2015: Shehu Yar’adua, Rejuvenation Of PDM Machine & Overview Of The Future Of Democracy In Nigeria! – By Eze Chukwuemeka Eze


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Watching with sadnessthe sudden and the terrible nosedive our democratic practice has plummetedrecently, that even the destiny of our nation as one indivisible nation isbeing threatened; as a concerned Nigerian who would have lost his life in 2005due to the part I played in the struggle to thwart the undesired andundemocratic third term agenda of the powers that be at that period and havingmonitored the ongoing regrouping, re-engineering and realignment of ourpolitical structures all aimed at the general elections of 2015, the need tox-ray the ideals and vision of a man that willingly sacrificed his life for thedeepening of our democratic values becomes imperative. This study thereforewill attempt to unearth the vision of General Yar’Adua and the type of Nigeriahe envisaged that made him to sacrificed his life and examine the currentefforts that is being made by his erstwhile disciples to rejuvenate andreposition his political machine the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM): toeither reclaim the political soul of Nigeria that it once held in high esteemand guided jealously. As they do this, this study will also attempt to find outif this sudden revival of PDM at this period will lead to democraticemancipation of our country and to critically examine where we have gone wrongpolitically and proffer solutions where necessary. The study will also attemptthe facts on the ongoing efforts to form political blocks visa-via the hopethat it will assist Nigerians to chart a new democratic path and culture with aview to safe guarding the indivisibility of Nigeria as a nation which is veryindeed is very sacrosanct in our journey to nationhood.




Having said that, letme start with what actually is the meaning of democracy; according toDictionary.com, democracy is defined as “government by the people; aform of government in which the supreme power isvested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agentsunder a free electoral system; a state of society characterized by formalequality of rights and privileges. Its system of democracy ensures that peoplehave a direct say in the country’s affairs. In a democracy, nothing is supposedto matter more than the will of the people”. On the contrary, democracy inNigeria, can be captured or defined in my own interpretation of our democraticpractice as “the government of the corrupt cabal for the corrupt cabal by the corruptcabal as those privileged to be in any particular government in Nigeria governsthe country as if it is an occult society where only those in power areempowered to be the sole beneficiaries of whatever the Government in power canprovide. In this regard, the contracts are shared amongst the NationalExecutive Council members with their cohorts at the National level while at theState level, the Chief Executives (Governors) and members of the various StateExecutive Councils. This type of government which is exclusive in nature, thosein power ensure that other common Nigerians that are not privileged to beassociated with them are kept at bay by every means possible.


Not minding that weare the sixth largest oil producing country in the world but what do we get inreturn? Our highways has become dead traps, darkness the lots of our people,  hospitals have become consulting centres,schools in a comatose state with half-baked unemployable graduates as itsproducts not minding billions of Naira contracts assumed to be awarded weeklyon pages of National Dailies at the National level and State levels without anysign of the execution of any contract or tangible project on the ground. This unfortunatestate of our democracy notwithstanding, commendation should go to theGovernments of Lagos, Akwa Ibom, Kwara, Rivers, Edo and few others States inthe country where the dividends of democracy are delivered to their people.




U.S. Secretary of StateHillary Clinton supporting my definition of governance and democracy in Nigeriastated in one of her visits to Nigeria, “by blaming failed government forNigeria’s huge poverty gap and urged Africa’s most populous nation to toughenup on corruption and fix a “flawed” electoral system. According toher, the continent’s biggest energy producer and its second biggest economy –should rank among the world’s most important developing nations but itsreputation for graft undermined its international standing. “The mostimmediate source of the disconnect between Nigeria’s wealth and its poverty isa failure of governance at federal, state and local level, Nigeria should be ina position to be part of the G20 but — a big but — the corruption reputation… it is a problem,”.


Renowned social media outlet the Republic Reports in confirming thecorrupt rate in the country gave statics how the country’s funds are sharedamongst our leaders in its special report titled, “Bombshell:How Nigeria’s Trillions, $44B Public Debts Are Pocketed By 17,500 Top PublicOfficers & Political Criminals—Reports” to thedetriment of over 167 million Nigerians supporting my definition of democracyin Nigeria as the government of the corrupt cabal for the corruptcabal by the corrupt cabal.


According to recent report by the Central Bank of Nigeria Governor,Mallam Sanusi Sanusi the CBN economic report for the second quarter of 2012shows that the sum of N988.36 billion was allocated to the 36 state governmentsand the 774 local government councils in April, May and June 2012, respectivelyas statutory allocations, VAT receipts and 13% derivation. The question in theminds of many Nigerians is where have all these funds gone to instead thereport before many Nigerians is one woe or the other – lack of employment amongour teeming graduates, our hospitals turned to mere consulting hospital withoutadequate equipment thereby making mockery of our nation.


It was said that by the 60s the families ofthe Royal dynasty of Saudi Arabia were coming to UCH Ibadan to be treated butour late President Musa Yar’Adua died in their hospital not minding what wasbrought back to the country then, today our first Lady, Dame Jonathan is in aGerman hospital recuperating, our leaders these days go to India to be treatedfor mere headache while we are told of billions of Naira been embezzled bypublic officers on provision of health facilities. On roads billions of Nairais spent almost on weekly basis, the Campaign for Democracy captured it aptlywhen in its recent report, it stated that South East roads alone claim 1,223lives in two years as it decries the deplorable condition of Federal Highwayswithin the South-East zone.“Statistics show that out of about 8,750km offederal roads in the country, the South-East has about 3,480km. And only about980km are motorable, while over 2,500km are death traps and near-to-hell ditches.The bad roads claimed 82 lives in a day, which included 20 school childrengoing on excursion on September 2010 when a fuel-laden tanker exploded atOdumodu-Umunya junction on the Onitsha-Awka-Enugu Road,”. Four qualityLecturers of Igbinedon University died as a trailer coming from Benin, inan attempt to avoid a failed portion on the road, drove on the lane of theoncoming Audi Car, which the lecturers were travelling, forcing it to swerve intoOvia River, near Ekiadolor on 5th September, 2012.


These are the sorrowstate of Federal roads in all the regions of the country. Tens of thousands of Nigerians lose theirlives and properties yearly due to the deplorable conditions of the roads,while trillions of naira is pocketed by the contractors and their collaboratorsin government. In every budget, the works ministry is allocated large sums ofmoney and at the end of the year the minister in charge cannot point to howmany kilometres of road was built or repaired




According to the Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP); PDPis the major problem facing Nigeria. The group affirmed this while reacting tothe 14 anniversary of the Peoples Democratic Party that the party has failedNigerians. CNPP further noted saidinstead of giving excuses, a responsible, responsive and patriotic rulingpolitical party, should have ceased the opportunity of the 14th anniversary forintrospection and soul searching; in order to examine how come over 70% ofNigerians today live below poverty line, as against 40% in 1998 and how comeNigerians are not just restive, but are declaring for self- government,hoisting flags and coats of arms?


Whereas, we cannot belabor you with uncountable PDP’stheatre of absurd; it is our considered view that what the Peoples DemocraticParty {PDP} is celebrating is its 14th anniversary of locus years. Accordingly,it is incumbent on the party to openly apologize to Nigerians for years ofbroken promises, failed leadership, and enthronement of corruption and cultureof impunity.


To ACN the biggest opposition party in the country,PDP is the cause of all the woes in the country in its recent report. Accordingto the party, “Is it theworrying takeover of the country by sundry armed gangs, killers of all sorts,suicide bombers who have brought Nigeria to the level of strife torn Somalia,as an eminent founder of PDP confessed recently? Is it the state ofunemployment that has soared to the extent that tens of thousands of graduatesapply for truck drivers post as shown in the Dangote drivers’ recruitmentexercise going on at present? Is it in the total breakdown of infrastructuresin every sector to the extent that the country has become decay that has madethe country a morgue of decayed and obsolete infrastructures? Is it oncorruption, which the PDP celebrates as a virtue and has elevated to suchheight that nothing works in Nigeria again? Is it in election rigging, whichsustains the false strength of the PDP and which it had sworn never to departfrom? Is it in the unending series of judicial manipulations and all manners ofsly acts with which the PDP has defaced our constitution to make it amenable toits wiles and chicanery? Is it on the array of anti-people polices andgovernmental extortions that have driven Nigerians to the very edges of theirexistence while leaders of the PDP smile to the bank with stolen loot eachpassing day? Are Nigerians celebrating that PDP has turned Nigeria into aborderless land of unending misery, ethnic war fare, insecurity and torture?”




With threat with many major opposition parties in the country, includingthe Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP),Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) and others finalising talks over theproposed alliance ahead of 2015 election, amid high expectations, SecondRepublic governor of Kaduna State, Alhaji Balarabe Musa, affirmed in a chatrecently that principal actors in the alliance were more than eager to ensurethe ouster of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) from power by the next generalelection. Musa said he was part of the actors who had been working to ensure anew government takes over power in 2015. “ACN is currently the largestopposition party in Nigeria at the moment. We count on the party to work inunison with other political parties for the good of the opposition.”


In another development it is reported that Chief Olusegun Obasanjo andthe former military president, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, as well assome sitting governors on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)have perfected plans to float a new political party ahead of the 2015elections. In the plot, driven mostly by some serving and former governors fromthe Northern part of the country, Obasanjo is expected to make a statement inmid-2013, stating reasons for power to return to the North in 2015.

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The PDP Publicity Secretary, Chief Metuh stated, “On the unconfirmedreports of possible formation of a break away party from the PDP, let us waituntil that happens; we will wait to confirm such stories than react now”


In reaction against the background of alliance talks between the ActionCongress of Nigeria (ACN) and the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) aheadof the 2015 election, a former national chairman of the Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP), Senator Barnabas Gemade, has said any gang up against the rulingparty will fail. Senator Gemade, who represents Benue State in the Senate,wondered why the PDP would be worried about opposition alliance when it had notworked out in the past, saying “the PDP should not be afraid of the gang up, itis not new.”


Chief Owolabi Salis who contested the office of the National Secretary ofthe party during its last congress cautions against breaking up PDP as that maycrumble the country, “If PDP could break it would also lead to thedisintegration of the country because of its weight in the country. It hasbecome a national treasure that deserves careful and cautious management”




In his reaction, President Jonathan told Nigerians that they should beable to utilise the power of the voter card to get rid of bad leaders ingovernment, saying that it was with this in mind that his administrationdecided to sanitise the electoral process to ensure that the wish of the peopleprevailed at elections. Speaking during the inauguration of the second editionof the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (YouWin!) for women in the StateHouse, Abuja, on Monday, he explained that it was necessary to reform theelectoral process to make it relevant to the people’s aspirations. “We feelthat for a political dispensation to be relevant to the people and to endure,the electoral process must be sanitised. The voter card of Nigerians must makethem vote out the bad politicians. That is the only way we politicians will becommitted and do what is right.“And for that we promised to change theelectoral process. We have not reached where we want to go but Nigerians and,indeed, all people that have been monitoring our elections have observed thatthis is a different face of Nigeria and we will continue to improve on it.”


He expressed his administration’s commitment to tackling corruption evenas he observed that those who shout about corruption in the country were someof the most corrupt in the country.


The president noted: “In this country, these days, people talk aboutcorruption. Sometimes those who are corrupt even shout more about corruptionbut we are tackling it gradually. If you look at the agriculture sector wherescandals of procurement of fertilisers and tractors and other scandals weregoing on, we have stopped that. In the oil sector, we are going to stop it.Gradually, this will thin down. We cannot change the society overnight but wehave to take it step by step.”




Having examined thefallacy of the type of democracy we practise in Nigeria, let me now seek forsolutions by attending to the main subject of this treatise without hope thatit will open our eyes to imbibe the patriotic disposition of this icon ofdemocracy in his arts of bravery and sacrifice. Major General Shehu MusaYar’Adua fondly called Tafida by his admirers was an accomplished force toreckon in the politics of Nigeria and in death his legacy remain a guide tothose who hold and seek political power. He was born on March 5, 1943 to anaristocratic Fulani family in Katsina; his father, lateMallam Musa Yar’Adua,  a former Minister for Lagos during the First republic, held the royal title of Mutawalli (custodian ofthe treasury) of the Katsina Emirate. Late Shehu Yar’Adua, Nigerian soldier, businessman and politician and was the older brother of former NigerianPresident Late Umaru Yar’Adua. Trained at the Royal Military AcademySandhurst in Sandhurst, England and returned from Sandhurst in 1964 as a young Second Lieutenant notlong before the Nigerian Civil War broke out.


Major Yar’Adua’scapture of Onitsha in 1967 is regarded as the decisive battle which led to theend of the bloody conflict that consumed millions of lives.

The Civil War had a tremendous impact on Lt. Col. Shehu Yar’Adua. Disheartenedby the devastation he witnessed, he recognised the futility of disunity basedon ethnicity, region or religion. He understood that a united Nigeria wasprerequisite for the nation’s growth and development.


Colonel Shehu Yar’Adua served as Federal Commissioner of Transport in 1976. AsCommissioner, he was credited with establishing a blueprint for the developmentof Nigeria’s transport sector as well as the reorganisation and decongestion ofthe nation’s ports. Upon the assassination of the revered Head of State,Murtala Mohammed, in 1976, Shehu Yar’Adua was named Chief of Staff, SupremeHeadquarters and promoted to the rank of Major-General in the ObasanjoAdministration. At just 36 years of age, he was the youngest officer to holdthat rank on the entire Continent.


Among his manyaccomplishments, perhaps most significant was the Administration’s successfulconduct of an elections and historic hand over to a democratic rule in 1979. Asthe first military government to voluntarily hand over power in Africa,Generals Obasanjo and  Yar’Aduarecognized that the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria was the only way toensure stability and social harmony in the country


Upon retirement,Yar’Adua joined the business world with emphasis on private sector driveneconomy and varying interests in publishing, agriculture, manufacturing, oil& Gas and  shipping. He co-foundedwith the Late MKO Abiola  Habib NigeriaBank now  KeyStone Bank. He establishedthe Islam in Africa Organisation and served as Chairman of the National MosqueCommittee where he oversaw the funding and building of the National Mosque,Abuja.


In April 1978 he washonoured by Katsina people and turbaned as Tafida, a traditional title heinherited from his father.





According to Shehu Yar’Adua, “Public service is service to God. You serve Godby serving his creatures”


But the return of amilitary regime without a firm commitment to handing over to a democraticallyelected government led General Yar’Adua to join politics. He was prepared tolead the political class through the familiar antics and obstacles set by hisformer colleagues in uniform. Shehu Yar’Adua was a gifted politician. Hisgrassroots politics were void of ethnic bias and religious or regionalsentiment, His organisation, whether PF or SDP or PDM, dominated the politicallandscape of the country, breaking what he dubbed the siege mentality which haddogged politics since 1914.


His aspiration tobecome the SDP Presidential flagbearer was inspired by a desire to give thisnation the committed and responsible leadership the country so desperatelydesired and deserved. He advocated a new National Purpose which was designed toenrich lives, inspire patriotic pride and serve the common good of all.


As a Presidentialcandidate, Yar’Adua continued to break old barriers, beating formidablehome-based political opponents and winning elections across the nation tobecome his party’s nominee. Just when he was poised to win his party’spresidential nomination, his election was annulled and he was banned fromfurther participation.


Without bitterness or rancour, General Yar’Adua devoted himself toplaying the role of advisor, mentor and counsellor through new rounds ofelections. He continued to steer the country toward democracy as the singlemost influential politician in the country.




Always a courageousleader, Yar’Adua stood in the forefront of those who demanded a timely anddefinite handover date to democratically elected government. Those who soughtto perpetuate themselves in power plotted to arrest and jail him and others inorder to remove any obstacles that stood on their path.


He was sentenced tolife in prison by a militarytribunal in 1995, after calling on the Nigerian military government of Gen. Sani Abacha and his Provisional Ruling Council to re-establishcivilian rule. He died incaptivity on 8 December 1997.


Even when his deathsentence was passed, Shehu Yar’Adua’s spirit and determination were not broken.From Kirikiri Prison in 1995, he wrote; “don’t worry too much about me. It isthe sacrifice some of us must make for our country to be free”. While in AbakalikiPrison in Ebonyi Statebased on the documentary on the uncompleted BridgeBuilder, the famous letter he sent to then President of USA, President BillClinton becomes a reference of what a true leader should be, “Mr. Presidentsir, It is becoming very obvious that I and General Olusegun Obasanjo may diein prison but we are not cowed as we are ready to sacrifice our lives for thegreatness and future of our country but I plead with you Mr. President not togive up on Nigeria and her people as you must do everything humanly possible tohelp the country from the hands of the dictator ruling the country at thisperiod to enable our people have freedom and democratise”. I just wonder whoother leader was ready to do this for democracy in Nigeria. He died and thecountry lost a gentleman and a hero, but the structures he built could not bedestroyed. The democracy we now enjoy is testimony to Shehu Yar’Adua’s courageand leadership. It is his courage and his leadership that we continue tocelebrate.




His wife HajiaAsabe Shehu Yar’Adua described her husband as one, who believed in truth, stoodby it and died in the pursuant of it. He was a man with a golden heart and hestood and died for one thing: truth.


Governor MartinsElechi from Ebonyi State recalled that it was for the late Yar’Adua at thedefunct constituent Assembly that made for the present 13% derivation revenuefor the oil producing states. “I was never so close to him but the lives ofpeople permeate the fabrics of the society through the words of those who standclose to them. The late general, founder of Social Democratic Party, (SDP), theparty that was determined to make a clean break from the military dispensation,for the period the party was alive, we saw the difference in Nigeria politics.


To late Rt. Hon.Chuba Okadigbo, “Yar adua was a strategist whose strategy was to first of allidentify the problem, think out a solution and attack the problem” while toAmbassador Carrington, “Yar adua was a patriot who loved his country and laiddown his life for the good of his people and country”


To General OlusegunObasanjo, “Yar adua was a master strategist of high standards with few words.When he told me he wanted to form a political party I knew something big andgood wanted to happen to the country”.




Like a General thathe was, the late YarAdua commanded a strong following such, that even in death,he is still being celebrated. This contrasts sharply with our experience inrecent history where the memories of some of our leaders are fast beingconsigned to the dustbin.


But political observers are quick to point at his leadership qualities. Thisquintessential politician, strategist and manger of men and resources founded apolitical group-the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM). He brought his carefulplanning, organisational skill and adroitness to bear on the group such that inno time, the PDM become a force to be reckoned with politically.


It was, therefore, not much of a surprise to many that in the run up tothe 1992 transition programme of the Ibrahim Babangida regime, the Tafida wascoasting home to victory in the Social Democratic Party (SDP) primaries beforethe process was truncated. He, alongside other presidential aspirants, wasbanned from participating in the election.

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Even at that, his PDMstructure was instrumental to the emergence of the late Chief M.K.O Abiola asthe flagbearer of the SDP. The late Abiola went on to contest the June 12, 1993presidential election and was presumed to be coasting home to victory until theelection was annulled by Gen. Ibrahim Babangida.


By then, theinfluence of the PDM had become very visible for any student of the politicsand power not to note.


But even at that, hispolitical structure-the PDM was reputed to have provided the platform uponwhich former president Olusegun Obasanjo rode to power in 1999. Indeed, most ofthe leading members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at inception wereleading members of the PDM.


Political pundits arequick to point to this as the reason behind the prominent roles some PDMmembers played in the first term of the Obasanjo presidency. For instance, theformer Vice President Atiku Abubakar emerged from the group. There were othermembers of the PDM who held strategic positions.


Though, it has been manyyears of his demise, many of his lieutenants still bestride the politicalspace, pulling their own weight too. From North to South, East to West.


Some of them include the former Minister of Works, Chief Tony Anenih, formerLagos State Governor, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, former Presidential Adviser on WomenAffairs, Chief (Mrs) Titi Ajanaku and former Chairman, Federal AirportAuthority of Nigeria (FAAN).


Others are the former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Amb.Babagana Kingibe, former Minister of Special Duties, chief Yomi Edu and formerMinister of State for foreign Affairs, Chief Duben Onyia, just to mention afew.





The PDM a national“consciousness movement”, pioneered by Late General Shehu Musa Yar’adua for thepromotion of core ideals of democracy; sustenance of and support for peacefulco-existence among the diverse groups in the country; bridge building among thediverse segments of the country; promotion of good governance and sustainabledevelopment of Nigeria though for some time now, it seems that PDM has lost itspotency in the political affairs particularly after the first tenure of GeneralObasanjo Presidency. But on 29th August, 2012 at the Shehu Yar’AduaCentre, Central Business District, Abuja a rejuvenation Meeting of the PDM washeld.


The purpose of themeeting according to the communiqué issued at the end of the meeting dulysigned by Chief Engr, Godie Ikechi the Secretary of the new Group was to providea forum for the reunion of old members of the Movement and also bring on-boardnew members. Delegates from all the 36 States of the Federation and FCT were inattendance. Also present at the meeting were key leaders of the Movement, amongwho were, Chief Tony Anenih, Alhaji Lawal Kaita, and Ambassador Yahaya Kwande.


The National SteeringCommittee, the organizers of the meeting was led by Hon. (Chief) Bode Ajewole,Engr. Godie Ikechi, Sen. Abubakar Mahdi, Murtala Shehu Yar’adua, Dr. Etim Amba,Alhaji A. A. Matawallen Hadeija, Chief Ejiofor Onyia, Hon. Dubem Onyia, DameTiti Ajanoku, Alhaji Bashiru Yusuf Ibrahim, Prince Tonye Princewill and OtumbaOlupounle Ebo.


During this meeting,Goodwill messages were presented by eminent members of the Movement from allthe Geo-political zones. Representatives of Women and Youths also deliveredgoodwill messages at the meeting. Contributions from the floor were alsoreceived on the way to strengthen the Movement. Tributes were paid to the LateShehu Musa Yar’adua, the founder of the movement, for the supreme sacrifice hemade in furtherance of unity and democracy in Nigeria as well as to otherdeparted leaders of the movement.


The meeting was givena tour of the uncompleted bridge which adorns the lawn of Yar’adua Centre as atestimony to the work that must be done to complete the hanging bridge byreuniting Nigeria and bringing democracy and good governance back to thecountry.


The Movementpresented a road map for its immediate future activities, among which is a proposedNational Summit on “The State of the Nation” scheduled to hold in the lastquarter of 2012.


The Movement resolvedto rekindle among its members the spirit of national unity, promotion of peaceand good governance.


One unique feature ofthe new PDM that was so prominent is that it is the new PDM is being anchoredon the vibrancy and resourcefulness of younger Turks within the group toenhance the movement’s reinvigoration, complete re-engineering and to make themovement more acceptable to Nigerians. Notable names said to be the brainsbehind the re-structuring and re-positioning of PDM are Abia State born masterstrategist, tactician and seasoned administrator of great repute, Chief EngrGoddie Ikechi who is the protem secretary, Chief Dubem Onyia, one time ForeignAffairs Minister of State and a PDP chieftain from Enugu State, Alhaji MurtalaYar’Adua, first son of the late Shehu Musa Yar’Adua and PDM founder, Mrs ZainabBoni Haruna, former first Lady of Adamawa State, Alhaji Bashir Yusuf, a very salientand lethal political operator and of course the very amiable and charismatic,young politician from Rivers State, Prince Tonye Princewill, fondly called thePrince of Niger Delta Politics.


The new PDM ischaired by Chief Bode whose main weapon and armoury is his infectious humilityand readiness to listen attentively and allow a level playing ground for everyparticipant. Alhaji Inuwa Baba, former Chief Protocol Officer under PresidentOlusegun Obasanjo and late Shehu Musa Yar’Adua administrator is also said to bevery involved in the process of restoring the PDM to its former enviablestatus.


This meeting is seenas the most vibrant effort to revive the one time political machine thatdetermines who governs at the centre and the pivotal group that initiated theformation of PDP. It added that the meeting was given the task of re-unitingNigeria and bringing democracy and good governance back to the country.


The Movement,according to the communiqué, presented a road map for its immediate futureactivities, among which is a proposed National Summit on “The State of theNation” scheduled to hold in the last quarter of 2012.


The Movement resolvedto rekindle, among its members, the spirit of national unity, promotion ofpeace and good governance.




To Atiku Abubakarformer Vice President of Nigeria, Shehu Yar’Adua was a Great Leader and thebest political leader and thinker in post-independence Nigeria. “I am a goodstudent of the late leader and that my on-going political activism wasconsistent with what Shehu taught me as he would have done the same things thatI am doing. He hated injustice with passion and would have gone to court onthese elections”.


The fact remains thatAtiku ABUBAKAR in absence of the founder of the group is seen as the arrow headof the group having studied and acted as the Deputy of General Shehu Yar’Aduawhile alive but a lot insinuation is being read into his absence during thismeeting. According to report by Chuks Okocha of ThisDay Newspapers, “Atiku wasreportedly absent from the meeting as it was learnt that although theinvitation to attend the meeting was extended to Atiku, who was said to be intown on that day, he chose to stay away. It was gathered that Atiku is nothappy over the role members of the PDM played in 2011 during the PDPpresidential primary where the late Yar’Adua’s political associates supportedPresident Goodluck Jonathan against him. The former chairman of the group,Alhaji Farouk Abdulazzi, led the PDM members to support Jonathan’s presidentialbid in 2011.


In the meeting; Alh. Lawal Kaita one time Governor of theold Kaduna State a famous and influential member of the group told members thatAtiku could not make it to the meeting due to cold and apologised for hisabsence while pledging his unalloyed commitment to the group and supporting theview of this elder statesman, Mallam Shehu Garba the Spokesperson for AtikuAbubakar, confirmed to Daily Sun that his boss was aware of the move to revivethe group and endorsed the parley. “He wasn’t present there, but he was awareof their meeting and he encouraged them. As you are awarewithout the PDM, there wouldn’t have been PDP. So, they want to re-invigoratethe platform.”  But he denied that it had anything to do with Atiku’spresidential ambition. It has nothing to do with his political ambition. PDM isa platform within PDP. My understanding is that they are just trying to resuscitateit to be relevant in PDP”.


Supporting thisview, the PDP National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh in his defence of Chief Anenih’s presence at the PDM’smeeting, quoted Anenih as saying that he was there to re-emphasise the onenessof the PDP as a political party. “I have it on good authority that he toldthem that we don’t have division within the party.” He said the PDP would, thisweek, re-emphasise to its members the need to steer clear of politics of 2015at this time in line with the position of the National Executive Committee(NEC) of the party.




Was this type of democracy as painted above that General Shehu Yar’Aduadied for, of course no; this may be why the revival and rejuvenation of PDMat this time becomes imperative as being the major stakeholder in PDP, the onuslays on them to breathe life back to the party and make it more acceptable toNigeria and Nigerians.


According to Hon.(Chief)Bode Ajewole Chairman National Steering Committee exposed the new mission ofPDM while presenting his speech stated and I quote, “the uncompleted bridgeoutside this building tells the story and we are all part of that story. it isnow our obligation to endeavour to complete the bridge of Nigerian unityfinally, let me emphasize here that the Yaradua political family, by traditioncan neither be used to antagonize a duly elected seating government, nor becomea platform for unguarded and non- constructive criticisms. It is our duty tosupport, encourage good governance, genuine efforts towards the entrenchment ofenduring democracy, transparency, corruption- free  and egalitarian society. In the same vein,since PDM is one of the major founding stakeholders of PD, we are all obligedto continue to give maximum support to PDP as our party and its government bothat the federal and state levels.


This notwithstanding,we would not hesitate at all times, to express our displeasure and disapprovalof any government policy and  programme,which in our considered opinion, are not in the best interest of all Nigerians.Above all, we shall promote ideals and policies that will engender nationalunity and at all times truly demonstrate our commitment to our belief and mottoof one indivisible Nigeria as a united entity.


Let me conclude this treatise by quoting a great mind, President BillClinton while nominating President Obama as the next President of America on 6thSeptember, 2012, “ To succeed as a leader, the story of your life andservice records, your values and beliefs, your conviction and desperation forchange must count and drive you beyond puerile partisanship. “And hebelieves that when you work hard and done well and walk through that doorway ofopportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. No, you reach back and yougive other folks the same chances that help you succeed.” A word is enough forthe wise!

Eze Chukwuemeka Eze is a Media Consultant based in Port Harcourt

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