Following the untimely and suspicious death of the Governor of Kaduna, the late Patrick Yakowa off of the swampy land fields of Bayelsa State on December 15, 2012, the frequent church bombings and violent attacks on Christian and security installations – systematically seized with the installation of the former deputy governor as the governor of the State on December 2012.
Information available to through competent sources within the administrative quarters of the Yero government reveal that following the ascension of the Muslim Ramalan Yero to the seat of Governor, he began exhibiting traits of religious bigotry towards his non-Muslim aides and particularly his deputy, Nuhu Nyam Bajoga Audu – who is also a devote Christian.
Of particular mention is the governor’s reaction or lack of reaction to death of the deputy governor’s father in law on August 2, 2013.
The father to the deputy governor’s wife, Rev [Dr.] Habu Mari – who was a Trustee of ECWA Church, had passed away on August 2, 2013. With the news of the passing, it was expected for the Kaduna Government to be represented at the funeral – or for the Governor to be in attendance for the burial. Rather the governor pointed to the deputy governor to represent him at the burial of his father in-law. He was buried at the Kaduna town of Kwoi on Saturday August 3, 2013.
Adding muster to what appears arguably a bigoted move of the part of the Kaduna State governor was his outright refusal to pay a condolence visit to the bereaved. Till date, the governor has yet to pay a condolence visit. It then begs the question – why has the governor failed to visit the family.
Efforts to reach the Yero administration through the Director of Media, Ahmed Maiyaka failed as he refused to respond to sms messages sent to his mobile phone.