Our great party will not oppose the sanitization of administration of health products and therefore will not support the use of indiscriminate concoction on Anambra State people by all manner of quacks parading as medical and paramedical experts and couriers, our party warns Anambra State Government, is that every illegality addressed illegally runs the risk of becoming legitimate, and therefore urges the government to quickly retrace its steps and return to the path of the rule of law and due process in addressing the ills of society.
We had cause to advise speak out when Anambra State government, without any legislative action amended the Anambra State Motorcycle Act of 2007 with an executive order, illegally and unfairly restricting Anambra citizens using private and commercial motorcycles and tricycles from using certain roads built with tax payers funds. Yet the government went ahead with this impunity, creating difficulties in the life of our people .
Recently, in a bid to legitimize its condemnable action, government woke up from its slumber to add the issue of helmet, just to give legal casing to is earlier gaffe on motorcycles and tricycles. While we recognize the use of helmets as a provision of the fderal law, which the agents of government ought to have enforced in the first place ,we deprecate any attempt to mix up the issue of helmets with restriction f users on roads without law, and the attendant exploitation of Anambra State citizens by the Police with commission offered to elements in the state government.
We earlier condemned the evil plot of the APGA-controlled government of Anambra State to be the accuser and the judge by rolling the machines with the Anambra State Police Command to destroy properties belonging to kidnap suspects, instead of kidnap convicts, which amounts to extra-judicial action that has now been abused by applying same to political opponents.
Anambra State drivers ad other road workers are under constant harassment from thugs parading the office of the governor of Anambra State as their only address, who extort money from them in cash an din amounts enough to wreck their business. Recently this action has been extended to petrol stations and hotels, without proper back-up of law, land framework for accountability.
Now, with reference to announcements made by the Anambra State Government as monitored on radio stations threatening to close down academic and other institutions who allow vendors of these medicinal Government to restrict themselves to the path of due process, as no institution should be closed down without the due process of law.
We must rise to protect innocent citizens of Anambra State, from disruption of their livelihood, which is what they stand to benefit from government, rather than punish them for the sake of the guilty.
We however do not see government succeeding in proper implementation of this good idea in the right direction without entering into trouble ,except with proper legislation , going through the right crucible of the Anambra State House of Assembly.
Therefore, we will not support any executive or precipitate action to be taken on any Anambra State citizen except these measures of legislation highlighted ,without which the drive for clean health could be abused or hijacked.
We hereby support the proposed ban on advertisement, promotion, distribution, sale and administration of substances not cleared by the Anambra State Ministry of Health for the consumption of our citizens.
We would however not make any statement on the aspect of the announcement bordering on equipments until we are sure of which category of equipments are being referred to in the announcement which is so far unclear and ascertain that there are no federal or state laws in place regulating same.
We seize this opportunity advise the state government to ensure that all actions taken in the drive of their policies remain within the law and to propose amendments to the law through the right channels where changes are desired, rather than resort to brigandage and raising all manner of illegal enforcers and thugs to collect fines from free citizens without lawful authority.
Once again we assure the people of Anambra State that APC will continue to focus on the issues of development, advancement of Anambra State within the rule of law and the context of observance of human dignity and rights.
Okelo Madukaife
State Publicity Secretary