A Funeral prayer for six Martyrs was held in Kaduna. The six were taken alive when the Police opened fire as directed by the State Security Service SSS under the leadership of Lawan Daura on peaceful procession demanding release of Sheikh Zakzaky on Tuesday the 15th of December 2015 in Kaduna.
The members of the Islamic Movement under the leadership of Sheikh Zakzaky were tortured to death by the Police while in their custody.
The corpses of the Sheikh Zakzaky Followers were handed over to the Islamic Movement members for burial by the Police in Kaduna for proper Islamic burial.
According to the Islamic Movement Members in Kaduna “However to our greatest shock they were tortured using electric shock and also stabbed severally. It was gruesome”.
The statement explained that Sheikh Zakzaky followers were killed after being arrested at the peaceful procession they staged in Kaduna on Tuesday 15-12-15 condemning the continued detention of their Leader Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky and the indiscriminate killing of their brothers.
Before then on Thursday 17-12-15 four were buried, the following day Friday 3 were again buried after being handed over to us by the Police Command. This made the total number of people killed by the Police in Kaduna on the day of the protest in Kaduna to 13.