian authorities asked Interpol asked Interpol to issue a Red Notice for Shaher Awartani,” Malaysian Justice Minister added.
Referring to the close cooperation of the US and EU with Malaysia for clarification of the unknown aspects of the case and also tracking the embezzled property from the Malaysian National Development Fund, Chief Justice of Malaysia asked the UAE authorities to allow Malaysian judicial experts to hold a meeting with Youssef al-Utaiba and his affiliated companies’ managers.