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Ike Ojukwu on Odumegwu-Ojukwu dynasty and crisis



Ike Ojukwu an obstetrician and  gynaecologist, and eldest son of Professor Joseph Ojukwu, the late Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu’s brother speaks with Bala Dan Abu, GM editorial, Maureen Chigbo, general editor, Chris Ajaero, deputy general  editor, Anthony Akaeze, assistant editor, Dike Onwuamaeze, principal staff writer, and Sebastine Obasi, senior staff writer, on a wide range  of issues concerning the Odumegwu-Ojukwu dynasty and the crisis therein. Excerpts:


Newswatch: What’s your reaction to the  story that was recently published in Newswatch?


Ike: I just want to clarify some  points that were made there. The family has felt that private family issues  should be kept private. But this is almost like a culmination in a series of, I  won’t call it misinformation, but news that needed clarification. And so I  thought I would avail you of my own perspective. I do have full authority of my  family. I am a senior member of the family although fortunately, you have  elderly people in the family. My father is in his late 80s. My uncles are in  their 80s. So, I, in my early 50s, may feel like a small boy but I know that I’m  a senior member of the family and I speak with the full authority of the family.  And so, the purpose is to clarify certain points, that if not clarified, will  keep being repeated and some people may get to believe them. Your main story  says: “War in Ojukwu’s family.” I know that if you say “there’s peace in  Ojukwu’s family” it would have been better. My grandfather died in 1966. I had  travelled to Nkalagu with him that same year. The second time he went,  unfortunately he had a heart attack and died. We lived in Lagos, Lugard Road,  while he lived on Hawksworth. I was schooling at St Saviours and later in Corona  and almost every other day, we were at his place. So, even as a very young  child, I could give you a little insight into his life and, living with my  father and mother throughout that time, I can show you some of the gaps and  clarify a lot of the facts.


Newswatch: So, what aspect of the story  do you want to react to?


Ike: First, the description that  there’s war in the family…


Newswatch: Are the family members not  quarrelling?


Ike: No, not at all. I lived in  Biafra as a young boy during the war and I still know what the air raids and the  anti aircraft were like. So it’s not war. Number two, when you say war in  Ojukwu’s family, it has to be established that the people at war are members of  the family, first of all. Secondly, there are certain things that are said  there, that are totally inaccurate, like when somebody tells you that this  particular house belongs to an individual. I have a gazette from the federal  government releasing the property that clearly states it belongs to Ojukwu  Transport Company. So, there are so many factually wrong information. There’s a  question I saw in the interview where you said “is it true that your father  tried to corner the property for himself” and the individual said, no, that it  belongs to him. Not one of these properties belong to Emeka Ojukwu, my uncle.  They belong to the company, Ojukwu Transport Company and the gazettes prove this  and even he acknowledged that. Second, if I tell you that my grandfather had  five wives, and I tell you their names and show you their pictures — of the ones  I have, then it’s very clear. Then if I go on to tell you that my uncle said, on  a certain date, and on another time… that he called a family meeting and said,  if anything happens to me, this is my first son. And I mean senior members of  the family. So that, if somebody grants you an interview and tells you he’s the  first son, and you go along with it, it doesn’t do the man honour. Now, the idea  is that certain things are private and, in Igbo custom, it’s not everything you  come out to refute because you fall into two traps. One, if it’s somebody that’s  worth ignoring, you elevate the person’s importance. Secondly, like they say, it  may be a case of dirty linen being laundered in public. But these things need  clarification. If somebody tells you that 13 Hawksworth belongs to Ike Ojukwu,  then I will tell you no, it belongs to Ojukwu Transport Company. If somebody  tells you that Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu is the only son, or the only natural  son of his father, then I will tell you that in Igboland, the only way you can  be somebody’s son is either money was paid on your mother’s head, or you had  called your Umunna (family kindred) and tell them that oh, when I was  posted to Okitipupa, this is the son I had o, he has come back. That’s the only  way. If you carry a DNA lab and you look exactly like the person and the person  has never said that you are my son, in Nnewi, you are not the person’s  son.


Newswatch: The house at Queens Drive,  Villaska Lodge, does it belong to Emeka Ojukwu?


Ike: It’s a family thing. Everything  belongs to the family. There’s a gazette from the federal government that shows  this, and you should be able to check this. When Lagos State government had an  issue with General Ojukwu and he went on hunger strike when Lagos State wanted  to eject him, the only way we got it back was that my father and engineer  Emmanuel Ojukwu, phoned Rotimi Williams’ and Akintola Williams, family friends,  to say that it belongs to our family. It belongs to Ojukwu Transport Company  owned by the family. But when you asked a question and somebody says no, “he  didn’t corner anything, first of all, he’s the owner of the property…” that  takes me to the next point, and it’s important you have it there. My father is  Professor Joseph Okwuabudike Ojukwu. He was born here in Nigeria. I don’t  remember his primary school, but I know he went to King’s College. He not only  went to King’s College, he went to Cambridge, my grandfather paid his school  fees. This company we are talking about, he’s been a director since 1952. I have  here the statement of accounts of the company in 1963 signed by him and my  grandfather, Sir Odumegwu Ojukwu and the accountant, Akintola Williams, who’s  still alive and is a very good friend of the family. He’s the head of the  family, he’s the eldest son, and the compound in the village is his. I have five  or six letters where the Ikemba himself said, you are the senior brother.  So, it’s very clear. Now I don’t know anywhere in Nigeria where somebody will  send you to Kings College in the 30s, send you to Cambridge in the late 30s, and  you’ve been a director of his company for 60 years, and you are the only son  that’s an executor of his Will (the other executors are Akintola Williams, my  late uncle, Chief Okonkwo, he’s late now, honourable Justice Aina… he’s the only  remaining sole executor of the state as at today)… The individual you  interviewed, I don’t know anybody in the world that can come out and say that my  uncle, the Ikemba, has ever accepted him as his child, not to talk of  being the first. If you can produce one person… and I can give you my relatives  contacts in Lagos.


Newswatch: Are you saying you don’t  accept him as Ojukwu’s son?


Ike: There is nobody that will come  and tell you that my uncle, Ikemba, has ever described the individual you  interviewed as his child, not to talk of first, not one. That’s one. Two, I will  go further…


Newswatch: Are you referring to  Debe?


Ike : Sylvester Ude. That’s what I  describe him as. Sylvester Ude … I’m telling you …Now, I am not Ikemba.  My uncle was an ADO, Assistant District Officer, but there are certain things we  read and we’ve been ignoring. But if you live in Nigeria and you are a  journalist and somebody tells you that the Ikemba was A.D.O- and he was — in Udi in 1956 but he was too busy to run a family. You had a 23-year-old A.D.O  in those days, and I wasn’t born then; an A.D.O in those days was almost like a  governor. To say that a 23 year old man… we had 17-year-old men that got  married… my uncle, the Ikemba, when the gentleman in question took a  title in Nnewi around 2003, called his Umunna and told them, if anything  happens to me, Diokpalam, my first son is, Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu jnr, and  sent for him outside. He came and he introduced him to them. That’s a fact. When  the burial thing came up and you had all these… the family decided to just  ignore things. Nobody is a fool. If they tell you, somebody says he’s in control  of the family, he’s the first son, he’s the natural son, and on the day the  person’s father is buried, he’s not allowed into the compound and you are a 57- year-old lawyer, and they tell you the person wasn’t allowed into the compound  because of blackmail or court case, does that sound credible to you? Is that  possible? The reason is simple. And then I will go into how he came to be  managing the property. It is true that when he came out of the police, my uncle,  Emmanuel, the engineer, who is a director up till now, decided to help him and  felt that with his experience in the police, he will probably be able to help in  retrieving some of the property and they had a management agreement which is in  court, a management agreement from 1995 and was to last for 12 years, to manage  a list of properties belonging to the family, collect the rents, manage the  property and so on and keep 30 percent of the proceeds. The individual, in 12  years, which expired five years ago in 2007, in 17 years has not rendered kobo  to the family. Now, everybody is taking it easy because it is a family thing,  otherwise, it’s a very straightforward thing. If you brought somebody to manage  your property and say take 30 percent… the normal rate is 5 or 10 percent for  most real estate agents, but after 12 years, he turns around and says the family  owes him 1.8 billion Naira, I don’t know what you call that. So, if you want to  be polite, you can be polite. If you meet someone and say, were your parents  married? Show me evidence… I will show you my own parent’s picture and tell you  the time they were married. And if somebody tells you that A.D.O at 23 didn’t  have time to be bogged down, that’s why they were not married, you should call  it what it is. I do feel sympathy for the gentleman, and the family does feel  sympathy for him too. Otherwise, when the burial thing was going on, he wasn’t  involved. He formed his own committee, and each time I talked with the older  members of the family, they said, no, no, why waste your time. People that know,  know. I have mentioned my grandfather’s accountant, Akintola Williams, he is  still alive, fortunately, and Rotimi Williams was also one of his lawyers. You  heard, in the interview, my grandfather, my grandfather… I used to go to Eastern  house, at Hawksworth, which is what it was called, every Sunday, to send him  fruits, my grand father. The individual, probably, had never met my  grandfather.


Newswatch: If you say that he is not  Ojukwu’s son…


Ike: I did not say that… I never said  that.


Newswatch: Okay, he did not recognise him as  his……


Ike: I have given you enough to do  your work.


Newswatch: Okay, how come your uncles  handed over the family property to him to manage?


Ike: Oh, people make mistakes. You  could have a company with your brother and you feel one is domineering or  something like that and you say well, what’s the best thing to do; and you put  in somebody that claims to be his son and he won’t be able to take it from him,  given also his background as an ex-policeman. That somebody that gave you that  interview…sounds so big, looks so big, and on the day your father is buried, you  are not allowed into the compound and Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu (Jnr.) was the one  that welcomed Jonathan, you think that’s an accident?


Newswatch: He explained it during the  interview that he wasn’t there because his uncles said that because of the court  case, he would not be allowed into the compound unless he withdrew it, implying  that there is a pending court case between him and his uncles.


Ike: The management agreement is not  made up; if you go to the court, you will get it.


Newswatch: What was the relationship  between your father and the late Emeka Ojukwu?


Ike: The relationship is that they  were brothers, I believe my father is almost 10 years older than him. They were  in school together. They are of different mothers. My grandfather had five  wives- first one is Ogbenyealumalize, who later on remarried. Second one is  Madam Jenny Ojukwu from the Nwosu family, fondly called Mama Lota. Third one is  Ifeoma, I believe, from Nwosu family. The fourth one, I believe, is Ijeoma and  the fifth one is lady Virginia Ojukwu.


Newswatch: Which one is your  grandmother?


Ike: My grandmother is  Ogbenyealumalize from Ukpor.


Newswatch: How friendly was your father  with his brother, Emeka?


Ike: They were very friendly,  especially towards the end. Their lives are very different. My father is a  consultant surgeon for many years and he is devoted — over devoted. He is over  86 years now, you have to seize his car for him not to go to work, even though  he is retired. So, their lives were very different. He went to Cambridge  University. His father was very proud of him that he was a doctor, as he was of  the Ikemba. But they are very different people. Ikemba is Ikemba. He was a great man, a military man; he was ADO, his life was very  different. My father had one wife, throughtout. My mother is late, a wonderful  woman. So, they are very different. Towards the end, they attended meetings  together. They did attend meetings together and many of the meetings were held  in Ikemba’s place in Enugu.


Newswatch: What efforts were made by your  family to recover the properties of your grandfather from the government while  Ikemba was in exile?


Ike: Enormous effort. They finally  released the property, I don’t remember when, but it was way after the war. It  was very difficult, they wrote numerous letters and I have some of the letters,  they wrote to FCO Coker who was the chairman of abandoned properties. Akintola  Williams also helped a lot.


Newswatch: But were they able to recover  any of those properties while Ikemba was in exile?


Ike: No


Newswatch: Why?


Ike: Because the seizing of the  property… it was the company’s in the first place, it was not an individual’s.  It was one person they wanted to punish, and that was why my uncle, Emmanuel,  and my father, who were directors of the company, made numerous efforts.


Newswatch: So, how come those properties  were recovered by Ikemba?


Ike: They were not recovered by Ikemba. I have the letters to the Lagos State government. It was held by  Lagos State government, seized by Lagos State Government. It was the Abandoned  Properties Commission chaired by FCO Coker. My father and uncle came down from  Enugu many times. The holding of those properties, you know, was obviously  political. When you say, how come he got them released, they were seized because  of him. If a member of your family, because of the position he has taken, they  seize your family compound, and they want that person to make a deal with them,  and that person comes back from exile after some years, and they say, well, we  pardon you and release them, are you going to say the family was lazy all these  while? They seized the properties because of one person. I can name other Igbo  people that had their properties seized and Rotimi Williams appeared for them,  that had their property released earlier. This Queens Drive was part of it  because when they evicted Ojukwu, they had to say it belongs to him, and the  directors said it belongs to the company, and that became the test case, with  which they released the rest. Now, you can say he had agreement with the then  government, but it’s very clear, it belongs to the company. So, if somebody says  he released it, all well and good. I will tell you this and give him enormous  credit. One of the reasons why I admire my uncle, Ikemba, is that, if  something is his, you can trust that he will fight for it. This was something  that my grandfather laboured for, and if he fought and was able to get that from  the government, that’s all credit to him.


Newswatch: How do you react to the  allegation that, although those properties in Lagos and Port Harcourt were  seized by the government, the ones in Onitsha and Enugu, your father allegedly  put them up for sale, but people declined to buy the properties?


Ike: There is no property in Enugu.  And do you have anything to show that he put it up for sale? I will show you  evidence of a disclaimer on the person you interviewed, from the lawyer, telling  people to stay away and not to deal with him, five years ago from the lawyer.  You cannot sell something that belongs to the company; you can’t even attempt to  sell it. I will show you evidence stating the names of directors and warning  people that there is a running board and nobody should deal with anybody that  says he is coming to collect rent. The properties are there now. I visited them  last month. The guy managing the properties, Elodinmo, came to see my father  last Friday and gave him a report. They are there. If you think that the fact  that someone has been director since 1952, when his brother was probably 10 or  11 and is the only person mentioned in the Will… you think if that person  wanted to sell family property that it will be just to sell a few things in  Onitsha? Do you think so? You think that somebody who, as I am speaking to you,  is the chairman of the board and the only executor of the estate, you think if  that person wanted to sell the property in the 70s, he couldn’t have? The  allegation is absolute nonsense.


Newswatch: When did these court cases  begin between your uncle and your father or the larger Ojukwu family?


Ike: When you say court cases, there  is a court case on the Villaska Lodge when he was evicted by Lagos State  government and they wanted to involve my father as director and he had to be  involved and Ikemba won. He won because Rotimi Williams and Akintola  Williams advised on how to go about it and they eventually won and everybody was  happy. And then we went from there. Now, there are different cases, I mean  brothers have issues but when you say, Ojukwus at war, they are not of the same  mother. They are wide apart in age. Their lifestyles are very different. So, as  I sit here and talk to you, I have the facts, and then you have somebody who has  no idea… I have told you the important things that Ikemba said very  clearly, if you people look for me and don’t see me, my eldest son is Emeka  Odumegwu Ojukwu (Jnr), and he brought him and introduced him to the  family.


Newswatch: When was that?


Ike: That’s about 2003, and the family  meeting was Ezeubom family meeting.


Newswatch: Did your father ever go to  court over his father’s property with Emeka?


Ike: Of course, of course. Oh, there  are many cases.


Newswatch: Why and when did that  happen?


Ike: There was a time when Ikemba and Lotanna were not directors and wanted to be directors and held  a meeting and called themselves directors and my father took them to court and  in the Appeal court they removed them as directors.


Newswatch: Why were they  removed?


Ike: Because there was not proper  quorum. You can’t just force yourself on… yeah, and eventually they were made  directors.


Newswatch: In other words, there have  been disagreements?


Ike: Of course. My father would list  numerous Brazilian returnee families in Lagos that have been in court over the  years. It’s nothing compared to his own. It’s because my uncle is  prominent.


Newswatch: Do you know Professor Ukwu .I.  Ukwu and his wife?


Ike: Yes, I know them very well. The  wife, sister Comfort is my uncle’s cousin.


Newswatch: Was the wife teargassed at  Ikemba’s burial?


Ike: To answer your question on the  tear gas issue, there was a lot of confusion that day. You can never have  everything perfect. It was a wonderful funeral and the family is grateful for  the honour done the Ikemba. I seize this opportunity to thank so many  people. I saw some people from Nnewi that I knew and they said they couldn’t  come in because of the security. The security that day was totally  indiscriminate. Even my father coming back from the church was almost pushed  down. We apologise for that, but all in all, the security people were wonderful.  There was the issue of crowd control. You think it was the family that could  have done it? I greeted the lady you are talking about inside the compound the  night before. I was at the high table with the other people when they brought  that news that she was at the emergency room and then they released a car to go  there and make sure she was fine. So, if somebody told you that it’s the family  that tear- gassed her, where did they find teargas to spray her?


Newswatch: Was she taken to  hospital?


Ike: I don’t know the details.


Newswatch: Some people feel that the  tendency for the family to pander towards Emeka Ojukwu (Jnr) and to acknowledge  him as the first son and to always say that his father recognised him as the  first son is because he can be easily manipulated?


Ike: Don’t say, pander, no. If a man  calls a meeting of his people and tells them, “if you look for me and you don’t  see me, this is my first son,” it is not pandering. You could have members of  the family that can overshadow that person but you can’t do that with Ikemba. You come and you tell me that oh, I did my youth service in Port  Harcourt, that there are three people that resemble me there. If I go to  Kirikiri this afternoon, I can see three people that resemble you; does it mean  that they are your sons? So, when you say pandering to, be careful, it’s not  pandering to. I’ve given you two major reasons. I don’t know where, in Nigeria,  that a family company will give somebody a job to do and say take 30 percent for  12 years and the person hasn’t given… the contract ended in 2007 and the person  has refused to move. And you expect when there’s a funeral, you welcome the  person. There are times when you can accommodate people, but when you have  somebody saying oh, I’m the only natural or first son… I’ve told you enough and  I have enough evidence to debunk 80 percent of what you have in that interview.  But even as I say that most of the elder members couldn’t care less. They say  well, you people can write what you like, that the people that know, know. So,  when you say, pander to, the man said who his first son is. Why do you say it’s  pandering?


Newswatch: What I said is that the reason  your family acknowledges Emeka Ojukwu (Jnr) as first son is because he can be  easily manipulated, and that Debe cannot be manipulated?


Ike: Like what? Nobody fears anybody.  We don’t fear anybody if you know where we come from. No, no. Everybody is  responsible for his action. Don’t get something wrong. Let me tell you one  thing. Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, the younger one, until his father died, I had seen  him only once since the end of the civil war. That’s 42 years. That was when I  came to deliver a letter to his father in Villaska and he was there. Now, if you  are talking about manipulation, I don’t know. The individual you are talking  about, I think was born in 1964. That’s Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu (Jnr.). He was a  commissioner under Peter Obi. I don’t know what kind of manipulation… manipulate  him to do what? He’s not in control of any property, he’s not collecting  rent.


Newswatch: There was an allegation, for  instance, that he was manipulated into taking a title and declaring himself  Ikemba, a way of getting his stubborn brother out of the way. And that it was  the reason the government apparatus was used to deny Debe entry into the  compound on the day of his father’s burial?


Ike: The manipulation, is it to give  you rent or give you title? Secondly, the title, was awarded by who? Nawfia.  Who’s from Nawfia? His mother. So, will we go from Nnewi to Nawfia? I have no  control over Emeka Jnr.


Newswatch: With all these family politics  going on…


Ike: That you have in most  families…


Newswatch: Do you consider the fact that  Ojukwu’s birth has something similar with Debe’s…?


Ike: (Laughs) You want me, even though  I told you I worked in the media before, to fall into that trap? No, no, how do  you say…how do you say that… I don’t know what your question is, I really don’t  know the connection…


Newswatch: When the Ikemba died, who went  to the Igwe in council to inform him about his death?


Ike: That morning, I was the one who  informed my father. I was in Atlanta then but I knew. I was on the phone with  his daughter the night before. They arranged and they had sent a message to my  uncle in the village, Barrister Ude Ojukwu. The man is in Nnewi and you can  confirm this from him. I name names. He’s in his 70s; he’s a lawyer. He was the  one mandated to go and inform the Igwe. Let me tell you one aspect of Nnewi custom. When your father dies, it’s not you as a son that informs  the Igwe. No. Go to Nnewi and ask.


Newswatch: I asked that question because  days after the Ikemba died, the Igwe said that nobody had informed the council  until the son…?


Ike: There’s a way you do things.  Different parts of Igboland have slightly different perceptions. I don’t want to  start telling you and somebody will go and say that Ike Ojukwu said the Igwe lied. Somebody may say I have not been officially informed, and that  may mean there’s a particular person… you don’t send anybody, and there are  particular things you may have to take because he’s a big chief not only the Ikemba of Nnewi, and so when somebody tells you, I haven’t been informed,  that doesn’t mean they didn’t tell him, but you have to do it in a particular  way.


Newswatch: During the interview with  Debe, he said that his uncles went to Abuja with the aim of removing his  father’s name from the list of board of directors of Ojukwu Transport Company.  Is that true?


Ike: I am not aware of that but I will  tell you that anybody that says that only displays a reasonable level of  ignorance because you normally would need a board resolution and then the  secretary of the company would submit that to the Corporate Affairs Commission  in Abuja to change anything. So, I am not aware and I am not aware it’s  possible.


Newswatch: So what effort are you making  toward peace?


Ike: There is peace. I will ask my  father to list you the names of big Yoruba families that had cases in court  until all their monies finished.


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