Anti-Mullah protesters routinely face rape, crucifixion, execution…
The Reuters news agency is reporting that dissidents and those who join in protests against the Mullahs in control of the Islamic Republic of Iran;
“are subjected to beatings with batons, mock hangings, rape, sleep deprivation, and threats that family members will be raped or killed.”
In spite of numerous Human Rights organizations accusing the Tehran regime of utilizing torture for decades, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, has finally verified what’s been said for years.
In the just released report, Shaheed stated that the Iranian Islamic (Shari’a) Penal Code;
“contravenes international law because a woman’s court testimony and her life is valued at half that of a man’s.
Girls are recognized as legally culpable at 9 years old and boys at 14.”
The damning report also cited that freedom protesters are subject to a penal code grounded in Islamic Shari’a Law that;
“deems moharebeh (enmity against God) and fisad-fil-arzz (corruption on earth) as capital crimes, punishable by execution, crucifixion, amputation of the right hand and the left foot, or banishment.”
Shari’a Law In Action…
An example of the Iranian government’s motus operandi is cited by author and Iranian dissident Ghazal Omid, who verified in an interview with Glenn Beck (video, lower left) that an Iranian woman protester eventually died of injuries after being anally raped with a baseball bat at the hands of Iranian authorities.
Omid is the author of the book “Living In Hell,” which details the plight of those Iranians struggling for freedom within the Islamic Republic.