On Saturday, Iran’s Supreme Court rejected the death penalty which was issued against Amir Mirzayee Hekmati, a US resident, by the Islamic Revolutionary Court, said his lawyer, Mahmoud Alizade Tabatabaei.
The lawyer added that his client would still appeal the imprisonment verdict.
In December 2011, Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced that it has arrested an agent of the CIA in Iran immediately after he started his spying activities inside the country.
Late in December 2011 Iran started trial of the CIA spy. During the trial, the suspect confessed to the motivation behind his efforts to infiltrate the Islamic Republic of Iran’s intelligence system as a CIA agent.
“In this mission I was fooled by the CIA and although I had entered Iran with a mission to infiltrate in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s intelligence systems and to turn into a new source for the CIA, I didn’t want to hit a blow to Iran,” Mirzayee Hekmati said.
The arrested spy was born in Arizona of the US and has a track record of ten years of training as a professional spy. Amir Mirzayee Hekmati was employed by the US Army’s intelligence section in August 2001.
In his confession that was broadcasted by Iranian TV at the time, Mirzayee Hekmati explained his secret mission in Iran.